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..� . ' l—-'�'.... a •.�.�.�� � � .� .-..._ .. _ '_- _.i➢41!lli_L1L""R':.. <br /> - .t'.�\J.YY.w d l«}, .. : -.. ..: '"__ <br /> - _ _.:dld��,�iSq�}�:� .. . '..'•. . . , ��e�,��N.`T'__—_.—_ <br /> •MKM�,yy,� , 4L. _ _�.�_...__"... .... _.��._. <br /> ��YM���. y� .����,ti__ <br /> , 1%.T�andsr of th� p►op�rty or a 8�n�ficl�l Int�r�st In �orrow�r. n .n or any p�rt of the PropeAy or <br /> any Intereet In H Is eold or Innsterred(or N■ bene8cl�l Inlereat In Borrower le sold or Iransterred +�nd Borrowa Is not w natural <br /> pernon) w�lhout Lender'a prlor wrllten coneent, Lendet msy.�l Ite opllon, requlre Immedlete paymcnt in lull oi ell sums seaued by <br /> ti�l�Seewity Inetrument. Howover, thls optlon shell not bo exerclaed by Lender II exerclso Is prohiblted by fedr.ral law ea o1 thn _ <br /> date ol Ihl� Security Instrument. <br /> II Lc�der exerclae� thls oplion, Lender shall plve 6orrower notice ol acceleretlon. The notice sha� provide e pe►iod o1 not <br /> less than 30 d+►ya lrom the date ihe notice Is dellvered or ma�in� wilhln whlch sorrower must pay tll eum� aecured by thl� <br /> �ocudty Natrument. II Borrower Isils to pay these aums prlor to 4ho expir�tlon of this period. Lender may Invoke any remedles <br /> permitted by thls Sacurlty Inntrument without 1uAher nopce or demand on Borrawer. <br /> 1H. Bo►rAWeI'e Rl�ht !o R�Instat�. If Borruwer moels certeln conditlona. Borrower shell havo Ihe ri�hl to havo <br /> enlorcernent ol thi� Secudty instrument discontlnued at any time prfor to the earller ol: (e) 5 days(or such other perlod as <br /> appYable law may epecify lor rNn3tetement) befare a�le o1 the PropeAy purouent to any power of nele contelned In thls Security � <br /> Instmmenl; or(b) emiry o1 e Judgment enforcing thls Securiry Inatrument.Those conditlona ero that Barrower: (a) pays Lender all � <br /> sume v,rhlch then would be due under thls Security Inatrument end the Note es it no acceleratlon hed occurred: (b) cures �ny I <br /> deteult �I nny other covenent or egreements; (o) peys all expenses Incurted in enforcing this Securiry Instrument. Including, bul <br /> not Rmitad to,reasonabla attomeys'fees: and (d) takes such actlon as l.ender may reasonsbiy requlre to assure that the Iien of � <br /> this Sr�curity Instrument. Lender's rights In the Property and Borcowcsr's obligatlon to pay the sums secured by this Security Q <br /> Instn�rrtanl sheN eontinue unehsnged. Upon relnstetement by Borrower. this Security Instrument and the obligatlons secured � <br /> horaby shall remaln fully eflective as II no aeceleretion had occurred. Howover,ihis right to rNnstate shall not epply In the cese � <br /> of ecoeteraUon under paragraph 17. <br /> 19.581� of Note; Changs O} LOln Senricer. Tho Note or a a paAlai interest in the Nnte (together with this <br /> 3earity Nstniment)may be sold one or more times without prior notice to 8orrower.A Rale may resWt in a chenge in the entity <br /> (known es !ho"Q.aan Servfcer") that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Security Mstrument. There also may <br /> be one or m�re changes of tha Loan Setvlcer unrelsted to a sela of the Nole. If there Is a ahMge oi the Loan Servicor. __.. <br /> 6orrower will brs �iven wrilten notice oi the chenge in accordance with paragraph 14 above and appicablo law. The notice will <br /> stete tf�e rtame qnd address of the new Lonn Servicer and ihe address to which payments should be made. The notice wfR also <br /> conla(ro any othsr Informatlon required by applicable law. <br /> 2Q.H1�a�dOUS SubBti�nCSS. Borrower shali not cause ar �;cr.m�:the presence, use. disposa�, storage, or release ot <br /> any Ha2erdous Substances on or in the Praperty. Bartowsr sha8 not da, nor allow enyone etse to da,anythtng e,�`ecting the <br /> Property ihat Is in vlolation ot any Environmental Law. Tha preeeding two sentences shafl nat appty to ihe presenco. use, or <br /> storage on the PropeAy of small quanlities ot Mazarcluas&uhsiances that are generalry recogn�zed to be approprinte to normel <br /> �esldential uses and to maintenflnce ot lho FRoperry. <br /> Bortower shall prompty g��ve Lender �,rillen notico oY any invesli��tian, claim. demand, tawsut or other action by any <br /> govemmmtal or regulatory ryency or private party InvoNinD�"�z Pro},�rty and any Hazard�us Substance or Environmentai Law of <br /> whkh Bomower has actual knowledge. If Borrower leams, or is naTtfied by any govemmental or repulatory euthority,thet any <br /> rertwvui ur uir�ci i��ie.iintlot� of any Hazarrlan� «ub:lsr.ce sf!CC�!!:g °'^p9tt� !a �anwaaar�, pnnrnvar shell promplly tflke all <br /> necessary �emedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law. <br /> As usecl In this paragreph 20, 'Hezardous Substances' are those substancas deflned as toxic a haz�rdous substances by <br /> Envkonmental Law and the following substances: gasoline, kerosene, other Mmmable or toxic petroleum products. toxio <br /> pesUcides and herbicfde3,votatile aoNenta, materlals cont�k►fng asbestos or tormaldehyde,and radloutive tnntaials. As used In <br /> penflraph 20, 'Envlronmentsl Lnw' means tedetul Iaws and lews o} the Juriaqiclion where the PropMy 1�locatud th�t rel�te to <br /> heUth.6�fery nr envlronmental protection. <br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS.Bor►ower end Lender lurther coven�nt and agree�e toNOwe: <br /> 21. Acc�l�ratlon; R�m�dl�s. Und�r shall giv� notic� to Borrowsr prio► to accN�ratton <br /> following Borrow�r's br�ach of any cov�nant or apr��m�nt In thi■ S�curity Instrum�nt (but nqt <br /> prior to acc�l�ration und�r pangr�ph 17 unl�ss appUc�bl� law provid�s oRh�rwls�). Th� notic� <br /> sh�ll �p�cfiy: (a) th� d�fauit; (b) ths action raqulnd to cun th� d�huit; (c�� dat�, not I�ss than <br /> 30 days nom th� dat� ths notice is given to Borrow�r. by which th� d�fauk must b� cund; �nd <br /> (d) thK hllur� to curo th� dotauR on or baforo the date sp�cNisd In the notica may nsuk tn <br /> . accel�ration of tha e�ums socured by this Security Instrumsnt and sal� of th�Prop�rty.Ths noNc� <br /> sh�ll tuvthar tnform Borrowa► of th� �igM to relnstat� aitor acc�l�r�tion snd tM Nght to bring a <br /> court actlon to s�ss�rt ths �an-existence of s default or any other d�fins� of 6onow�� to <br /> accelxatlon snd sals. {f th� default ls not cund on or bafor� th� dat� s�cifi�d in th� notic�, <br /> I.�nd�r st its option n�ay require 9nnmediat� paymsnt in futl of all sums s�eur�d by this S�cu�ity <br /> lnetrum.nt without furthsr demand ana m�y Invoko the power of sal� and any other �em�dles <br /> p�rmkted by applicable law. Lender shall be entitlsd to coll�ct all expensss fncur►ed 1n punufng <br /> th� P�m�diss providvd In this paragraph 21, including, but not limlt�d to, reaso�sbl� attorn�ys' <br /> fNS md costs of title evidence. <br /> If th� pow�r of sal� is invoked� Trustse shall reaord a notice of dsfault in �ach county In <br /> which any PaK of the Proparty ts located and sha11 mail coplas of such notice in t6tw msnner <br /> prescribed by applicabls law to Borruwer aed tu the other persons prescrlbed by applic�ble law. <br /> After the tims requlred by applicable law, Trustee shall giv� public notics of sple to the persons <br /> and tn th� mann�r prescribed by applicabie law. Trustee� without damand on Bor�ower, ehall sell <br /> ths Prop�rty at public auctlon to ths high�at b(dder at the tiine and placo and under ths terma <br /> - destgnatad in tha notico of sale in one or more parcels and In any order Trustee determines. <br /> Trust�� may pastpone aats of all or any parcel of the Property by public annou�cement at the <br /> tims �nd placa of any previousiy scheduled sate. Lender or its destgnee may purchase the <br /> - Prop�rty at any sale. <br /> Upon recs(pt of payment of the price bid, Trustee shail daliver to the purchaser Truatse's <br /> - a.�a,.......�..s.... �l..o.....e.�.. T1.v .o.-i*nte tn *!�s Truatas'a doad sxhsti hd nrLrs�facio avidancu nf <br /> ......�..........�...s ...� . .�r_"�' "'- '--._�_ ... �.- '-^---- ---- --�--- -- � . <br /> =. the truth of the atatements made therein. Trustse shatl apply the prooeeds of the sale in ths <br /> -- following order. (a) to ail costs and expenses of exorctsing tho power of sale, and the sale, -- <br />';a includirig the payment of the 7rustee's fees actually incurred, not to ext�eed three <br /> 9'0 of the principal amount of the <br /> + not��t tt�a time a�f the declaration of defaulg, and reasonable attornsy's fees as permitted by law; _ <br /> - (b) to a11 sums secured by this Security Instrumant: and (c) any excess to the person or persans <br /> - legalty �ntitled to R. <br />, F1316.LM0 (119�1 Puq� 4 ot 5 ������� � <br /> � 9113ti . . . ..— --- � <br />