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<br /> HoirawK m�y ane nueh � �I�uN �nd relmt�i�, Re ryrorlded h� p�r�q►�ph 16, by cautilna lhw �c11an or procaedMip tu ba —
<br /> �Nerra��M wHh ■n�Nnp Ihd, In La�da e pnod INNh d�lxmMietlon, precludas tafelture ol tl�e�artowrsr e Intern�t In Ihe Pro�ferly or
<br /> �Ihnr nut�nl�l Imp�kmenl ol lhe Ilan crel�led by thl� Securfty Inelrument or lender'e eecu�ity Intaeat. 8orrnwer et��N�Iso be In
<br /> doINU11 II 13oirawnr, d�nln{I Ihe loen nppllctdlan procesa,pe�ve mAterlelly lalse or Inaccurete Intormellan or ststemenle to Lender(or
<br /> Idled lo prnvltln Lender wfth �ny mnterinl Inlorm�tlan) In connectlon wllh Ihe lo�n evldenced qy the Nota, Inatudlnp, but nat
<br /> limited to, repreRentetlann oonc�xn�np Barrower's�`h ell the �rovlslonsr�of�th lease.p II Horro�e�daaqulros I foe tflie tout!o
<br /> Inatrumant la on e leeeehold, 9orcower aheil comply P
<br /> Property, the te�sehold end lha toe title shall not merfle unlesa Lendar agrees la iha merger In writing.
<br /> 7. P�Ot�atlon of Lss7dsl''i RlQhts In th�Prop�rty B Borcower lells to perfomt the covenents end agreemente
<br /> contalned In thls Security Instrumen6 or thcre is e leqel proeEeding thet mey signiflcantiy allect Lender's righta In tho Property
<br /> (such as e proceeding In bankruptcy proLate, tor condemnatlon or forfelWre M to enforco lews or regulatlons). then Lender may
<br /> do and pay tor whe�tever Is necessary to protect ihe value of the Property and Lendera rights In tho Property Lender's actlons �
<br /> may Include paying any suma securod by a Uen whkh has prlority over 1Ns Secur4y Instrumes�t, apPeadng in oourt, pnying '
<br /> reasonable sttomeys'tees and entering on ihe PropertY Co mcike repalrs.Although 4ender may ta&o actinn under this paragreph
<br /> 7, Lender does not heve to do so.
<br /> Any nmounts dlsbursed by lender under paragraph 7 shall become additional deht of Bonower secured 6y this Security
<br /> Instrument. Unless BoROwer end lender agree to other temts ot payment,ihese amounis shell bear interest from the dste ot �
<br /> disbursement at the Note rate and shall 6e payable, wlih interest.upon nottce iram Lender to Bor�ower requesting peyment.
<br /> 8. Mortgags Insuranas. If Lender require�d mortgage Insurance as a condition ot making the Ioan secured by this �
<br /> Secudly Instrument. Bono�ver shall pay the premlums requlred to malntaln the moAgage insurance in eflect.If,for any reason,the O
<br /> mottgage Insurance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in eHect, Borrower shail pay the premiums required to
<br /> costt t c Borrower of8the�amortgage Ilnsuranceeprevl�ousy Ineeffett homlan eltematecmoRgage�insurersapp ovedQbygLender.lhft
<br /> substentlaly equlvalent mortgage insurance coverege Is not available, Borrower shail pay to Lender each month a sum equal to
<br /> orts-twelfth oi the yearly mortgage insurance premium befng paid by Bortower when the insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to
<br /> be in effect. Lender wlll accept, use and retain these payments as x los�reserve in tieu of mo�4gage insurance. Loss reserve
<br /> payments may no longer be required, at the option of Lender. If mortgage (nsurance coverage pn the amount and for the period
<br />- that Lender requires) provlded by an insurer approved by Lender again becomes available and is o6tained. Borrower shall pay
<br /> the presniums required to malntaln mortgage Insurance(n effect, or to provide a lass reserve,until ihe requlrement tor mortgage
<br /> insurence ends in aecordance wfth eny wdtten agreemmt between BoROwer and Lendor or epplic�ble Iaw. �ender shal�giv�e
<br /> 9. II►BpBCtlOtt. Lender or its egent may make reasonabte entrlas upon and inspections of the P�operly. _.
<br /> Bo►rower notlee eR the time of or pdor to an Inspection specifyfng reasonable cause�tor the inspeation. .
<br /> 10. CondemnatiQro.The proceeds ot eny award or clalm for damagea direct or consequential, In connectlon with any �_
<br /> conderttnatlon or other teking of any part ot the Property,or tor conveyance in Ueu ot condemnallon, are hereby assignec! and
<br /> shaN be paid to Leoder.
<br />= In ihe event of a tatal taWng n� ihe Property. the ptnceeds shali be appiied to the u�ums secured by thls Security
<br /> Instrument,whethcv or not lhen due,wtth any exc�sa pald to BoROwer. In the event of a pertiad takin�ot iha Property in which
<br /> iha iair �i.�.:�'t va��a�:S::r °:�C=� i!^^.!^'�!?t.+y k,atore lhe talGnq Is equal to or greater than tD�e amount o7 the sums secured
<br /> by this Security Inslrument immedialety betore the lek(ng, unless 8ortower and Lender otherovise ngree in writing. ihe aur��s
<br /> secured by thia 8ecurity Inotrument shall be reduced by the amount of the proceeds muRiplied by Ihe foilowing fracNon: (a) the
<br /> totei nmount of the sume secured Immedlately betore the tsking, dNided by(b)tho fa(r market value of the Property Immedistely
<br /> before the taking. My balance shall be pald to Bortower.In the event of a partkl taking of the Property In which ihe fak market
<br /> nless �BorrowerP�tLende►to herwise agrete In9wdting�orh unless app ic�ble tlaw olhe�wfse rprovides,�lhe�proc�eedshsh Ni be
<br /> �pplied to the sums secured by this Security Inalrumcnt whether or not the surns are ihen due.
<br /> If the Property Is abandoned by Borrower.or il,after notice by Lender to Borrower that the conde�mor ottera to make�n
<br /> award or serile a d�kn tor damages, Borrower faNs to respond to Lmda withln 30 days�tter ihe d�te the notiCe Is qhren.
<br /> Lender le authorized to coRect and epply lhe praceeds. et fts aptlon, efther to restoratbn or �epdr of the PropeAy or to the
<br /> sums secured by thls Security Instrument,whether a not then due.
<br /> Unksn Lender end Bortowur othernrise �gree In wrking, any �ppNution ot proceeds to principd shsN not �a d or
<br /> poatpone the due date of the monthy psyme*�ts reterted to In p�ngrapha 1�nd 2 or chango the amount of such p�ym
<br /> 11.Borrow�r N o t R�I�as�d; Forb�annc� 6y L.�nd�r Not • Waiv�r. Ex�ension ot ihs tkne tor p�yment or
<br /> mpolllcatbn of�mortizatlon o}the sums secured by this Securiry Instmment grented by Lender to�ny auccessa in Interest oi
<br /> Bortowa shaN not operute to rclease the Ii�biHty o1 the odginal Borrower a Borrower's suecessore in intaest. Lendx shNl not
<br /> be requlrod to commmce proceedfngs agalnst any successor In interest or retuse to extend tkne for payment or otherwise
<br /> modify�moNzntion ot the sums secured by thls Sec+�rity Instrummt by�e+son of any demand mede by the originel Borrower or
<br /> Bortowct's successors in Mterest. My forbeere�ce by Lender in exercising any dght or remedy shnN not be � walver ot or
<br /> preclude the exerdae of any right or remedy.
<br /> 12. Succ�sson and Aasigns Bound; Joint and Sev�ral Uabilit�, Co-sign�n. 'rhe covensnts and
<br /> agreements ot thfs Security Inswmmt shall bMd and benefit the successora end assigns of Lender snd BoROwer.subJect to the
<br /> provislons of paragraph 17• Borrower's covenants end agreements shall be jolnt and severai. My Bortower W rent and9canvhis
<br /> Security Instrumont but does not execute the Note: (a) Is co-signing thls Security Instrument onty to mortgage.g 0Y
<br /> that Bortower's {ntercst in the Property under the terms of thls Securily Instrument: (b) Is not personaYy obAgated to pay the
<br /> sums secured by ih(s Security Instrument; and(c) agrees that Lende►�nd nny other Barower may agrce to extend, modiry.
<br /> forbear or make eny accommodationa with regard to the terms of this Securily Instrument or the Note wRhout that BoROwers
<br /> eonsent.
<br /> 13. Loan Ch�rg98. If the loan secured by this Security Instmment is subJect to a law whlch sets maximum loen
<br /> chargt�o,end that Inw Is finaly interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges coNected or to be collected In conneetion
<br /> with the loan exceed the permitted Ilmita. then: (a)any such loan chargo shaY be reduced by tho amount necessary to reduce
<br /> the charge to the permitted limil: and (b) any sums already oollecled 1rom Borrower which exceeded parmitted limils will be
<br /> - retunded to Borrowe►. Lender may choose to mako this retund by raducNg the pdncipal owed under the Note or by making a
<br /> direct payment to Borrower. Ii a retund reduces principal, the reduction wi� be trealed as e partial prepayment wilhout eny
<br /> prepayment charge under ihe Note.
<br /> 14. NotlC�s.My notice to Bortower provided tor in this Security Instrument shatl be given by delNering ft or by Address
<br /> by tirst class maN unless appltcabie Isw requlres use oi another methad. The notic� shall be directed to the Properiy
<br /> - or eny other address Bortower designates by nolice to lender. My nollce to Le�der shall be given by first c►ass mafl to
<br /> _� �___,_ .r�.....��..,..,�.�� 1 mdar dttslcnates bv noUce to Borrower. My notice provided tor in this
<br /> iC71QCTi aVUiC.�b 5iuicv uwcn. v. ....� ,....—. __�..- -
<br />—:: Security Instrumeat shaM be deemed to have been gNen to Bortowcr or Lender when given as provided in this paragraph.
<br /> '- 1b. Doverntng Law; Seve�Bbility Thls Security Instrument shan be govemed by tederel Iaw and the law o1 the
<br />-K� jurisdictlon in which ihe Propeity Is located. In the event that any provision or clause ol this Seeuriry Instrument or the Note
<br /> ,�,� conllicla with applicable law, such contilct shen nM aftect other provislons ot this Security Instturoent or the Note which can be
<br />— given eNect without the confliding ptovision. To thls end the provisions ol this Securiry instniment and the Note are declared to
<br />��.. be sererable.
<br />--- 16. Bur�ower's Copy.Bonower shatl be given one conformed copy oi thtt Note and of this Security Instrument.
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