.,�:fiyl:: �}}�•r ..
<br /> - � , . • . .. .. ^�i}?":.Sr'tlJf:'.
<br /> ,�+ti.lr . ._ � ----- .. - - -��- - - '4' `'�
<br /> r° -- -
<br /> _ — _ . ,. .a.�_.-- �:!���
<br /> • �:. n;r . . .�� •,y�--. . c, :t�7�ltt4�. , .._.... °'�sMr'M-M.........L...... .
<br /> i a� .
<br /> ..�r. S _.
<br /> .. ' � , . .. .. .��('^!'!�!ifriva......�.vtlS��J{Y: ' . T r -. ._ .. R{\4..��
<br /> .. �� - . «. �yr.,
<br /> ., !.. • —_'
<br /> 6. TRANSFER OF THE PROPERTY:A88UMPTION.H�II ar wny D�rt o}Ih�prop�tty or innrost th�r�in It sold,tranetorred or
<br /> � otherwia� conv�yed by 7ruetor without B�nd�ciary'�prwr w►�I�n com�nl.�xeludmp(�►)!h�cn�fbn o}I�^`;���a hanstar by �ar=
<br /> subordinat�to this Dood of Truat,(b)lh�cnatlon o}e purchar�m�my raurdy int�nU/o►how�hotd�pp �--
<br /> doviao,d�scmt or by op�retion o1 law upon Ih�d�ath o}��olnt Imant or (d)Ih�pnnl ot eny N�oshold Inbn�t o}thn�yearo or lese �V•--
<br /> not conta�nlnp en opllon to purchea�,wch�ct�on b�br�rr,h o1 th1�api��mtnt.�nd Bm�f�c�ry may,�t Bm�fici�ry's option,declare `+-�:..
<br /> nll th�sums s�cund by lhl�D��d ol Tru�t to bt imm�dl�t�fy dw�nd p�y�bl�. or cauw 1h�lru�t��ro tiN a notic�of dofauft. .If.•�
<br /> f Bsn�f�cinry shail haw walved tuch option to nce�Nr�t�d,prlor lo lh�srN,h�nNer o1 conv�y�ne�.(3rnN�e�ry nnd th�person to
<br /> whom ths property It to b�sold ot trensf�rnd n�ah apn�m�nl h wr�und Ihat th�nndd ol tuch p�rson is�dUlactory to 8eneficiary �,�,�`'.
<br /> � and that the intorost pnyablo an th�sums s�cund by 1h1�Q��d ol T�utl shell b��I such rat���B�n�t�a��ry sh�ll nqu�sG � �'�-•
<br /> '�' e. ACCELERATION UPON DEFAULT;RHMEDIE3;9ALE.Th�lulun�y th�7nnlm to mokc any pnymont�r to pertorm any of ` �`:'-
<br /> �;��', r the terms dnd conditlone of th�Not�,or any r�n�wab,modificatbns or�xbnsbn�th�rwf,or►h�p�ym�nt ot any oth�r�nd�bt�dn�sa �-
<br /> •� `'1 seoured hareby or in tho p�rlormanc�of nny o}th�eav�nant�a agmm�nl�h�r�und�r sh�ll b��bnach ot thls xpn�m�nt�nd the �`
<br /> a:=:_
<br /> Benefioiary may d�cian n d�fauR snd may doclan all�ums craund h�nb y Imm�d�atdy dw�nd payabl�and th��am�chnll � __
<br /> thereupon 6�eom�du�and paynbl�wdhout pr�s�ntm�nt,d�m�nd,prot�ft or not�c�oi any kmdanb that h�eoust��ha havs�ha =_-
<br /> ' to Truntee a written declaratlon of dNauk end d�mand 1or�aN.Trudor�pr�u�nd h�nby p � _
<br /> ' . =,. powor of snle of the Propaty and if Bm�flciary decldn th�Prop�rty I�to b�sold d�hell d�potR with Trust��thl�D��d o}Trust nnd --
<br /> ,�. the Nota d electbn o cause th P op rty to b�so dnand Trusu� n turrG�he•pr�P��R�hmilu n'ot��fn th torm orqui�d by Iawf y�j
<br /> '� �'�. defaufl
<br /> ' which shall be duly filed for record by Trustn.
<br /> ' ' (a, etndrNotice of 8ni�havin�y b��piv�n a�nq•�d bY I�w�Trust�`wdhoutrd m�ndf n�Tru�torO h�ll��I hs Prop�rty Inton�
<br /> or more parc�b end in sueh or d�r a�Trus t o r ms y dd�rmin�on th�d�t�and th�lim��nd plac�dui9nat�d in�ald Noticr
<br /> of Sal�,et pubpe euctbn to th�hiph��t b�dd�r,th�purcha�pria P�9abU In cuh in lawful mon�y ot th�Unit�d C itat�s a t .,
<br /> tho time of anle.Th�p�rson conductiny th�s�l�may,tor�ny aus�h�or�h�dNm��xp�dNnt,postP°�b1i�C d�ar tbn _
<br /> �.;'���;,�; tlme to time until it shnll b�compNt�d and,in w�ry tuch at�,notic�of pa�tpon�mant zhall be p�ven by p
<br /> ,,r, thsreof by such p�rson et lh�tim�and plac�la�t appomt�d for Ih���I�;provW�d,N th�sals li po�tpon�d for lony�r thnn • S
<br /> �, one (1)day b�yond tha day d�tignat�d in th�Notier of Sal�,notachss�r tb D�lid eontwymp th�Pr ps yaco sold,b t ��
<br /> 4
<br /> , originnl Notla o f Sa l�.Tru s t�o o h a l i o x�c u t�a n d d d i v�r l o t �p u
<br /> wdhout eny covon�nt or warranly,�xpns�,or impli�d.Th�ncHds in th�Dwd ot any mann�rs or tscts s hs i l 6 o c o n c l u s i v�
<br /> _ '�.• proaf of the truthfuln�se th�roof.Any p�rson,inciudinp wdlviut NmKatbn B�neNcl�rY or Truat��,m�y purch�s�at th��el�.
<br />- � ' , (b) When 7ruatae ssll�punuant to th�pow�rs h�r�tn,Trustw�h W�pP N�h�P����°f�h�tRN to pR ym�nt of th�coets
<br />;�i�. and oxprnsa of�x�rcisinp th�power ot snl�and oi th�rrl�.�n�sludu�p�w�thout limfutbn,th�paym�nt of Tmsb�'�F��s
<br /> '� , incurrad,whlch Trutt��'s F��s thall no!in th�ayytpat��xe�d th�folbwinp�mounts ba��d upon th�amourtt s�cur�d
<br /> . hsnby and mm�ininp unpaid:b p�rc�ntum on th�bdanu thw�ot�nd th�n ta th�d�ms In subpar�pnph(o)in th�ord�r
<br /> "� there stated.
<br /> �,.�7 (c) A1tor paying tho R�ms spacifiod In aubparapreph @). H th� ��I� u by Trusb�, or th�prop�r couR and oth�r co�ts ot
<br /> ``" ioreaio5urs and:.A:e'st!.�se!e�!pununnt to iudlcld tonebsur�,th�procNd�of saN shall b��pp�d��th�ord�r�tabd
<br /> ��1 ,>s; bQlow ro the payment at
<br />;'�.' � " (1)Anorneya te�s and wsts of coll�cUon;
<br />°- �"�•''. (2)Coet of any avidsnc�of tNN proeund in conn�ctbn wAh such ttl�and af any nvonw nqulr�d to b�p�ld:
<br /> �`W�".-- (3)All obligatfone eocur�d by thfe Trust d��d;
<br /> --:11;_,.
<br /> _ _ ��_.. (A)The�emafndor,M any,to th�p�rson Mpnlly�nt�Md th�r�to.
<br />—�-;.�:�,�� 7. AODIT�ONAL 9ECURITY INBTRUMENT3.Trustor, at ils�xp�na,wil�x�cut�Rnd d�liwr to lh�B�n�f�c�tr16 Promplly upon
<br /> -- -- demand,woh t�curity InsUumonb as may b�roqufrod by Bm�ficlary,N form and subttnnc�u�tidactory to B�n�rielnry�cowtlnp
<br /> �"��^h"� any of ths Prop�rty conv�y�d by thl= Do�d of Trust,whieh��curdy imtrum�nU�hatl b��AditbnRl s�curAy tor Tru�tor'�1�Uhtul
<br /> .-,,'�':`„'.
<br /> _._�-�,�+!��� p�rtormnnc�of aY tho tsrm�,cownnnte and condRions of thi�DNd of Truft,th�promrowry notes s�cund h�nby,�nd any ot �r
<br /> .:_����,arlf� s�curity In�trummta ex�euted in cann�etbn wdh thfa transaclbn.3uch inttrumants shnil b�ncord�d or fil�d�t Tru�tor'��xp�nN.
<br /> _����
<br /> 8, APPOIN7MENT OF 3UCCE830R TFlUSTEE. B�n�ficiery may,f►om tim�to t�m�, by e wrilt�n in�trum�nt�x�cut�d and
<br /> neknowl�dp�d by Bm�fickry, mali�d to Trustor end r�cord�d in th�counry or countN�In whkh th�Prop�rty Is loeabd�nd by
<br /> —�-� oth�rvvis�complyinp wdN th�provi�fons of th�eppficabl�lewt of ih�Stet�of N�braska�ubstRUt�a succa�or or sucaswn to th�
<br /> =='�"��� Trusto�nem�d h�nin or ncclnp h�reund�r.
<br /> —_—= 9, INSPECTIONB,B�n�tictary,or its eysnts,ropns�ntetivsa or workmm,sn suthorlx�d to�nt�t at sny nv�on�bl�tim�upon
<br /> � or In any part of the Prope+ty for the purpo��of fn9p�ctlny th�sam�nnd for th�purpos�of p�Aorminy Rny ot th���R h aulhotlz�d
<br /> ---'�,� to pertorm und�r th�terms ot the Deod of°rust
<br /> - - 10. dPTION TO FORECLOSE.Upon the xcurc�nc�d any broaeh nnd upon th�d�claratbn ot d�fAUh h�rwnd�r,B�rnlicl�ry
<br /> ehell hav�the optlon to lorecbae thla D��d ot Trust In tho mann�r provld�d by law lor th�for�cbsun o}mortp�y��o�����Proprrty.
<br /> ---"'r'� 1 t, FOREBEARANCE BY BHNEFICIARY OR TRU9TEE NOT A WAIVER.Any font»arar.c�by B�n�UeN�ry or Tru�tN In
<br /> — exerclsln9 any ripht or rem�dy horeund�r,or oth�rwlta nHordad by npplicabl�law,shell not b�a wsiv�r of ot pnclud�th��x�reN�
<br /> -- Trust sfie I not�b�d��medto twres weNer oit any other oWSi`milnbddaulb ubt qu ly occu dny d�fauR ot Truitor und�r th�t M�d o1
<br /> �°"�^-�°��� 12. TRUSTOR NOT RELEABEp.Extenslon of th�tim�tor paym�nt or modfGcatbn or amortlzatlon ot th�aum�acuad by lhu
<br /> TY-�r,.j�?� Dotd ot Trust gmnted by B�nefiolnry to any succasaor In iNeast of 7ru�tor thatl not op�rnt�to nl�au,In any m�nn�r,th�II�bllfty of
<br /> ��-'�„� �" the oriqfnsl Trustor and Truator's euccoseor In interset B�neficlery �haU not b�raqWrsd to comm�nc�procudlnp�ap�ln�t wCh
<br /> T�'"' ,� succ�ssor or nfuse to sxtend time for payment or othorwao modily amortlzatbn ot tho�um�s�cund by thls DNd ot Trust by
<br /> - : roneon ot any d�mnnd mada by the oripinal Truatar nnd Truttor9�ueatson fn fnt�rost.
<br /> � 13. BENEFICIARY'S PaWER6.Wlthout aflacdng or rNsa�fng th� lieb�liry of th�Trustor or eny oth�r p�rson II�bN for th�
<br /> , payment of nny obipation hereln mentionad,and without afl�etinp th�lion or cherg�of thfs D��d o}Trutl upon any portwn of th�
<br /> Property not then or lherQtofo�e retaased ae seeurity for th�full emount of ell unpeld obligatbns,B�n�fic�ary m�y,lrom Um�to Um�
<br /> '' And wHhout not�e at the roquaat ot ono or more Trustors(Q rel�as�any p�non eo IiabN,(ii)uxt�nd or nn�w th�mRturfty or aR�r�ny
<br /> ' of the terms of nny euch obligatlons,piq grnnt othsr indulgeneea,(iv)rdeae�or roconv�y,or caus�to b�nl��wd ur r�conv�y�d at .
<br /> � eny time at B�noficlary'a ophons any parcel,portbn or all of the Prop�rty,(v)tak�or nNas�any oth�r or adddional s�curAy tor any
<br /> � obligatlon herein mention�d. (vq mnke composdione or olher aRe+np�m�nts wdh d�btors In nletlon th�nto.AII Trustora�hall b�
<br /> -�.�--_ _._�w..,�u...�.,a.nd t�und bv tha ectlona of Ih�8�naficinry or any trustor as h�nfn stat�d.
<br /> - _ .-:..Y'.� �OMIUY 6itM oir���w���..�..��'�'"-"_'
<br /> .:r.�v' �' 74. ATTORNEY FEE8,C05TS AND EXPEN9E3.If 1ho Bonof�dery of thls D�ed ot Trutt is s bank as d�fin�d by N�br�tkr law.
<br /> � an y stetement contemod in any other aection of thfa daod notwithstanding,th�Bmsticlery shell not b��ntNN�to r�c��w or hk��nd
<br /> debtor shnll not be oblipatad to pay or flive;nny eon fesa ion o f j u d g m e n t, p o w�r o t a tt o r n�y t o c o�t�s s�ud pm�nt.powu o}�ttorn�y to
<br /> ` appenr tor a borrower In e�udlclal procaeding or apreement to pny lho cotts of coll�ction or th�etlorn�ye'f���,unNas th�inbn�l
<br /> ,, payable by the torm�ot the Note reterred to in thia deed Is 1696 per annum or bte,or the not�nl�rred lo in thi�ds�d i�npRya4N�n
<br /> two or more equal or unequnl Installments and over a perad of more lhan on�hundnd 1or1y-Gvo(1481 manlh�.Prov�d�d,how�v�r,
<br /> that th�a soct�on does not apply to the truatee feo reterred to in Parapraph 8.8(b).Provid�d furth�r lhnt this PArapreph B.14�I�ell not
<br /> epply to this Deed of Truat,d the Beneficinry herein re not abank.
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