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<br /> 4. IN8URANCE. Truetor, at fb�xpents,will maintein with Inaurors epprowd by Bmefielsry,imuranc� wdh nepect to th� -"��•,';;_.---.
<br /> Improwm�nb end pasonal prop�rty,contlRudnp the Prop�rty,apelntt bse by tir�,Ilphtnlnp,tomado,nnd oth�r p�rils end hunrd� �;,,:�*.
<br /> covend by etandard�xtsnd�d cov�rnp��ndors�msnt,In nn nmount�quel lo et Nast on�hundrod p�rc�nt o}th�NQ nplac�mtnt ' �'""'"����
<br /> valuo thereoi nnd ineurancs apetnet nuch olhsr hazarde and In auch amounts ns Is customarity carrNd by own�n and op�ratort o} :�•;�:"-
<br /> similar prop�rtiss ot at 8�n�fklcry may nqulr�tor ib prot�ctbn.Ttuttor wifl comply wRh such oth�r nqulnm�nM aa B�n�Actary may „
<br /> ' lrom tlm�to tim�nqu�at for th�prot�ctlon by Insuranc�o}the Int�nst�of th�ra�p�cNv�pnetN�.AM Insurane�polbl��malnlatn�d ., j;�.,�'
<br /> ureuant to this D��d of Trun�haN nam�Truator and B�neficla as ln�und�,as th�lr nt �ctiw InNnsb ma a �ar,�nd rovid� y-'�`°
<br /> P ►Y P Y PP P ,_.cy�,-;
<br /> thnt th�n eliefl b�no cancsllelion or modiflcetlon wHhout no Nsa than 16 deys prior wrilt�n nottNcatian to Trwte�end Bm�fFclery.In
<br /> th�w�nt any polioy h�reunder Is not rm�wed on or beforo 16 days prbr to Hs�xpiretbn dnts,Trwtn or B�n�ikl�ry mny procun , "�-�
<br /> euch Inoutanc�In eccordana wRh the provkions of pnregrnph A.8 hereof.Truator ehall ddNsr to B�n�flclnry ths orlpinel polkNS ot -:.
<br /> � �' Inauranco and ronoe�el�thorcot or momo copiaa ot cuch polictoc and ronovrai�thoreot.Fuqure lo turnl�h auch In�umnco Dy Tructor, ' '-°
<br /> W:.:;••.
<br /> � or nn�wels aa nquk�d h�nund�t shell,at Ih�optbn of B�n�fleisry,�onsNtut�a d�fau�. � � ��=_�_-
<br /> b, TAXES,ASSESSMENTB AND CHARdE9.Truator shall pay ell texse,ase�semente end olhar eharqea,Includinp,wRhout .',��
<br /> ��� � limftatbn, fin�s end Impoiitbns anrlbutebN to ths Prop�tty, and kacshold paym�nh or ground nnts, If eny, b�fow th�sam� -
<br /> � �, � bscome delinqumG Truelor ehNl promptlyr lurnbh to Beneflclary np nodcee of nmounte due u�der thla pe►agraph,and In ths w�nt =
<br /> ` ""'� M Trustor ehall make payment dlreetly,Truelar shnll promptly turnish to 8onefleinry rocelpte svidmeinp sueh paymsnts.Trustor�hnll •--
<br /> pay ell tax�s and ee�sssmenta wh�h may bs tevl�d upon Benefklary'e Intenst h�roln or upon Ihfa Oe�d of Truat wRhout r�psrd to `
<br /> � any Inw that may b��nactsd Imponing payment of th�who��or any peR th�nof upon th�Beneflclary. � -==-= _
<br /> .��..•�
<br /> � e. AODITIONAL UEN9 ANO PROTECTION OF BENEFICIARY'S 3ECURITY.Truetor eham m�k�nIi pnym�nte of mn�r�tt nnd r`
<br /> principal and paymente of any oth�r eherpea, tees etnd expensea eontrneted to be pald to any extstfnp 8en hvfdus ar prbr �:
<br /> benoficiaries undsr any prlor d�ed ot trust or mortgaps beton the dnte thsy an deilnquent and pro�rptiy pay and dheharp�any and ��-
<br /> all other Ii�ne,elalm�or cherp�s which mny J�opardtr�th�t�eutity granhd h�nin.If Truelor talb to mak�any such paym�nt or tails
<br /> to pertorm nny of th�cav�nants e�nd agrsements contaln�d In this Deed of Trust,or In any prior mortpap�or d��d ot truN,or M any ��
<br /> � actbn or procudlnp is commmced whkh rtinteriely aff�ets Baneliclary'� Int�nst In th� Prop�rty,includlnp, bu! not BmN�d to, °-
<br /> _ �mintnt domeln proa�dlnp�,or proca�dinps Mvotvinp a d�c�d�nt,or M Tru:tor fa0s to pny 7tustor's d�bts p�n�rnly es th�y E�eom�
<br />