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<br /> '-:t�,•%c;:� principal amount at the indebtadneas eecurod by thie Deed of Trust,not inctuding auma edvanced lo protect the sea�riiy of thls Deed oi
<br /> � '^ Tn,at,exceed lhe original princiAal amount stated herein,or S ,whkheve�la preater.
<br /> � . '`. 18.Mi�c�ll�n�ous Provl�loe�.
<br /> ._ •, (a)Borroywr No!R�Naad.Factsnslon oi the time tor peymant a modi(I�atbn of anwrtizatlon of the surns secured by thia
<br /> �' Oeed of Tn�st granted by Lender to any successor In Interest oi Borrower shall not operate to release,In eny manner,the Ilabili-
<br /> � ty of the original Borrower and Bonowera auccesaora fn Interost. Lender shall r�ot be requlred to commence prooeedlnps
<br /> �• �� � agalnat such aucoeasor or rotuse to extend Ume for payment ar otharwiae modify amorflzatlon oi the sums a�cured by thia
<br /> .. „ � . Deed of Trust by reason of any demanda made by the originel Borrower and Borrowera successors tn interes�
<br /> -�,y,,•:'+ �4 (b)tand�r's Pow�rs.Without affecting the IIaWIUy oi any other person liable for the payment ot arty obligatlon herein men-
<br /> • x, tloned,and without aKecting the Ilen or charge of this Deed of Trust upon any portlon ot the Property not then or theretofore
<br /> � , .; robaaed es security for the tull amount oi a�l unpaid obligatlons,Lendar may,from dme to time end wtthout notke(f)rebaae �
<br /> ••�:�� � any pe�son ao Iiable,(ii)extend the maturity or after any ot the terms of any auch obllgatbns,(III)g�ant other Indulge�ces,(hr)
<br /> ��. . releaae or reconvey,or cause ta be released or reconveyed at any tlme et Lenders option any percel,porlion a ail oi the
<br /> _ Property,(v)teke or reieaae eny other or additional secudty for any obligatbn herein menUoned,or(vi)make compositbns or
<br /> other arra�gaments with debtas In reiation thereto.
<br /> _ .�" (c)ForMarnnw by L�nd�r Not�Wsiwr.My forbearence by Lender fn exerdsk� any rtght or remedy hereunder,or oth-
<br /> " . �. erwlse aKorded by app8coble law,shall not be a watver of or preGude the exerdse of any such dght or remedy.The procure-
<br /> . , ment oi insurance or the peyment of texes or othar Iiens or charges by Lender shall not be a waiver or Lenders dght to acceler-
<br /> '.. .-�.-:: ate the maWrity ot the k�debtedness aecured by this Dead of Truat
<br /> � (d)3uCC�stas�nd Assipns Bound;Jotnt�nd S�v�ral Llabilily;Captlont.The covenanffi and agreements harein corF-
<br /> �, talned shall bind, and the rights hereunder shaii inure to, the respective successars and assigns ot Lender and Trusto�.All
<br /> --. ,; ;•` covenanb and agreements of Trustor shali be Jaint and several.The captbns and headings of the paragraphs ot this Oeed oi
<br /> _ ...�..'S•.; 1'�ust are for convenience only and are not to be used to Interpret or deflne the provIsbns hereoi.
<br /> =�� :+c��;:' (e)R�qwst to►Notic�s.The parties hereby request that a copy of eny notke ot default hereunderand a aopy of any nol�e
<br /> -`'a'':,"'"` of sele hc+reunder be mailed to�ach
<br /> party to this Deed of Trust at the address set forth above in!he menner prescribed by
<br /> � ^ appltcable law.Except far any ather naUce required under applksabte tew to be given in enolher manner,any ndt�e provlded tor
<br /> � .�* ;�;�.• tn this Deed of Trust shall be piven by mailing such noUce by certlfted mail eddressed to the other partlea, at the address set
<br /> :'.�'.�, '' forth above.My notice provided for i�thla Deed oi Trust shell be effective upon mauing(n the manner desigrk Eed henein.It
<br /> '' Trus4a Is more than on�person,noUce sent to the addross set forth above shall bQ noNce to all such persons.
<br /> 4�_�,;;,;� (�Insp�ction.Lender may make or ceuse to be made roasonabb entries upon end IrspecUons of the PropeAy,provided
<br />_ •��d• ` that Lender shali glve Trustor noUce p►ior to any such inspection s
<br /> l` , pecNying reasonable cause therefor related to Lenders inter-
<br />->;�µ.4'�.. est in the Property.
<br /> i•;9;,1;�, (g)R�conwyanc�.Upon payment of all sums secured by this Deed of Trust,Lender shali request Trustee to reoonvey the
<br /> ';��� Prope A y an d s ha t l surren dar t h is Deed of Tnrst and All notes eMidencing indettedness secured by this Oeed of Trust to
<br /> __ ���`� Trustee.Tru3tee shall reconvey the Property,without warranty end without charge to the persw� a persoru legaHyr entlded
<br /> thereto.Trustor ahall pay all coste of reoordatlon,tf a�y.
<br />-"`:'T'��'�=�+� (h) P�rsonal P►op�rty; S�cuNty/►pn�rrNn�As edditional secudty for the payment of the Note. Trusta hereby prants
<br /> :����._� Lender under the Nebraska Uni6prm Commencial Code a secu�ily interest In afl tfxtures,equipment,and other persana!propeity
<br />�L7 used in aonnection with the real.�ctatw r+.�m�rovemc+nl�lo�ted�nn.snd siot e*�er._�l:..��ssd!��ees-sa!!o�s�si!M
<br /> ���-=� the real estete aecured hereby.Thta(nstrument shall be consUued as a Secu�ity Agreernent under said Coda,a►d the Lerxler
<br /> =�"`A� shail have all the rights and remedies of a secured party under said Coda U eddition to the rights and remedies created under
<br /> :;�r•;;,��� and ecooNed the Lender pursuant to th(s Deed of Trus�provided that Lender's rtghts and remedie3 under thb paragnaph shall
<br /> ='�'"�___ be cumulaUve with,and in no way e limita8on on,Lender's rights and remedi�a undar eny other s�urity agreMnent sign�d by
<br /> "„"`— Borrower or Tnistor.
<br /> -��;,a;s�e� (q Li�ns and Encumbrsnc�s.Trustor hereby warrants end represents that fher�e Is no defautt undar fha provisions oi aoy
<br /> ----.. = matgape,deed oi trust,lease or purchase oontract desc�ibtng all or any part ot the Property,or other eontraG, inshument or
<br /> �---� agreement consUtuting a Iien or encumbrance against all or any pa�t oi the Properly(cdlectivety, 'Llens'). existlny aa ot the
<br /> - - - - date uf ti�is Deed of Trust,arxf that eny and ail exiating Liens remain unmodifled excepc as disclosed to Lender h T�untor'a writ-
<br /> --_- ten disctosure of Ilens and encumbrances provided for heretn.Trostor shall timely perform aQ of Trustors obligaUons.
<br /> ----- — covenanb,representeUons end warrentles under any and atl extstlng end future Llens,shall promptly Totvrerd b Laider oopies
<br /> -�� of ell notk.es ot defeuft sent tn oonnedion wfth eny and ell existlng or futuro Uens. and shelt not uvjthout lendx's prior written
<br /> -- oonsent tn any manner modify tha proviabna ot or allow eny future advances urxler any exlaUng or future Ibns.
<br /> U)Applketion ot Paym�nb.Unless otherwiae re.qu(red by law.tuma patd to Lander hereun�lx.tndudk�witt�out Iimitafinn
<br /> payments of prfncipal and Interest,tnsurance proceeds,condamnatlon proceeds and renb and proftta,shaN be applied by
<br /> _ Lender tn tha emounts due and owtng irom Trustor and Borrower fn such order as Lender in its sole dlscxetbn deems deslr-
<br /> AW@.
<br /> ' (k)MwnbtUty.if a�y provlslon ot this Dead of Truat contlicta with applkk�ble law or Is deGarod Invai{d or ott�wtae u�en-
<br /> foroeable,wch conllfct or Invalidiry shall not effect the other provialons of thla Deed of Truat a the Nota wtikh can be given
<br /> efFect wkhout the contiicting provisbn,and to this end the provisfons oi this Deed of Trust and the Note are dedar�ed to be sev-
<br /> —_ �� erable.
<br /> __ (q T�.The terms'Trustor'and•soROwer snan ina�d@ bom si���ier�r,d��rai,and when the Trustor and eorrower are
<br /> ----- the same person(s),those terms as used In this Deed of Trust shall be interchanpeable.
<br /> (mj Gowminp Law.This Deed ot TNSt shall be govemed by the lews of the State of Nebraska. �
<br /> :;�i��.� .
<br /> -- ���.,re� ' '
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<br /> �;:.`•�: � Trostor has executed this Deed of Trustas qPthedate written above.
<br /> _c_„a. ..
<br /> ,:i:. . ,
<br /> ��-,.
<br /> �..� .
<br /> :;::� ..
<br /> Lee T. $hQ.e.fZQ 7'rustor DDON/t IC Cbnobe TNStof -
<br /> ��;3:.ro- - _ __._. ... _.___.-�
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