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. � ' <br />- 1 <br />20120500�. <br />own, retain, and posse�s such items of house$�old goods, furnis�ings, and o�er <br />pereonal property now in �is or her posaession. <br />Each party shall retain the personal property and possea�ions currendy under <br />their control and individually held, free and clear of the claim off the other, ezcept as <br />ffollows: <br />3. 1'he Plain� s�all retain her 2001 Toyota Van and �er 2005 Toyota <br />Van and asaui�ae any debt �iereon, if any, and hold �e De�endant harmless <br />tflierefrom <br />The Defendant sfliall retain 9:tihe 1997 Avalon and assu�e any debt �ereon, if <br />any, and hold the Plainti� fl�armless therefrom. <br />4. The parties, as joint tenants with rigflits of survivorsff�ip, are t&�e owners <br />of t�e following-described real eatate, to-wit: <br />Lot Six (6), in Block Thirdy-Four (34), in Original Town, now City of <br />Grand Island, Hall County Nebraska, ezcept the West 36 feet 8 <br />inches thereof, commonly known as 414 Weat 4�' Street, Grand Island, <br />Hall Countq, liTe&�raska. <br />1'he Defendant s�all �e awarded said real �ta�e as �is sole and separate <br />proper�.y, subject to any encumbrance �ereon, if any, and the Defendant shall hold <br />�e Plaixitiff free and harmlesa �rom any liability for any loss, encuffibrance, taxes, <br />and insurance and/or debt on said real estate. <br />The partie.s, as joint tenants with rights of survivorsk�ip, aze the owners of tbe <br />ffollowing-described real estate, to-wit: <br />Lot Four (4), Block Two (2), George Loan's Subdivision to the City <br />of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, according to the recorded <br />plat tbereof, cor�unonly known as 1213 North Cherry Street, Grand <br />Island, Nebras�a. <br />� <br />p�_ge f3 of_/� <br />