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<br /> � 1'(Hili'1'Nl:{t WI'fH ull thcimpr��vcu�cnts now on c�rcitftcr ctcctcd on ihc pro{xrty,i+nd nll cuti�:mcnt,, nppuurnunccy, iwd
<br /> },.,� � lixturey nuw ��n c�rc��ltcr n part o( thc ��rup�ny. All rcpluccments ana ud�li�iony shnll �dyu hc cuvcrcd hy thi, Sccurity
<br /> In+trumcnt. All af'�hr furcgofng is rcfcrrcd tu in thih 5ccurity Inxtrumcnt nti thc "Pru}xnY•"
<br />_� 13UltRQ�VGli CQVENANTS Ilmt Nnrn�wcr i� lawf'ully scinul nf'd�c�titutc hcrchy ronvcycd and lia�the rii,ht 1��grmtt nnd �
<br />. cunvcy the Prnpeny and thut the Propeny iti unencumbered, except tiir cncuuibrunces of record. Hurruwcr�vurrun�+ and wi��
<br />--:� defenJ generidly the tiNe to thc Pri�{x��ty agninst ull claims und demunds,subject ta i►ny encumhrunces of rccurd.
<br /> 'fHIS SBCURITY INSTRUMkNT combines uniform cuvenants f��r nutional use und non-unif��rm covenunts with limited
<br /> "�� vuriluions by jurisdlction to consiitute u unifarm security in�trument coverir+g reul property.
<br /> ,�,�� UNIFORM CQVENANTS.Barmwcr and I.cndcr covennnt and ugr�c uti follaws;
<br />_ . 1. Pnyment af Principal wnd Interest= Prepayment and Late Charges. Horrowcr shall promptly pay whcn duc the
<br />��-`.:.: principal of und interest on the debt evidertced by the Nate und any prepuyment and late charges due under ehe Note.
<br />:-:•±�` 2. 1�1und5 for Tnxes and lnsurance. Subject to applicuble law ar to n written wuiver by Lender,Borrower shall pay to
<br /> �� Lender on thc day monthly payments:ue due under the Note,until the Note is paid in fuU,a sum("Funds") for: (a)yearly taxes
<br />:'as
<br /> und ussessments�vhirh nwly attain priarity over this Security Instrument as a licn on the Property:(b)yearl y leasehold payments
<br />',="°� or grour►d rents on the Property,iF uny:(c)yearly hazard or propercy insurance premiums;(d)yearly tlaod insurance premiums,
<br />=��•� if any:(e)yearly mortgage insurance premiums, if any; and(tl any sums payable by Borrower to L.ender, in accordance with
<br /> cn�..a:
<br />,�.�^� the p�bvisions of parngraph 8,in iieu uf the payment of mortgage insurence premium�. Thcse items are called "�.SCrow Items.
<br /> �� Lender may, at any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the ma�cimum amount n lender for a federally
<br />�rr� related monguge loan may reqaire for Borcower's escrow account under the federal Real EstAte Settlement Pracedures :1ct of �
<br />-='=;;�� 1974 as amcnded from time to tinne, 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 er seq. ('RESPA'), unless another law that applies to the �Funds
<br />=�_��� sets a Iesser umount. If so, I.ender muy, at any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the lesser amount.
<br /> -- Lender may estimate the amount of Funds due on the basis of current datu und reasonable estimatcs of exnendimres af future
<br />-�,� Escrow Items or otherwise in acordance with Applicable law.
<br /> The Funds shall be held in an institution whose deposits are insured by a federal agency, instrumentulity, or entiry
<br /> �-- (includins i.ender,if l.endcr issuch am institution)ar in any Federal Home l.oan Bank. LencJer shall apply the Funds to pay the _
<br /> �'""'� Escrow Items. Lencle•r mn}�not chnrge Borrower for holding and applying the �unds,annaally analyzin�the c:scrotiv accaunt,or
<br /> --- verifying the Escrow Yterna, unless J.endar puys Barrower interest un the Funds anri applicabl�law permiu I.ender to make such
<br /> ° a churge. Iiowevcr, L.C„Jei .��ay -��;;z Sarro�er sa ps;a 4ne-rt���he��e for nn indeper�tlrnt real estate tax reporci�g sen•ice
<br /> --- used by Lender in connectian with this loan, unless applicable luw provtdes otherwise. Unless an agreement rs mAde or
<br /> npplicuble law requires interest to be paid, Lendcr shull not be rcquired to puy Borrower any interest or earnings on ahe Fu�tls.
<br /> _— Borrower und Lender may a�rce in writtng,howcver, that interest shull be paid on the Funds. Lender shall stvo to Borrowcr,
<br /> without charge, an am�ual accounting of the Funds,showing credits nnd debits t�the Funds und the pucpose for which euch
<br /> — debit to the Funds was madc.11ie Funds are pledged as additional security for all sums secured by this Security Inetrument.
<br /> -- if the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts permitted to bc held by upplicable law.L.ender shall accuunt to Bonower
<br />- ---— tor the excess FuuJa in accordance with the requtrements of nppUr�ble Inw. If the umaunt of the Funds held by i.ender nt uny
<br /> time is not suffictent to pay the Escraw Items when due,Lender niay ro notify Borrower in writing,und,in such case Borrower
<br /> - - shall pay to L,ender the amount naessary to make up thc deficicncy. aonower�hall make up the deficiency in no more than
<br /> twelvc monthly payments,at I.ender's sole di�crction.
<br /> Upon payment in tull of aU sums secured by this Security Instrument. Lender shall pramptly rcfund to Borrower any
<br /> Funds held by Lender.If,under paragruph 21.Lender shall acquire or scll the Pmperty.Lender,prior to the acquisition or sale
<br /> of the Property.shall upply uny Funds held by Lender at the time of acqufsition or sale 1s a credit agninst the sums secured by
<br /> ' this Securiry Instrument.
<br /> 3.Applicatton of 1'ayrnmts.Unless upplicable law proviJes otherwise, all paymen�s received by l.ender under paragraphs
<br /> t and 2 shall be upplied:first,to uny prepayment charges due under the Note;second,to nmounts payable under paragraph 2;
<br />- -- �— third,to interest due; fourth,to principal due;and last,to�ny late charges due under the Note.
<br /> 4. Charges;Llens.Borrower shall pay all taxes,ussessments,charges, fines and impositions attributablc to the Property
<br /> which may attuin priority over this Security Instrument, and leasehold payments or ground rents, if any. Borrower shall pay
<br /> these obligations in the manner provided in parngraph 2,or if not paid in that manner, Borrower shall pay them on time directly
<br /> to the person owed paymcnt.Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender All notices of amounts to be paid under this paragraph.
<br /> [f Borrower makes these payments directly.Bormwer shall promptly fumish to I.ender receipts evidencing the payments.
<br /> Borrower shall promptlydischurge any lien which hus priority over this Security Instntment unless Borrower: (a)t►g�ees in
<br /> ___– writing ro the payment of theobligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to L.ender: (b)contats in gaud faith the lten
<br />��-� by. or defends against enforcernent of the lien in, Iegal proceedings which in the L.ender's opinion operate to prevent tlie
<br /> �� r enforcement of the Ilen:or (c)secures fram the holder of the lien an ngrcement satisfuctory to Lender subordinnting the lien to
<br /> s�,�� this Security Instrument. [f Lender determines tbat any part of the Property is subject to a lien which may attain priority over
<br />: ;;�;:i� this Security Instrument,Ixnder may give Bonower a notice identifying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or
<br /> "`"` �' more of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice.
<br />_Jr'.':�°�;;.
<br /> Form 3028 8/80
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