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However, thts optlon ehen not ba exerclsed by Lender I( exercl�e Is prohlbited by lederal Inw as ol the ` <br /> date oi thls Secu�iry Inatrument. - <br /> If Lender exerclses thls optlon, Lender shall gNO Bonower notice oi acceleratlan. The notice ahall provlde a pedad ol not <br /> less than 30 deys lrom lhe datn the notice is delNered or mailed wlihln whlch Borrower must pay all sums secured by ihis <br /> Security Instrument. If 8orrower falls to pay these eums prlor to the expvatlon o1 thls period. Lender may Invoke any remedles <br /> permlttod by this Securlly Instrument wlthout iurther notice or oemand on Borrower. <br /> 18. Borrowsr's Right to Reinstate�If Borrower meets certaln conditlons. Borrower shall heve the right to heve � <br /> eniorcement ot thls Security Inatn�ment dlscontinued at any tlme pdor to the eadier of: (a) 5 days (or such othar purlod u� �' <br /> epplicable law may epecity tor reinstatemenl)betae salo oi the Property pursuant ta any power ot sale containod in thls Seadty <br /> Insirument: or (b) entry of a Judgment entorcing thls Securily Instrument. Those conditions are that Borrower. (a) pays l.onder ali <br /> sums whlch then would be due under thls Secudty Inetrument and the Note as 11 no acceleratlon had occurced; (b)cu�es eny <br /> detauR ot any other eovenent or agroementa: (a)payc ali expenses (ncurred In enlorcing lhis Security Inatrument. Including,but <br /> not Iimited to, reasonable attamays' fees; and (d)ta{toa such actlon as Lender may reasonably require to easure that the Ilen of <br /> th4s Security Inetrument, Londar'� righta In tha Property And Borrower's obAgatlon to pay the sums secured by thls Security <br /> Inatrument shall cont)nua unohunged, Upon reinelatament by Borrower, ihla Security Instrument and the obligatlons seared <br /> herehy shall remaln fulty efteotive ae N no acaeieretian had occurred. However, thla right to relnatate shall not apply In the cese <br /> of acceleratlon under paragraph 17. <br /> 19. Sale of Nots; Channe o1' Laan Servicer. The Note or a a partinl Interest In the Note (together with Ihis <br /> Security Instrument) may be sold one or mare t(mes without prior notice to Bonower. A sale may resuft In a change In the entity <br /> (known es lhe 'Loan Servicer")that collects moniMy peyments due under the Note and this 3ecurity Instrument. There also may <br /> bo ono or more changes of the Loen Servicer unreiated to a sale of the Note. If there Is a change of the Loan Snrvicer. <br /> Borrower wYl be gNen written notice of the cfiange in accordanco with paragraph 14 ebove and appifcable law. The notice will <br /> atate the name and address of the new Loan Serv�er and the address to which peymenta should be made. The notice witl elso <br /> contaln any other Informatlon required by applicaNe law. <br /> 20. HuA�dous Subataneea. Borrowa sha� not cause ar pertnit the presenco, use, disposal, storage, or retease of <br /> any Hezerdous Substances an or In the Property. Barcower shell not do, nor a�ow anyone else to do,enything attecting the <br /> Property thet Is in vlolatlan a(any Envlronmental Law. The preceding two sentences sfiall not apply to the presence, use, or <br /> storage on the Property o1 smell quantitiea of Huardous Substances thet are gene►ally recognized to be appropriate to normel <br /> ' resldenUal uses and to maintenance oi the Property. <br /> 8orrowe► shall promptly glve Lender written notice oi any InvestigAtion. clalm, demand. Iawsuit or other actlon by any <br /> govemmental or regulatory agency or private party Invoiving the Proporty and eny Hezardous Substance or Environmental Lew of <br /> whlch BoROwer has actual knowledge. If Borrawer learns, or Is notMied by any govemmental or regulatory authority, that any <br /> r�t�sa;tai ar cthcr rem�dletlon ^f er.y .Hazer�ir,u�S��bst�nce aftacUna ProperN is necessary, Bortower shali promptly take ell <br />'_' necessery remedlai actions In accordance wilh Enrironmental Law. <br />,- As uaed In this paragreph 20, 'Hazardous 5lbstances` are those aubatances deflned as toxic or hazardous substances by <br /> Environmentel Lnw and the iollowing substenus: gasoline, kerosene, other 1lemmable or toxic petroleum producta,toxio <br /> pesticides end herbicides,volat�e soNents,materlels containing asbestos or formaidehyde, and radioactive materiais. As used in <br /> paragnph 20, "Environmentet Lew" meana tederal iaws and Iaws of the ju�isdicUon where the Property Is located that relate to <br /> � heellh,satety or environmentai protectton. <br /> -- NON-UNIFORM COVENANT8. Borrower and lender turther covenant and agree as toliows: <br /> 21. Accel�ration; Rem�diss. Lender shali gtv� notlas to Borrower prior to accNerNion <br /> � following Borrowar's breach of any covenant or sgrssment in this Security Instrum�nt (but not <br /> prtor to acc�t�ration und�r paragr�ph 17 unless applicabls law provides othorwtsa). Tha notic� <br /> shall sp�clfy: (a) the default; (b) the�c41on required to cure the dsfault; (c) e date, not lass than <br /> � 30 d�ys from thw dat� th� notic� is givon to Borrowor� by which tho dofauR must be curad;�nd <br /> (d) theit failurs to cur� the dsf�ult on or betore ths date apscified In the aotice may rasuft in <br /> . accel�ration of ths sums s�cured by thia Sscurity Instrumsnt and sals of ths Propsrty. Ths notic� <br /> ahail fuKher Intorrr� 8orrower of tt�o right to re{nstate aiter acceler�tian �nd the ►IgM to bring a <br /> court xction to esaert tho non-sxistwncs af a dofault or �ny othsr dsfens� of Borrow�r ta <br /> accol�rad�on and salo. If tha dsfauk is not aured on or befara ths date ap�cifi�d tn th� notica, <br /> Lend�� �t tts optlon may requlre immediate paymsnt In full of all eums secured by thla Seourity <br /> Instrum�nt without furth�r d�mend md may Invoke the pow�r of sala and any other rsrn�di�a <br /> psrmftt�d by�pplic�blo law. Lvndsr�hall bs entitl�d to coltect atl oxpunaos tncurrad In punutng <br /> the nmsdi�s provided in this paragraph 21, including, but not limited to� rsasonable attorneys' <br /> feas�nd coats of tttla evidance. <br /> If the power of ss�le ia fnvoked,Trustee shall record a notics of defaiult tn eaah county in <br /> which any part of the P►operty is located an@ ahall mai! aopiea of such notice tn the m�nr��r <br /> prsscribad by appUcable law to Borrower and to the othor porsans prascrfbad by Apptloable law. <br /> ARer the tims required by appUcable law. Trustee shall give public notice of sale to the peraons <br /> and in the m�nner presc�ibed by applic�ble taw. Trustae� without demand on Borrower, shall selt <br /> the P�aparty at public auction to th� highest bidder at tho time and place and under the terms <br /> designated In the notice ot sale in ons or mora percel� and In any order T�ustse dsterminaa. <br /> Trustee may postpone sate of all or any Parcel of tho Proporty by pubUc announcemant �t the <br /> time aad place of any previously scheduted sele. Lender or its designee may purchase the <br />'° Property at any sale. <br />-- Upon racefpt oi payment of the price bid, Trustee shall deliver to the purchaser Truatee's <br />' f�OA[I C�IIVOVIII� tho Pronartv. 7he recitals in the Trustee's deed shall be prima facie evidenca of <br />= the truth of the statements made therein. Trustee shall apply tho proceeds of the sal• In the <br />— tollowfng order: (a) to all costs and expensea of exercising the power of sale, a�d the sale. <br />- including the payment of the Trusto�'s tees actueliy incurred, not to exceed thr�e , <br />- 96 of the principal amount of the <br /> �' note at the time af the dectaratton of default, and reasonable attornoy's fees as permitted by law; <br /> ' (b) to ail sums secured by thfs Sacurity Instrument; a�d (c) any excess to th� person or parsons <br />:.� leg�lly antttled to it. ���� <br /> F171G.LMG(1N7� c.�a�•a ot 5 p,✓•c� `=f-:-c,+— <br /> ��iaa <br />