<br />in the Property and rig6ts mider this Securiry Iastnunent; and (d) takes such action as Lender may
<br />reasonably regnire to assure that Lcadzr's intereaK in the Propetly end rights under this Security Instroment,
<br />and Borra�ver's obli�arion to pay thc sums sccurcd by this Sc�urity IAStrument, sha[I continue unchangcd.
<br />Le�ler may require that Botrocv�r pay such reinstateme� s�eus and expenses in ane or mare of the follavviug
<br />forms, as �lected by Lender: (g} c�sh; (b) maaey arder; (c) certified chetic, bank check, treasurer's cbe�k or
<br />cashier's check, p�rovided nny such ch�k is drawn upon un institutian whose deposits are i� by a
<br />Ceclet�k agen�y, in�trnmeni�ility c>r entity; ar (d) Elec;tmnia Fundti Ttune�f�. LJpr►n reis�tatement by Bormwr•r,
<br />this Seeurity Iastnawent aad obli,gations sc�urecE t►ereby shall remain fWly affective as if no accele�stion had
<br />occurred. Howe�rer, tius right to rcinstate shall not apply ia the case of aoceleration uc�er Section 1$.
<br />20. Sate of Note; Change of Loan 5ervieer, Notice of Grievance. The Note or a partial intere.ct ia the
<br />Moce (togeth.er with this Secarity Iast�wnent} can be sold oae or more times wit6ous prior notice to
<br />Boao�vcr. A sale mi�ht res�ilt in n chazigc in thc cntity (knowa as ihc "Loan Servicer"} that oollccts Fcriactic
<br />Paymentg due under the Note and this Security L�shvment and performs other mortgage loan servicing
<br />obligations under the Note, this Seturity insttument, anci Applicnble Law. There a[so might i�e one at more
<br />cf�grb o('t6e Lc�un Servicer unr�lated w a rmle of the Note. If therG is a clurngC uf the L�nn Servicer,
<br />Horn►wer wil[ tre given written n�ii� of ihn rhangc which urill aHate the name s�rul aJdre�e, of the new Lc�an
<br />S�rvicer, the address to which payipeuts shoutd be made and any other infiormatiou R�SPA ret{uires in
<br />connection with a notiee oPhansfer of serviciu�. IPthe Note is sold and thereafter the Loan is serviced by a
<br />Loau Servicer ot}►er than the purchaser uf the Note, the mortgage toan servicin� obligatioas tp Bornawcr will
<br />remain witb the Loan Servicer or be hansferr�l ta a s�cec�ssor Loan Servecer and are not assumed by We
<br />Notc purc}mscr unless othenvise provided by the Notc purchaser. �
<br />Naitfier Boaower nar Lender may camracnce, join, ar �e jained to any judicial action (as eitlier un
<br />individual liiigunt ar the membc�r of a elass) thal arises 6um the ocher pur(y's actions pursuant to this
<br />Sexurity lnc�rumt;nt or lhsd �Ile�en that lhr c>ther pariy has br�xichec! any prcrvi�ion uf nr any duty ownd by
<br />reason of, this Secwrity Instrument, imtit such Borrower or Leader has natified the ot6er party (with such
<br />notice given in compliauce with the requirements nf 5ection !�) of such atleged irreach and afforded ihe
<br />other party hereto a r�sonable petiod after the fiiving uf sueh notice eo take corrs�tive action, if Appticable
<br />Law provides a time period which must elapse before certain actiob can be taken, that time periad will be
<br />deetned to be raasonuble fix pmpases of t�is psu�agraph. Thc notice of acccic:iatian and opporinnity to cute
<br />givefl to Bartower pursuant to Section a2 and the notice of acceleTation given to Botrower putsuant to
<br />Sec6on 18 shall be deemed to �#�sfy the not=oe and opportunity to take caxrective uction provisions of tbis
<br />Section 20.
<br />21. HlzardousSubstat�t�s.As u�ed in lhis Sex:tic�n 21: (a) "Nu:nrdous SubstaRCes" s�re the�e r,uub�txr►ees
<br />defined as toxic or haardons substaaces, pctitlutaaits, or wastes by Enviroamenta] Law nnd the following
<br />substances: gasoline, keroseme, other t3ammable or loxic �etrolc:um producfs toxic pesticides aud herbicides,
<br />volatile �lvents, materials cantainiag asbestos or fornialdehyde, and radioactive materiais; (b)
<br />"Environmental LaM�" means fcd�llaws aod laws of the jurisdiction where the Propei1y is loca�er! lbat
<br />relota ao hc�lth, s�eFery� or environmcntal protcrtion; (c) °Lri►�iromnental Cleanup" includ� any response
<br />actioa, remadi:tl action, ar removal action, as defiaed in Environmenlal Law; autd (d} an "Environmental
<br />COl7llTtI011 " meuns a condition that cau cause, eontribute to, or o#herwise trigger un Environmentat Cleantep.
<br />Bozrowe:r slrall not cause or Frnnit lhe presenc�, t�se, dispasil, xtc��ge, ar release af xrty Hazatduus
<br />Substances, or threa,ten ta release atty Hazardous Sub�an4�, on or in the Froperiy. Boaower sha(1 not do,
<br />nor allow anyone else ta do, anyWing afCectiag Ihe Pnrperty (s) that is in violation of any �mironm�ntat
<br />T.aw, {b) evhich creates an Environmenwl Condition, or (c) which, due to the presenoe, �, or release of a
<br />Hazardons Substance, creates a conditinn that adva�sely ��ects #he value of the Property. The precaiin� imo
<br />v "�s� � rc°' g�e Fenwv.�ew�e a�ee��aare bme uanFORm iksrRUn�evr
<br />Wdt�a Kluvar F6renNet Seroiaes
<br />�n 30� �m�
<br />VAAPB(P�e�33�W�ST
<br />