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Bonower eh�N�iso be In <br /> delault II Borrower,durinq ihe lo�n�ppllcptlon procea�, p+�ve materiaUv(alse or Innccurate Inlormatlon or statemente to lender(or <br /> lalled to provlde Lendar wlth any materlr! Info�matlon) In connectlon wlth tho loun evldenced by Ihe Note, Includinp, but not <br /> Iimited to, repreaentatlone concerning Borrowe►'e occup�ncy o1 the PropeAy ee s princlpel resldaue. II thla Securlty <br /> Inntrurnant la on a le�eehold, Bortower ehall compiy wlih all the provlsiona ol the IeASb. II 8orrower �cqulres lee tille to the <br /> Properly,ti�e letnehold end the tee tiile sheN not merpe unleaa I.ender apreee to the merger h wrllln4. <br /> 7.Pr�betlon of L�nder'� Rlpht� In th� prop�rty. If Borrower lalls to pedorm ihe covonnnta and agreemente <br /> contalned In ihls 3ecurlty Inatrumenl, or there la a legal proceeding that mey elgnitic�ntly eAect Lender's rlghte In the Properly <br /> (such as a prxeedfig In benkruplcy, probate, lor condemnetlon or IoAeltura or to nnlorco law, �r ragulatlona). then Lender may <br /> do and pay lor whatever Is necesssry to protect ihe voluo 01 the Propeny and Lender'e rlghla in the Properly. Lender's actlons <br /> may Include p�ytng eny eums secured by e Ilm whlch hes prloriry over thla Securiry Inslrument, appearinq In oourt, paylnp <br /> reseonabie �flornaya'feee and entering on the Property to make repalra.Alihough Lender m�y toke actlon under thls pnrngraph <br /> 7. Londa does not h�ve to do so. <br /> Any amounts dleburaed by Lender under peragreph 7 shell become edditional debt M Borrower secured by thlo Security <br /> Instrument. Unless Bor►ower and Lender agree to other tertns of payment, these amounta shall bear Interest irom ihe data oi <br /> dlsburaement»the Note rete and shaA be payable,with Interest, upon notice irom Lender to Borrower requesting payment. <br /> 8. Morlgag� Insurane�. If Lender requlred mortgage inaurnnce sa a conditlon of mnking the loan aecured by thls <br /> Security Instrumant,BoROwer shaM pay the promlums required to malntein the mortgage Insumnao In ettect. It,for any reaeon,the <br /> mortgnge insunnce eovernge required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in ettect, Borrower shali pay the premluma required to <br /> obtain coverego substantlaNy equfvaient to the mortgage Inauranae prevlousiy in eBect. at e cost substantialty equivalent to the <br /> coat to Bortower ot the moRgego Insurance prevlously In efloct, from an altemate mortgage Insurer approved by Lender. IT <br /> substantielly equlvalent mortgage Inaurance r,overnge Is not evaflable. Bortower ahail pay to Lender each month a sum equal to <br /> one�lwelAh of the yeariy mortgage insurance premium being pald by Bortower when the Ineunnce coverago lapaed or ceaned to <br /> be In efleci. Lender will accept, use and reteln these payments ao a loss reserve fn ileu of mortgage Insurance. Loss reserve <br /> payments may no longer be required, at the optlon ot Lender, Ii mortgage Insurance coveraqe (in tho amount and tor the peiiod <br /> thst Lender requires) provided by an insurer approved by Lender agaln becomes�vaflable Nd Is obteined. BoROwer shall pay <br /> the premiurns reyulred to melntaln mortgage Insurence in ettect, or to provlde a loas reserve, until tha requlremeni tor mortgage <br /> Insurance ends In accordance with eny w�itten egreement between Bortower and Lende►or apppcable law. <br /> 9.InspYCtlon. Lender or its agent may make reasonable enMes upon end Inspecttona of the Property. Lender shall gNe <br /> Dorrower notice at the time of or prior to an Inapectlon specitying reasonable cause for the inspectlon. <br /> 10. Condemnation.Tho proceeds af any award or claim for damages, dlrect or consequentlal, fn connection with eny <br /> condemiation or other teking of any part ot the Property, or for conveyance fn Ileu of condemnation, are hereby assigned and <br /> shall he paid to Lender. <br /> In ihe event of a total taking af the Property, the proceeds shall be applled to the sums sRCUred by this Security <br /> Instrument, whether or not then due, with any excess pald to Borrower. In the event of e pnRial teking of the Property In which <br /> the telr ma►ket value of the Property Immediately before the teking Is equal to or greater then the emount of tho sums secured <br /> by this Securiry Instrument Immediately betore the teking, untess Borrower and Lender olherwise agrte In writing, the sums <br /> secured by thls Security Instrument shali be reduced 6y ihe amount of the proceeds muftlplled by the toilowing irection: (a)the <br /> totei amount of the sums securQd immedlately betoro the taking, dNided by (b� the talr market value of the Property Immediatey <br /> betore ihe teking. My baiance ahall be pald to Bonower. In the event oi a paRial taking oi the Property in which the fair market <br /> vnlue ot the Property immedlately before the taking Is less than the amount of the sums secured Immediately before the taking, <br /> unless Borrower end Lender otherw(se agree In writing or unless epplicabie law othervvise providos, the proceeds shell be <br /> applfed to the sums secured by this Security Instrument whether or not tha sums are then due. <br /> If the Property Is abendoned by Borrower, or it, atter noticn by Lender to Borcower thel the condemnor ottero to make�n <br /> award or settle a clakn for damages, Bonower fails to respond to Lender wfthin 30 days atter the date the notice is ghrm, <br /> Lender b aulhorized to colleat and apply the proceeds, et Its option, either to restoratlon or repalr ot the PropeAy or to the <br /> sums secu�ed by this 3ocurtty Instrument, whether or not then due, <br /> Unless Lender end Bartower otherwise aflree In writing, any eppiication of proceeds to principel ehall not extend or <br /> postpone the due date of the monthly peyments refc�red to In paragraphs 1 and 2 or cha�ge the emount ot such payments. <br /> 11.9orrow�r Not Rdeaasd; Forbsarance By Lendor Not a Waiver.Extena�on ot the tkne tar payment or <br /> modtRcaUon of amorthatlon oi the sums aecured by thfs Security Inntrument grantod by Lender to any successor In Interest of <br /> Borrower shal not operate to reiease the Ilabllity of the orlginel Borrower o�8ortown's successors In interest. Lender shaN not <br /> . be required to commence proceedings agalnst any successor in interest or reluae to exlmd time for paymont or olherwise <br /> modity emortiution ot the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by ihe original Borrower or <br /> Bortower's succassors in Interest. Any torbearence b�• Lender fn exercis(ng any right or remedy shaU not be a welver oi or <br /> predude the exercise of any dght or remedy. <br /> 12. Succes�sors and Asslgns Bound; Joi�t and Several Liabllity; Co-signers.The covenants and <br /> egreemmts of ihfs Security Inatrument shall bind and beneili the successora and assigns of Lender and Bonowe►, sub)eot to the <br /> provislona o}perngraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreements sheli be Joint end sever�. My 8onowa who co•alyns thfs <br /> Securiry Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a) is co•slgning this Secu►ity instrumenf only to mortgage, grant and convey <br /> that Bortoyver's Interest in the Property under the terms of thla 3ecu�ity Instrument; (D) is not personaly obligated to pey the <br /> sums secu�ed by thls Security Instniment; and (c) agreos that Lender and eny othor Bortower may agree to extend, modily, <br /> torbear or �uke any accommodatlons wlth regard to tho terms of thls Seeurity Instrument or the Note without that Borrowe�'s <br /> consent. <br /> 13. L,Cpt1 Chptgee. If the loan secured by thia Secu�ity Instrument Is subJect to a law whicb sets meximum loan <br /> charc�es,and that law is finaly fnterpreted so that the intereat or other loan charges collectod or to be collected in connectfon <br /> wRh the ban exceed the permitted Iimits, then: (a) any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount nocessary to reduce <br /> the cherge to the permftted Ilmit: and (b) any sums already collected from Borrower which exceeded pertnitted Iim(ts will be <br /> retunded to Barower. Lender may choose to meke this retund by reducing the princfpal owed under lhe Note or by making a <br /> direct peyment to Borrower. Ii a refund reduces pdncipul, the reduction wfll be treated es a partial prepayment wfthout any <br /> preoayment charga under the Note. <br /> 14.NOtlCe9.My notice to Bortower provided for in this Secur(ty Instrument shall be given by delivedng ft or by malling it <br /> by first class nail unless epplicable law requires use of anotAer method. The notiee shall be dkected to the Property Address <br /> or any other nddress Borrower deslgnates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by Tirst clsss rteail to <br /> Lender's eddress stated herein or eny other eddress Lender designetes by notice to Borrower. Any nottce provided for tn this <br /> Secutity Instrument shell be deemed to have been gtven to Borrower or Lender when given as pravided In this paragraph. <br /> 15. �overning Law; Seve��bllity. This 3ecurity Instrument shall be governed by tedarnl law and the law of the <br /> jurisdiction in which the PropeAy Is located. In the event that any provislon or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note <br /> conllicts with applicable law, such conflict shali not attect other provislons ot this Security Instrument or the Note whlch can be ,. <br /> given eflsct without the conflicting provislon.To thls end the provislons ot this Security Instnxnent and ihe Note aro declared to = <br /> be severable. -. <br /> 16.Borrower's Copy. Boirower shall be glven one confomied copy o1 the Note and o}lhis Security Instrument. <br />. F7316-LA16 1�H7) P.�q�'3 of 5 �//��D _ <br /> ��Ye <br /> ��O <br /> 97143 <br />