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<br /> � ' TQ(iETHEN WITH �I 4he knprovements now or h�ra�Re► ereated on the prape+ly, and wN uoemente, appu�t�n�nc�a,and
<br /> Nxturea now or hKNitw� put o1 the propMy. AN npkc�nonte md�dditlons sh�N �leo be covered by thh Securfty Inatrument.
<br /> AA of the foreyc►Inq Is relerred to In thle Security Instrument�a ths'Property.'
<br /> BORRQWER COVENANT9 th�t Bortower Is I�whiNy eelied o1 the eatate her�y conveyed md h�a the dyht to prant and
<br /> conwy the Rop�rty and th�t th� Prop�rty I� unmcumb�r�d� exc�pt for encumbnncee o1 reaord. Borrower warranle end will
<br /> detend pener�ky the tftle to ih�Proparry ag�lnat sN cl�lma end dem�nda,aubJeat to any encumbnnce�of record.
<br /> THIS SECURITY IN97RUMENT combino� unitorm coven+�nte for natbn�l use �nd non•unffam coventnts with Nmlted
<br /> wrlatlonn by Ju�isdlctlon to conntitute�unKarm securriy Inetrumsn!cov�lnp reet property.
<br /> UNIFQRM COVENMIT9. Bortower�nd L�nder covamnt end�qrea aa IoNowa:
<br /> 1. Paym�nt af Prtnelq�l and Int�r�N; Pr�paym�nt and Lat�Ch�r���. Barowx eh�q promptly pt►y when
<br /> due tl�e princfpal ot�nd Intereat on the debt evldenced by the Note and any prep�yment end late cherpea due under the Note. �
<br /> 2. Funds for T�uc�� �nd Insurane�.SubJect to sppYC+ible I�w or to� wdttai walver by Lender, sorrov�cr shau pny � �
<br /> to Lendar on the day monthy paymente aro due under the Not�,untY the Note la p�ld in tull,� sum (`Fun bs')�r. leaae old �
<br /> Uuces �nd �saoanmente whlch may attain pdority over thla Security Instrument �s a Yen on the Property; ( ) y ►N
<br /> paymenta or p�ound rente on ihe Ptoperiy,H�ny; (o) ye�rly huard or praperty Insunnce premlumn; (d)yearty Aood Inaunnce �
<br /> praniume, M�ny; (e) yeuy moRg�ge Insunnce premluma,It any;�nd (Q any sumo payabta by BoROwa to Lender In �ccordence �
<br /> wfth the provlalons of pvaqrpph B, In Neu ot tha payment of mortgaqe inaurance praniums. fiose itans are called 'Encrow �
<br /> Itama.' Lender may.�t any tlme, coNeat�nd hold Funda In �n amount not to exceed the m�xlnwm amount a lender tor a
<br /> ieder�lly rekted mnitg�ge lo�n may roquke for Bertower's esctow account under tho federnl Real Estate Settlement Procedures �
<br /> Aot oi 1974 as amended i�om time to time, 12 U.3.C.g 2801 et aeq. ('RESPA'),unte�s another law that appYes to the Funds
<br /> aeta a lesser amount. If so, Lender m+iy,at any tkne. collect �nd hold Funds in sn amount not to exceed the lesser amount.
<br /> Lender may esUmate iha nmount o1 Funds due on the basla of current daL and reaaonable esllmatee of expendRures of tuture
<br /> Escrow Items or othe�wlse In accordanca wfth appAcable I�e. Instrumentality, or ent including
<br /> The Funda shaM 6e hetd In en instRution whose deposRs are Insured by a federal agency. nY(
<br /> Lender, H Lender Is such en instttutlon) or In any Fedewl Fiome Loan Bank Lender shaN appy the Funds to pay the Escrow
<br /> Items. Lender may not charqe Borrower for holding and applying the Funde,annually metyiing the eserow account,or vaftyfng
<br /> the Escrow items, unless Lender paya Borrower Interest on the Fund� and applicnbls law pemMs lende► to meke such a _.
<br /> charye. However, Lender nxy requke 8ortower to pay e one�time ch�rge lor m Independent real estite tax reporting service
<br /> usM by Lender In connecUon wfth this lan, unless applicable kw provides othawise. Unless�n �yreement ia made or
<br /> appNcable law requkes hterest to be pald, Lender shall not be requlred to pay Borrower eny Interest o�enmMgs on the funds.
<br /> HoROwer and Lender mty egree in wtittng, however, that Interest sheM 6a paid on the Funda. Lender shaN ghra to Borrower,
<br /> wRhout ch�rge,an annutl accounting of the Funda, ahowMg rxedits end debfta to the Funds md Ihe purpose tor whlch each
<br /> debft to the Fund�waa made. The Funds are pledged as addiUonal aecu�ily for W sums aecured by the Secudty Instrumont.
<br /> If the Funds held by Lender oxceed the emounte penntttad to ba held by �ppNc�ble kw.Lender sh�N account to Borrower
<br /> tor the excesss Funds In accordance with ihe requkements of appUcabb law, Ii the amount of ihe Funda held by Lender at any
<br /> Ume Is not sufAclent to pay the Escrow items when due, Lender may ao noWy Borrower h wrNhg,�nd,h such case BaROwer
<br /> sh�N pay to Lender the amount necesaary to meke up the dellclency, Barower ah�t rtuke up the dellciuncy in no moro th�n
<br /> twelve monthy peyments, at Lender'a aola dlscretbn.
<br /> Upon payment M lull of�II sums secured by thls 3ecurity Instrument,Le�dx sh�il pror»pty �elund to Borrower any Funds
<br /> ;,-� �y�`���. �, un�x ';,,,���p�. l.�eiwf ahrY ecquke or sell lhn RoneAy. Lendar,pria to the acquisfUon or sste of the
<br /> Ropeity, shall appy my Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisNbn or sale as a eredit�inat the aums aecurcd by this
<br /> Securlty Instrument
<br /> 3. AppUC�tion of Paymfnts. Unlesa sppiicable lew providea othrnvlse, aN payments recdved by Lender under
<br /> penyniphs 1 t►nd 2 efuiN be applled: flrat,to any prepayment charqes due under the Note; second,to amounts payable under
<br /> patagraph 2;thkd,to hterost due;tourth,to princlpal due;and kst,to�ny late charges due under the Note.
<br /> 4. Clf�rye9; L11�1l. Borrower sheN pay sA tnxes, assesamente, aherpes, fines and ImposHbns attribuUble to the
<br /> Roperty wh�h mry at4in priqrfry over thls Security Inatrument,and le�sehdd prymenta or ground renta,H any. Borrower ahsN
<br /> psy thase ob1lg�Uona In the msnner provided tn panpraph 2, or N not pdd tn that manner,BoROwe►ahal pry them on tGne
<br /> dkecdy to the pason owed payment. Borrower shaq promptry lumish to lender aN notices of amounb to be paid under thts
<br /> par�gnph. It Borrower makes these payments directry, Borrowe► shatl prompth/ iumiah to Lender recdpts evidenciny the
<br /> payments.
<br /> Bortower sh�M prompty discharpe any Ilen which hes priority ovcr thb Securtty Inatrument u�less Borrowa: (�) syrees in
<br /> wrftlny to the payment of the obligttUon secured by the Nen in e menner�ceeptable to Lender, (b) tiontests in good htth the
<br /> Ilen by, or detenda ay�inst entorcement of the Yen in, lepd proceedhgs wMah In the Lendere opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> unforcement ot the Ilen;or(o) secures trom the holde►of tha�en an agroement satisfactory to Lender aubordinating the Nen to
<br /> thle Sawrfly InstrumenG If Let�der detertnMes that any part of the Property Is subJect to a Hen whlch may atteln ptiortly over this
<br /> ' SecurNy Inatrument, Lendtx m�y give Bortower e noUce identitying the lien.Bortower ehnN saUsy the Ifen ar take one or rtwre of
<br /> the actlona aet lorih above within 10 daya of the ghring of notice.
<br /> b. H�zard Of PI'Opetty InsufanC�.Borrower shal keep the Mnprovanents now e�dstinp or hereafter erected on the
<br /> Prape�ty insured egalnst tosa by flro, hwrda tncluded wkhin the t�xm 'extended coverege'and�ny other h�znrds, Induding
<br /> tloods or 1looding,fa which Lender rcquires ineunmce. Thls Insurance ahtlt be malntained N the amount6 snd tor the periods
<br /> thet Lender requtrea. fie inaurenca cartier provldinp the Insunnce sheN be chosen by Borrowef aubject to Lender'a approval
<br /> which nhri not be unreaaonably wkhheld. tt Borrower falis to tmk►tain cover�ge desuibed abore. Lender may, at Lender's
<br /> apNon,abisNa coverape to protect Lmder'e rigfits tn the Prope+ry In accoMuice wkh paragraph 7.
<br /> AN Inaurance poYcles end renewals ehaN be ecceptebte to Lender md slull Mclude e atand�rd mortgeye ciause. Lender
<br /> shail havo the riyht to hold the poNGes end ronewals. It Lender requke�,Bortower ahe8 promptty gNe to Lender ell receipri ot
<br /> paid premiuma and renewal noticea. In the event ot Ioan,Bortower ahall qNe prompt no4ce ta the hsuBnca cartier and Lender.
<br /> Lender may rrMke proof ot loss N not mede promptlyr by Bonowa.
<br /> Unlesa Lender and Borrower oiherwlse agree In wriUng, Msurance prxeeda sheN be nppied ta restoration ar repair of the
<br /> Property demaged, H the restoraUon or repalr Is economicaly feesible and Lender's eecurUy ta not kssmed. Ii the restoration or
<br /> repalr Is not economleelly fensible or Lender's security would be lesaened the Insurence proceeds ehall be epplied to the sums
<br /> seaured by this Secwtly Instrument, whether or not then due, with any excess pald to Bortower. It Borrower abandons the
<br /> Property, or does not nnswer wlthln 30 deys a notice irom Lender that the insurance cartfer has offered to settle a clNm, then
<br /> Lendx may ooNect the tnsurance proceeds. Lender mny use the proceeds to repek or �estore the Property or to pay suma
<br /> securnd by thla Securiry InnWment,whether or not lhen due. The 30�day period will begfn whm tl�e nutice Is given.
<br /> Unless Lender end Bonower othenvlse agree in writing, any appYcation ai proceeds to prinoipel shall not extend or
<br /> � postpone the due dnte of the monthy paymenta reterred to In paregraphs 1 end 2 or change the amount of the paymento. If
<br /> under paregraph 21 the PropeAy Is acqulred by Lender. Borrower s dghl to any Inaurance pdicles and proceeds rctsulting from
<br /> damage to the Properly prlar to the acquislUon sh�ll pass to Lender to the extent of the sums by thts Security Instrument
<br /> Immediately pdor to the acqulsftion.
<br /> _J n__a��at�.. �s �1.� G�..�.i.. D....wu.sr�� �n�n
<br /> 6. ucaupancyr� rroservaiion, maiiiiGn�ir�i :��u ��.+�.�...�. �� ..� ..�.�.-..a, —
<br /> • Applicallon; L�atlh0lde. Borcower shall occupy, establish, and use the Property as Borrowa's prindpai residence w(thin
<br /> ; sixly days after the execution of this Securiiy Instniment and shatl canUnue to occupy the Properry as Borrower's principal
<br /> , resldence for at least one year after the date of occupuncy, unless Lender otherwise agrees In wd�g,which consent shall not
<br /> be unreasonably withheid,or uniess extenuating circumstances exist which are beyond Borroweis cantrol. Borrower shall not
<br /> — destroy, damnge or knpair the Property, anow the Prope+ty to deteriorete,ar commit waste on the Properiy. Borrower shell be fn
<br />