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20120529� <br />All in�attee policies r�uired by Lender and renewals af such policies shal! he sabject to Lender's ri�ht to <br />disapprove such go&cies, shall include a staadazd mortgage clause, and sha11 name Lender as mostgagee <br />and/or as an additiomal toss paycx. Lender shall bave thc right to hotd the policies aad reaeoval certi6cates. If <br />Leuder requires, Borrower s6all promptly giee to Lender alI receiptR of paid premiums and renewal notices. <br />if Borrawer obtains a�uy form oFinsma.nce cov�rnge, aot otherwise required by E.eader, for damagc to, or <br />desmiction of, the Propetiy, such policy shall iuclude a stundard mortgage clause aad shaII name Lender us <br />mortgagee aacUor as an addidoasl lc� paye�. <br />In the event of lo�, 8ocrower shall give prompt ,�tica ta tbe �n�.m�ce eacrier and Lender. Lettder tnay <br />make proof of loss if pat made pmmpkly by Bo�rower. Uniess Lender and Barrower atherwiae agree in <br />writing, any insutance pr�ceds. w�ether or not the undcrlying iasuraace was requincl by Lender, shall be <br />applied to restoration or repair of the P'roperty, if the resloretion or repair is economica.Uy feasible and <br />Lvader's secwity is nut lesscned. During such repair and n�toration pr,riod, Lender shafl havc the right to <br />hold such insu�auce procec�is until Lend�r 6as ku►d an oppariunity to ins�,►►ect such Pmp�rty to ensure the <br />work hus been completcd to Lender's sntisti�tion, provided tlxat such iospe�tion si�ali be undert�tcea <br />promptty. Len:cier may disbun3n p�cc�eJs for lhe rc�airs uud resluralion in a single payment nr in a�eries of <br />pre�gres�s peymants asz tlte wvrk is cumplet�d, i}nle�s nn a�menl i� mede in writing or Applicable <br />requires inter�t co be paid on such insutance proceeds, L�ndex shall aot he res�uired to pay Borrawer any <br />interest vr earnings on such proceeds. Fe�es fa�r public adjuste�s. ar other third parties, retaiued by Bonower <br />shafl not be paid oul of We insurance proceeds and shall be the sole obligation of Iiorrower. I€ the resloratibn <br />or repair is not econuinically feasel+le or Lender's security would be lessened, the insuraace proceeds shalt be <br />appued to the s�uns s�urc� by this Sccuriry Tnstnuncnt, whcthcz or not thcn due, with the excess, iF any, <br />paid ta Bortower. Such iaswunce praaeeds shull be agplied in the order provided for in Section 2. ' <br />If $otrawer a�ndons t6e Praperiy, Lender may File, negotiute und seule any available insuranre claim aad <br />relutett mattars. lf Bormwer d� not re�n�nd writhin 3b ctays lo � natice fmm Lender ihat the insurance <br />catrier has offered to settle a claim, then Lender may negotiate aud settIe the claim. The 30-day period will <br />b�gin when the notice is given, In either event, or if Le�nder acquires t�S Pmperiy under S�tion 22 oc <br />othtrivise, Borrower herebp a�signs to Lendef {a) Borrower's ri�hts to atry inswance proceeds in an amount <br />not to exceed the aroounts uapaid nader the Note or this Secarity Instrament, aud (b) auy other of <br />Boirowcr's rights (othcr thaa thc right to auy rcfund of uncarncd prcmiums paid by $orrowcr} wader all <br />insurance policies covering �he Property, insofar aF sroch ri�te are sgptieable to the eoverage of the <br />Property. Lendar may use the ins�uaace pmceeds either to repair or restoxe the Property or to pay amounts <br />unpaid nnder the Note or this Se�urity Inst�vment. w6ether or not then due. <br />6. OeGttpBnCy. Borrcrwer ahell c�ccu�sy, e�st:tbtish, und uxe the Pn�perty ns Ao�rower'n principal re�idence <br />within fi0 days after the executiun of this Secwity instrumeat ancl shall oontinue to occupy t$e Property as <br />Borrower's principal residence for al ic�st ane ywr slter tlie date of oeenpaacy, iuilesq Lenda others�rise <br />agrees in tivritiag, w6ich consent s6a11 not be unreasoaably arifhheld, or unless eactenoateng circr�anees <br />exist which arc beynccd Barrowcr's control. <br />7. Pre�rva#ion,Mairr��nanceand ProtecHonof the Property; Insp�ctions.Bnrrowcr shaSl not d�troy, <br />dawage or imgair rhe Properry, aflaw fhe Prapc�iy to deteriorate or cammit wasEe on the Property. Whethec <br />or not Borrower is residing in the Property, 8orrower shall maintain the Praperty in order to prevei►t the <br />Pmperty frc�m deteriorating or dei;reasiag in value due to its cc�nditinn. Unl� it is detet�nined purvuenl tn <br />Sextiup 5 thae repair or restoration is not economiculiy f�sibie, Tiorrower shall promptiy s�epair the Property <br />if damaged to avaid fiut}ter deteridratian ar dstm3ge. [f insu�ance or co�demnarion Aroceeds are paid in <br />eonn�tion wiih damage to, or the t�tcing of, t6e Properiy, Iiocrower shall be responsible fnr repai 'r�e or <br />restoring the Property only if Leadcr has rcleas�ed pro f s uch p Len may disburse proceeds <br />�� KA�in�a fa»dly-Fam�te MaelFredr6e Nlac UhllFORM W8IRUMEW7 Fam 3028 7JD7 <br />Vh+�B( P� �5�� <br />tRfo�ra Ktu�FMa�18eMms <br />