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.� .. . _ _ • _ _ -___= <br /> 'Y • 1 /' .Mf A• , . . _�1L�� ...�___._"_�.Y.arai_�'�.` <br /> . . . •. �S ■ {.:_41Y..1I: 4�.h'1�MY_lM2_=._ - --.....:7: <br /> '. , � • "` Z�k�'J�� "' <br /> .� <br /> . <br /> , -_ ' ' i.._. - _ — W-_— <br /> _ .._1Y.:•: <br /> -:.�- .k' • ..11I^ .�..... ......._ -_ <br /> - IV�• an y " .,. . . !�•ww���r.r�+�.�..+.— —_. <br /> � Bortower m�y cure euch � dehuft �nd rNnstate, �e provlded In panpraph 18, by caushp the tction or procsedinp to b� <br /> diaminsed wNh�rullnq that,in Lender's pood f�Nh determinatlon,prechidea to�feiture o11he Barowe►'a Intaemt M tha Prop«1y or <br /> othM matxlal Nnp�tirmmt ot the Nen cre�t�d by thla 3�curity Instrument or Lender'a aecurtty intenst. Borrowa sh�N�teo b�In � <br /> de��uR ll 8orrower, du�►9 the loan appllc�tlon prooesa,pave msterialy talse or Inaccurcte Infamatlon or st�temenle to I.anda(or <br /> Iailed to provlde Lender with eny matedal Informatlon) In r.onnectlon with the Ioen ovldeneed by the Note, Including, but not = <br /> Ilmited to, represanutlona concemina Bortowers occupancy of the Property se � p�ncip�l resldence. II thls 9ecuriry <br /> Inatrument la on a le�aehold, Bonower ahall compy wlth all the provislons o1 lhe leaae. N�orcower acquires tae title to the (p <br /> Property,the Ie�aei�oW a�d the tae tftle ehtN nol merpe unless Lender agrees to the mapa�la w�thq• 'v <br /> 7. p�ot�atlon o� L�nd�r'� Rl�ht� in the Prop�rty.It Borrower talls to pc+lorm the covenents and egreements � <br /> contalnad In ihis Sewrtty Insirumsnt, ur there la a legnl proceeding that may algniflcmtly +1eat Lender'e rlphta In tho Property <br /> (such ee a proceeding In henkrupiey, probnte,tor condemnetlon o►forfclture or to eniorcc laws or reguMtlona),then Lender m�y � _ <br /> do and pay ior whetever I� nucessary to protect the value ot the Property and Lender's righls tn Iho Property. Lcndor'� nctlons � <br /> may Include paying Ny sume aecurod by a Wen which his prtorily over thls Secwtty InsUument, appearing In court, paying <br /> reanonable attomeys'tees and entetlnp on the Property to make repalrs.Although Lender rny teke eatlon under thls paragraph � <br /> 7, Lender does not luve to do ao. � <br /> Any amounta diebursed by Lender under paragreph 7 shali becoma addttlonel debt ol Sortower secured by thls Security <br /> Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lender sgree to other tertns of payment, these amounta ehall bed► interest from the date of <br /> disbursement at the Note rate and shall be pnyable,wRh Interest, upon noUce hom Lendar to Borrower requeating payment. <br /> 8. Mo�tgag�Iresursnee. It Lender requked mortgage insurance as a condi�on d meking the taan seaurod by thla <br /> Security Instrument,Borrower ahell pay the premlwns requked to malntaln the mortgage Insunnae In eftect If,tor any reasan,the <br /> mortgage Inaurance covernge requlred 6y Lender lapses or ceases to be In etteat, Barower shat pay the promlums requlred to <br /> obtNn coveraga subsGtntkly equivalent to the mortgage Insurence prevlousty In effect, at a cost substentlalty equNalent to the <br /> cost to Bortower of tha mortgage Insurance prevlousty In eftect, from an aftemate mortg�ge Insurer approved by Lender. If <br /> substentlally equlvaknt mortgage Insurance coverage Is not available, Bortower shall pay to Lender eaah month a sum equal to <br /> onatweflth of the ynrty mortgage Insurance premlum being pald by Bortower when the lnsmn�ce cover�pe I�psed or ce�sed to <br /> be G� etlect. Lender witl aeecpt, use and reteln these peyments es a loss reaerve In Heu d�^�th�e amountnand for therpedod <br />- payments may no langer be re�u(red, at the option of Lender.If mortgage Insurance covenge (In <br /> that l.ender requlrea)provlded by an Insurer epproved by Lender�gtM beeomea �vellsble nd Ie obtnlned. Borrower shatl pay <br />- the premlums requhed to mafntaln mortgage Insurance In ettoct, or to provlde a loss reserre, unAl lhe requfrerrent tor mortgege <br /> (nsurance enda(n accordwnce wlth any wrltten agreement between Borrower end Lender or�ppllcible taw. <br /> 9. InspeGtiOn. Lender or fts agmt may make reasonable enMes upon and Inspectloas of the Prope+ty. Lender shaA glve <br /> Borcower noUce at the Ume of or ptior to an Inspecllan spacltyfng reasonabte cauae tor the hspeottan. <br /> 10. Condomn�t1011.The proceeds of any award or daim tor tlamagea, dlrect ar cansequentlel,In connenllon with any <br /> condc�rtwiatlon or other taking of eny part of tha Property, or tor conveyance In Ileu of coadermatlon, ere hereby asslgned and <br /> shell be pald to Lender. <br /> In the event ot a totel taking of the Property, the proceeds shall be appllad to Ihe sums secured by thls Securlty <br /> Instrument,whether or not then due, wkh eny excesa pald to 8orrower. In lhe event of a p�rtW taking of the Property In whlch <br /> the tak market vafue of the Properly Immedlatey before the taking Is equal to or greater tk�n the emount of the suma secured <br /> by thla Securlty Ina7ument immedisiey beiore ine li�Iii�}, aniass �as:o•rr� snd l.�sdPs�!±!�!!w�sp Agrae in wriUnq. the sums <br /> secured by thls Seairity Instrument shall be reduced by the amount of the proceeda multlpled by the topowing iractbn: (e)the <br /> total amount of the sums secured Immedlately be(ore the taking, dlvlded by (b) the faM rnNcet value ot the Property Immedlttely <br /> beloro the Uking. My bdance ah�A be patd to 8orrower.In the event oi a partlal takJng olthe Property in whlch the hI►m�rket <br /> vdue of the Propdry Immedlately before the teking ls less then the amount of the sums eacurcd Immedfatey before the teking, <br /> unleas Borrower md Lender othawlae agree In writing or unleae appAcable law otherv�be provldes, the proceads sha11 be <br /> appliad to the sume aecured by thls Securiry InaWment whethcr or not the suma ars then due. <br /> It tha Properry Is abandoned by Borrower, or If,after notice by Lender to Borrower tMt the candemnor ofters to make en <br /> eward or seUla a clatm tor damages. Borrower talls to respond to Lender wkhln 30 drys �rter the date the noGce la gtven, <br /> Lendx Is authorized to collect and appty the procseda, at Ita optlon, efther to restoratioa o►repatr of the Property or to the <br /> aums eecwtid by tNa 3ecuriry InsWment,whether or not ihen due. <br /> Unleaa Lvndar and BoROwer olherwlse agree In wdting, eny appllaUon oi proceeds to phndpal shaM not extend or <br /> postpone the due d�te of the monlhly payments re[errad to In pangraphs 1 md 2 or chanpe the amount of auah payments. <br /> 1 t. Elorrow�r Not R�l��s�d; Forb��ranc� By L�nd�r Not a W�lv�r,�nenston ot the tkne tor puymmt or <br /> modiAcaUon ot amodlzatlon ot the sums secured by thta Seouriry Instrument granted by Lender to any suaceseor M Mterost of <br /> Borrower ahall not opernte to rdaase the Iabllriy ot the odqlnal Borrower or BoROwer's successors In Interest. Lender ah�N not <br /> � be requked to commence proceedings aydnst Any succeaaor In tnterest or refua� to aRend tlme for psyment or otherwlae <br /> modiy amortlzation of the sums eecured by thts 3ecurity InsUUment by reason of Yny dcnrnd made by the orlglnal Borrower or <br /> Borrower's auccessors k► Interost My forbeerenca by Lender In exerclsMg eny rlght a remedy sh�N not be a walver ot or <br /> preclude the exercke of nny dght or remedy. <br /> 12. Succasora and Asslyns Bound; Jolnt and S�vont Uablltiy; Co-slgrn►s.The coven�nts and <br /> egreements of this Security Inetrument shall bind and beneflt the successors and asslgns of Lender and Borrower,subJect to the <br /> provlslons ot pa�regmph 17. Bortower'e covenants and agreementa slia4 be Jotnt and sereral. Any 6orrower who co•slgna thls <br /> Securityr InstnimeM but does not execute the Note: (a)Is naslgning thls Securfly InsUumad only to mortg�ge.grant and convey <br /> that Borrower's Interest In the Property under the terms of thls Secudty Inslrummt; (b)Is not personally obNpated to pny the <br /> aums aecured by thls Securiry In�trumen� and (a) agrees tAnt Lender and any other BoROwer may agree to extend, modNyr, <br /> torbeer or maka eny ascommodnUons wlth regard to the terms oi thls Secudty Inatrument or the Note wfthout that Bonower's <br /> conaent. <br /> 18. Loan Chargss. It the loan secured by thls Secu�ity Instrument Is subJect to a law which sete mexfmum loan <br /> chargea, and that law I� flnaly Interpreted so that the h�terest or other loan aharges cakCted or to be collected In connectlon <br /> wlth the loen exceed the permltted Ilmfts,then: (a)any such loan charge ahnll be reduad by the amount necasaary to reduce <br /> the charge to the permitied Omih and (b) any sums already collected irom Borrower which exceeded permltted Ilmfts wfll be <br /> retunded to 8o�rower. Lender may choose to make thls retund by reduclnp the pdncipd owed under the Note or by maktng a <br /> dlrect paymer�t to Borrower. If a refund reduces princlpal, the reducllon wfll be treated sa a pa�tlal prepeymrnt wRhout sny <br /> —_ prepayment charge under the Note. <br /> _ 14. Noticas. My notice to Bortower provlded for In thls Securlry InsVument shsY ba gNen by delNering It or by malOng It <br /> by fkat cless meY unless eppUcabto Iaw requlres use of another method. The noUce sluR be dkected to the PropeAy Address <br /> or eny other address Bortower deslgnates by noUce to Lender. My notice to Lender st�all be glven by ftrat clasa maU to <br /> -- Lender's addresa steted hereln or any other address Lender deolgnates by notfce to Bortower. Any notfce provfded for In thls <br /> _ SeCUlit�l IfISttUITltflt Sfltll be ABCIIleO t0 �eve oeen given iv oorrown vi �eTtuci�im� —''�' """"�"��':�.�t^..�rr�vanA <br /> �.a�oo r............. �_o.-,-... <br />---� 15. �ov�mi�g L.*w; Sevs��bili'ty. Thls Secudty Instrument shall be govemed by federal Iaw and tho law of the <br /> =� Jurfadlctton In wMch the Property Is located. In the event that any provlsbn or clause of thls Securlry InsUvment or the Note <br /> 'R'i conNcts wlth appYcable taw, sueh con111ct shall not attect other provlslons of thls Secunly Instrument or the Note whlch can be <br />`ti,� glven ef(ect without the contlleUng provlslon. To thls end the provlsfons ot thls Secudty Nstrument and the Note are declarod to <br /> be severabfe. <br />__;±� 16.Bo��owo�'8 Copy.Borrower shell be glven one eontortned copy ot the IVde cind of thls Securiry Instrument. <br />.; <br />:�� <br /> .� �-���- <br />�` �.. Pogc 3 Of S <br />�-±� F131GlMOl1/9� <br />!�71�1 <br /> �� _ <br /> sn2i <br />