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2 01205292 <br />For the repairs and resWration in a sisigle payment or in a series of pro� payments as the work is <br />completed. If the inswance or condemaation praceeds are not suffiaient to repair or restare the Prop�ty. <br />Bocrower is aot rclicved of Borrower`s ob[i�ation for the complction of such repair or restoratioa <br />Lender ar its ageni may make rc,asonable eniries upon at►d iatig�tions nf ttie Praperty. If it has reasonable <br />cuns�. Leader may inspect the interior al'ti�e imptovements on the Pc9aperiy. Lender shall givc Borrower <br />natice at 16e timc ol or ptiur la suc:h an inlerior in�c�ction sTr.ciPying b�uc:h res�i�ble cause. <br />8. Borrower'sLoanApplieatiott.Barrower s6a11 bc in default if, chviu� the Loaa applic�tion proc�, <br />Borrow�r or aay p�rsoas or e�titias acting at the direction af Barrower or with Borrower's lcnowledge or <br />consent �ave materially false, misleading, or inaccurate infarmation or statemenfs to Lender (or fail� to <br />provide Lender with material info�ation? �n connertion with the I.oan. Material repre�ntat.ious inctude, bui <br />are not iimitod to, rcprcacntaiions concerning Borrowc.�t's occupancy of thc Property as Bocrawet's prutcipal <br />reaidence. <br />S. Pratectionoi Lende�'sinterest in tfie Propertyand Righ#sUnderthfs Securfty Instrvment. if (a} <br />Borrawer t'aits lo pertorm the cuveuanls and �greernents cunwinixt in this Security Instnunent, (b) there i� a <br />lt�a] proceecling ihal mig6t significenUy uffec:i Lender's inier�t in the Prnpe�ty and/or righls under this <br />Security Instivmea# (such as a procecdiag in frankrupicy, probate, far condemnation or forfeiture, for <br />enforeement of a fien which may attain priority ovrr this Security Instnwicat or to enforce laws or <br />regulations), or (c} Bamuwer has ahandoned the I'roper�v, thm Lender may do and pay far whatever is ' <br />re�asanaWe or ap}xopxiate to protect Leader's inter�st in the I'mperty and rights under this Security <br />Instrumcat., iacluding pmtccting and/or assessing Wr valuc of thc I'roperty, aod sccuring and/or repairing <br />the Properly. Lender's actions can includ�, hut are not linuted to: {a} gaying any sums secured by a lien <br />which has priority over this S�urily Iashumeat; (b) appeeiring in court; and (c) �naying rea�m�ble sitor�eys' <br />fees tn prot�t its interes! in the Property andior rights under this Seeur�ty Instn�ent, including its s�cwed <br />pc�silaon in a I�n]truptiy �eeding. Sr.t:suin,� lhe: PR►perly includefi, but is croi limit�l tu, entering the <br />Property to make repaits, chauge tocks, r�place or baard up daors and windows. drain water &otrt pipes, <br />eliminate building or other code violations or daa�erous conditions, and have utiiities tnrned on ar off. <br />Alt6augh Latder may take action uader tlus Section 9, Le�ler does not have to do so and is not undet any <br />dury or obligation to da sn. It is agreed that Lender incurs no liabiGty far aot taking any or all aetions <br />autharizcxi wnder this Section 9. <br />Aay amouats disbnrsed by Len�ier uttder this Section 9 shall l�ecome additioaa! debt of Borrower secured by <br />this S�curity Instivment. These amouats shall beur interes� at the Note eate Gom the date of disb�sement <br />and sl�il be payable, with such interest, upon notice from Lender to Bo$ower rcx�uesEing payment <br />Tf this Security Instnnnent is on a leasehotd, Borrower sh�tllll comply with aEl the pravisions of the le.�se. IF <br />Boaawer acqvires fee title to the Property, !he lc�sehold ancf the fce tifle shall not merge unless Lendea <br />ragre�s to lhe mer�er in writing. <br />10 Mor#�age tnsurance Lcndcr r�cquircd Morcgagc L�uancc as a conditian of making ihe Loaa, Bonrower <br />shall pay the premintus re�uired to m�.iatain the Mortgagc Inc���ce in eff�t. Xf, for any reaeon, tG� <br />Maitgage �nce covernge reqv'sred by Lender ceuses io be avuilabfe fram the mortg�t�ge insurer tl�t <br />previously provided such ir�nraace aad Bormwer was reqvired to msske seputately d�signat�i payments <br />tnwc�rd the premium� for Mortgage In�:urs�ncc, &irrmver slasll pay the premiums requirec! to obi.ain c:c�vetag� <br />anbstsmtialiy equivaletst to the Mortgage Insuraace greviously in �f1'ect, at a cast suisstaatially �qnivalent to <br />the ¢ost to Borrower of the Martgage Insutanee previously in effect, from an altemate mortgage m�rer <br />sslecte.d by Lettder. If substantiatly equivalcnt Mortgage Inavrauce coverage is nnt available, Barn�wer s�hall <br />v� � fCASh�e Pm�wy-Fem�ie MaelFreddie klec uan�OR� rNSTRU6A6v'f Fonn 3928'IJOt <br />VAAPBINE)(1108}00 <br />�� �'� ��� � Page 6 of tT <br />