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. . . ' . .1 <br />20120500�. <br />the age of ffiajori9.y, dies, beco�nes emm�ancipated or until �er order o� tfliis Court. Iff <br />and when ei�er o� the nninor c�►ildren become e�ancipa�ed, die or reach �e age o� <br />�ajority, �e De�endan� s�all pay c�ild support in �e affiount o� $�_'for one <br />�inor child. <br />All child support paynnents s�all b�come delinquent �e day af'ter �ey are due <br />and owing, and inter�t shall no� accrue un�il �irty days after �ie paynnents are <br />delinquent and eaid interest aha11 be computed as sinnple intere�t. <br />Pursuant to 1Veb. I�ev. Stat �ec�ron 42-36¢ Y3 (2�8), tb�e Defendan� <br />acknowledgea �at he has been adviaed and understands �at under Nebras&a law, <br />anq �on ordered to pay a judg�ent of c�iild or spouaal support as part of �e <br />dissolution proceedings is required to furnish �o tflie Clerk of �e Dis#rict Court of <br />Hall County,l�Tebraska, �is address, �elephone nummiber, Social Security number, �e <br />name of his e�ployer, whe�er or not he �as access to e�ployer-related health <br />insurance coverage and any o�er inffornaa�ion �e Court shall deena relevant un�iil. <br />auch �uppor� judg�en� shall be paid in full. 1'he Plain� is also required to advise <br />�e Clerff� off �e Dis9,rict Court of Hall Coungy, lOTebraska, o� any c�anges in such <br />infornnation betvveen the �e of the entry of �e Decree and pay�ent of �e <br />judgrnen� in full. T�ie Defendan� is also required to advise �e Cler� of �e Diatxict <br />Court of all of �e above-referenced infortnation. Failure to co�ply wi� �e <br />provisions of ¢�is law s�all be punisha&�le by.contempt. <br />�e parties agree �at pursuant to l�eb. Idev. ,Stat ,Sectzon 4.3-171�, all child <br />suppora payrmen�s providecl fi�ereinabove s�all be subject to income wi�oldin,g. <br />T�ie Defendan� fur�er acicnowledges that he �ias been advised and <br />understanda tliat in the event �e Defendant shall fail to pay any c�iild or medical <br />support payment, as such failure is certified to the Court each month by the State <br />5 <br />p�qP�of� <br />