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�� <br />20120500� <br />6. Each party shall retain their individual retire�nent accounts, pension <br />accounts, life insurance policies, and all o�ier account:ss, if anp, free and clear of t�e <br />o�er. <br />'7. Plainti� shall assume and hold Defendant har�ilesa froffi a Wells <br />Fargo Visa credit card in her name only in �he approzimate sum of $8,200.00. <br />Eac� party shall a�ume any debt or obligation incuned since date of <br />aeparation of approgimately Nove�ber 15, 8010, and ahall hold �he other fliarml�s <br />�ere.�ro�. <br />S. 1'he paz�ies are �e parents of two (2) mzinor children, �fie custody and <br />welffare of who�n is a�ected by �eae proceeding, naraiely: ��nne Pham, born May 30, <br />2000, and Antonio P�am, born October 24, 2003. <br />1'he parti� s�all jointly reco�mend to the Cour� that the care, legal custody, <br />and condrol off �e ffiinor cfl�il.dren of �e par�ies ahall be awarded to Plaintiff, subject <br />to reasonable visitation by �e I�efendant pursuant to a parenting plan agreed upon <br />by �e parties. <br />The Defendant sfiall �e credited with payment of 4 mont.�s of cluld support <br />on his Temporary c�iuld support o$�liga�ion for the joint care of t�e minors during <br />tflie pendency of �is ac�ion. <br />9. 1`fl�e Defendant ahall pay to the Nebraska C�ild Support Payment <br />Center, Post O.�ce Box 82600, Lincoln, Nebraska, 68501-8600, c�iild support and <br />�i� <br />nnaintenance of the �inor cluldren of the parties in �.e amount of $�'�„'per <br />month, as calculated pursuant to the Nebraska Child Support Guidelinea, a copy of <br />which is attached hereto as Ex�ibit "A" and inc orated erein by this reference. <br />�� Rv���.w <br />These pay�ents shall commence upon �e 1�` day of �, 2011, and shall continue <br />to be due and payable on �e 1 day of eacb mon�h thereafter until each child reaches <br />4 <br />nage �s of� <br />