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<br /> •Pro�eeds')in connection vtlth condemnatior9 a other tekiny oi the Property or part thereoi,or tor conveyance In Ileu of co�demneUon.
<br /> lender ahall ba en8tled et Ita option to commenCe,eppear In and proseCUte in Its own name eny actlon or�roCesd�ngs,and nhell also --
<br /> ' � be entitled to make any compromise or serilement In connection wlih such taking or damage.In tho event any portbn ot the Praperty is _.�_
<br /> so teken or damaged,Lender shail have the option in Ite sole and ebsolute dlscretlon, to epply all such proceeds, eftet de�ductiny
<br />" . - theretrom all costa end expenses Incu►red by it In connectbn with such Proceeds,upon eny Indebtednens secured herebY end i�,n�
<br /> order oa Lendsr mey determine,or t�epply ell such Proceeds,efter such deductions,to the restoretlon of the Properly upon
<br /> diltons as Lender may detertnine.Any applloat{on ot Proceeds to Indebtedneas ahall not extend or postpone Ihe due dete oi any pay
<br /> ments under tha Note,or cure any defeult thereun�er ot hereunder.My unapplled funds ahall be pald to Trustor. �:.
<br /> 8.t��riwm�nu by L�r�r. Upon lho occurrencfl ot an Event ot Defauit hereunder,or if any act is taken or lepal proceed��9 �
<br /> ->:� comrnenced which materlaly affecGs Lender's interest in tho Property.Lender mey in Its own discretion,but withoul obllgatl�n to do so, —.
<br /> ��'"''="�" and without notice to or demand upon Trustor and without releasing Trustor from any obligaUan,do any ect whlch Trustor has egreed
<br />-_� but failed to do end may also do any other act it deems necessary to protect the security hereoL Trustor shal,immedlately upon _
<br />-- demand therefor by Lender,pay to Lender aii costs and expensea Incurred end sums expended by Lender 1�connection with the exer-
<br /> cise by Lender oi the foregoing rights,together with interest thereon at the default rate provtded in the Note,whkh shaii be added to
<br /> � � the indebtedness secured hereby.l.ender shall not incur any Ilebility because ot anything it mey do or omit to do t�ereunder.
<br /> 9. H�ardous IYlsttrids.Trustor shall keep the Property�n compfiance w(th all epplicable laws, o�dinanoes and regulaUons �
<br /> ' � relaHng to IndusMal hygiene or environmentel protection(co��ective�Y referred to harein es'Environmenfsl Laws�•Trustor shatl keep
<br /> the property free from ail substances deemed ro be hazardous or toxla uRdar any Environmentel lsws(coi{ecdvely refemed to herein
<br />= ';� '�` � as"Hazardous Matedals').Trustor hereby warrants and represents to Lender that there are no Hazardous Mate�als on or under tha
<br /> • . Property.Trustor hereby agrees to indemnify anc."hold harmless Lender,Its directors,officers.empioyees and agenls,and any succes-
<br /> •a, sors to Lender's Interest,from and ageinst any and ell clalrtts,damages,losses and Ilabilitles7HE FORECOINO WARR/WTIES MID
<br /> '".�= � use,dispoeai or transport of any Hazardous Materials on,unde�,from or about the ProParh+•
<br /> 1D. Asslpnm�nt of Rents.TrusWr hereby assyns to Lander,end grente Lender a secu�ity interest In, al present,tuture and
<br /> � after adsing rents, issues and protits oi the Property,provided that Trustor shall,untlt the occuRence ot en Event o(Default,hereunder,
<br />:_.:;{r�,,. : have the�ight to collect and retain such rents,issues and profits as they become due and payable.Upon the occuRence of an Event ot
<br /> ;; Qefault,Lendar may,etther in person or by agent,with or without bringing any action or proceeding, or by a rQCeiver appointed by a
<br /> =`a�_- coutt and wilhout regard to the edequacy of its security,enter upon and take possession of the Properiy,or any part thereof,in its own
<br /> ��ry .���' name or in the name of the Trustee,and do any acts wh�ch it deems nec�ssary or destrable to preaerve ihe value,marketebiiity or
<br />_:+��� rentaMlity of the Properly�or ony pert thereof or interest therein,or to increase the inwme thereirom or proted t�e s�auity hereot and,
<br /> �,,,;.,,P, with or widrout taking possession of the Property,sue for or otherwise collect the rents,fssues and profits theieof,includln9 d�ose Pest
<br /> ;Y,� :�„ due and unpaid,by notifying tenants to make payments to Lender.Lender may appty rente,issues and proflts,less cxsts end expens-
<br />__.• , •:!� e$o�operatlo�and collection including attomey's fees,to eny indebtedneas secured hereby,all in such order es I.ender may deter- r
<br /> _�``"� _ mine.The entedns�upon and teking possesslan of the Property,the coilectlon of such rents,issues and profits,and the applicatton
<br />---�-�.:rr,:
<br /> --�;�;.,,� thereoi as eforosaid shall not cure or waive any deiautt or no t ice oi dn fau i i h e r e u n d a r a r I n valkls:e sn;s�t�.+�!I� ►!+��+��g�
<br /> - --_- - detauit or pursuant to such noUce of defeuit and,notwithstanding the contlnuance in possessbn of th hpro�a���m
<br /> - �-":""' receipt and appl�atlon oi rents,issues or protits,Trustee and Lender shall be entitled to exercise evary rlg P
<br /> =��"��:• Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence of any Event of Default,InGuding without IlmitaUon the right to exerdse the power of sa�e.
<br /> � -- Further,Lender's rights and remedies under this paragreph ehall be cumulaUve wlth,and In no wey a Iimftatbn on�Lenders►ights and
<br />_="""�"�. remecfles under any essignment of leases end rents recorded�9ainst the Property.Lender,Trustee and the recelver shall be Ilable to
<br /> --� eccount onty forthose rents actualty reoefved.
<br /> - „�ti�,.�,�, t�.Ev�r�of Dafautt.The follcwing shall constRute en Event of Default under thls Qeed of Yrusx
<br /> _•��� (a)Failure to pay any instaliment of princlpal or interest or eny other sum secured hereby when due;
<br /> ---�y— (b)A breach of or defauit under any provisfon contalned��tho Note,this Deed oi Trust,eny of tho Laen I�strumentc,or any
<br /> -- - ��-- other Ifen or encumbrance upon Me Property;
<br /> -� (c)A wdt oi exacuUon or attachment or eny simllar process shall be entered egainst Trusror which ahail become e lien on
<br /> the Property or any porGon thereot or inWrest therein;
<br /> (d)There shall be filed by or against Trustor or Barower en actbn under any present or future federal,state or other statute,
<br /> lew or tpuistlon►elaUng to bankruptcy,inaolve�o�rt�e rPrat�ief�r�e�b'te rents�ssue or'roflts thereo�a T stor�Borrower
<br /> , liquidata oi Truator or Bomawer or of all or any pa
<br /> shaN make any generel assignment tor the benefit of aeditors;
<br /> ______ - (e)Tha sale,transter, lease,assignment, conveyrance or further encumbrance ot ell or any part ol or any Interest in tbe
<br /> � -- proparty,either voluntarily or involunterily,without the express written consent pf Lender,provided that Trusta shaU be permit-
<br /> _- ted to execute a tease of the Property that does not contain an opUor►to purchase and the term oT which does not exceed one
<br /> __ year,
<br /> (�Abandonment of the Property;or
<br /> _��;;.� (g)If 7rustor Is not an Individual,the issuance,sale,transfer,asslgnment,conveyance or encumb�oi more than pf a
<br /> oorporatbn)a totel of percent oi its issued and outstending stxk,or(If a partnership)a total of per-
<br /> � oent ot partnership Interests,or(ii a llmited Iiabiilty company)a totel of percent of the Ilmited Ilabiliry compa-
<br /> ' ny Intsrests or votlng�ights du�ing the period this Deed of Trust remains a Iien on the property.
<br /> LL;_.;;��;.y,F� 12.R�dMs;Acc�Mration Upon MfauR.In the event of any Event ot Default Lender may,without noUoe exc�pt as required
<br /> ����� by Iaw,declare all Indebtedness secured heteby to bo due and payeble and the same shail thoreupon beoorne due and payabte wtth-
<br /> .L-���'��� out an resentment,demand,protest or noUce ot any kind,Thereafter Lender may:
<br /> �'.;a;�i. :. Y P
<br /> (a)Demand that Tnistee exercise the POWER OF SALE gre�ted hereln,and Trustee ehall thereaRer cause Trustor's inter-
<br /> =�"�:•�Y�: est in the Property to be sold and the proceeds to be distributed,ail in the manner provided in the Nebraska Trust Deeds Ach
<br /> "���-�„„s:+� (b)Exercise any and ail rights provlded tor in any of tho Loan InsWments or by law upon xcuirence oi eny�vent oi
<br />•�:"r",�..�� Oefeul�and
<br /> '- �. . .- : (c)Commenoe an acNon to forealose this Deed oi Trust as a�nortgage,appoint a receiver,or specifiatly entorce any oi the
<br /> `.`�. -. covenantshereoi.
<br /> No remedy herein oonferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender Is intended ro be exclusive of any other remedy herein,in the Loan
<br /> '�. in the Loanslstruy ents or ino�w or hereafter�oxist ng atSawlor�in equfty or by s a1tube,'a d miay be exe I�sed concurrentlytV ndepen denely
<br />..Y.`� ..� �L.�L�
<br /> .r�-T�-- VI OUWOJttO��. "
<br /> ��^r:� 13.Trustes.The Trustee may resign et any time without ceuse,and Lender moy at any ume and wii..wi a.u��a a�.:�.-.:o�
<br /> � ���""" ' cessor or substitute Trustee.Trustee shall not be Iiable�o any pe►tY,Including without Ilmitation Lender, Borrower,Tnsstcr or any pur-
<br />" • s•� chaser ot the Propetty,for eny loss or damage unless due to reckless or wllliul misconduct,and ahall not 6e required to talc�eny action
<br /> Q in oonnection with the enforoement of this Deed of Tn�st unless indemniflad,in writing,for all costs,compansalion or expenses which
<br /> .;� may be assodated therewith.In addlUon,Trustee may b ecome a p u r c h a s e r e t an y sele ot the Pro p erty Qudicfal ar under the power of
<br /> sale granted hereln);postpone the sele of all or any portion ot the Propertyr,as provided by law;or sell the Properry as a whole,or in
<br /> separate parcels or lots at Trustee's discreUon.
<br /> ' 14. FNS�nd Exp�nsss.In the event Trustoe sells the Property by exercise of power ot sale,Truslee shall be entitled to apply
<br /> any sale proceeds flrst to payment of all costs and�xpenses oi exercising power of sele,including all Trustee'e fees,and Lender's and
<br /> ' • TNStee's attomey s fees, actualty incurred to oxtent permitted by applicable law.In the event Borcower a TNStor exercises eny r!ght
<br /> _ �• provided by law to cure an Event of Defeult,Londer shall be entitled to recover from Trustor all cost�end expenses actually tncurred as
<br /> ` a result of Trustors detault,Including without Itmltation ell Trustee's and attomey's fees,to the exte�t perrnittsd by epplfcabie law.
<br /> 15. Futun Advsncss.Upon requeat oi Borrower,Lender mey,at ita option,mako additlonal and fulure advanoes and read-
<br /> � vanoes to Barower.Such advances and roadvances,wiN Interest thereon,shali be secwBd by this Deed of Trust.At no tlme shail the
<br />