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<br /> °�- , 17. 7ranaf�r of ths Propsrty or� Bm�flclal Int�r�st in BorroM►�r. If ell or any part of ihe �roperty or " -'
<br /> any intereat In It Is nold or transferred (or If a beneflclal Interost In Bortawer le sold or transferted and Bonowe►Is not� n�tunl �"`
<br /> � perdon)without Lender's prior written aoneant.lender may,At Ite optlon,requlre fmmedlate paymxnt in full ot aA sumy eecured by
<br /> , tN� Securiry Inntrummt. However, thls optlon snatl not ba exercis0d by Lender It exerclae u prohibited by federol law ns ot ihe �'�^
<br /> d�le oi thts Sacuriry Instrument.
<br /> II Lender exerclses thls eptlon, LendN shd gNe Borrower nntice ai eccelar�tlon. Tlie notice ahall provlde e perfod ol not _
<br /> less thm 30 daye from lhe date the n�tice b dNNered or mdled wlthin whlch Qonower mual pay flll 6UR19 secured by ihls r.:=-
<br /> � Sec��lty Inatrument. II Borcower falle to p�y th�se eums prfor to the explratian ol ihls perlod. Lender mey Invoku sny remedles �;?
<br /> pamitted by thts Security Instrument without tuMe►notice or demand on Borrowa. `
<br /> � � 18. 8orrow�r's Rlght to R�InttN�. II Bonower meete certafn conditlons, Bortawer ehaN heve tho dghl to heve =
<br /> � _ � enlnPCemeent of this Security Inetrument discodlnued et eny tlmo prlor lo the eadler ol: (a) 5 deys (or such othar period es -
<br /> � � applic+ble law may epeciy tor relnetatement) bebre eale o1 lhe Property pureuant to any power ol eale contelned In this Securlty -
<br /> ,�,�,�ri�l Inslrument;or (b) entry ot a Judgment enlorGinp ti�i�3ecudty Inntrument.Thase condltlona are thet Borrowe►: (e) p�ya lenda sll
<br /> _ ,,�.,,.,�;�/� sums whlch then would be due under thls Searity Instrumant end the Note�e fl no accHeratlon had occurted: (b) cures eny ,�
<br /> 'd,r delault of �ny othe►covenant ar agreementa; �c) p�yu ell oxpenaes incurrea n mforaing lhia Sa�u�iry htiatrumcnt, �acludtng, bu! �—
<br /> not 1(mited to, reasonnbie attomey�'fees: end� tekes such actton aB Lander mey reason�bry requlre to assure that Ihe Ilen o1 _
<br /> tNs Secudry Instrument. Lender's �ights In the Properly and 8onower's obYgatlon to pay lhe sums secured by thls Security .
<br /> Instrvme�t shall conqnue unchanged. Upon «;nst�tement by Hortower, tNle Secudty Instrument end ihe obligaUons aecured �: _°
<br /> hereby shaU remain tully eHectivo es II no aeceteration had occuned. Howovor, thls rlghl lo relnstato shall not apply m iho caso °..�:
<br /> d acceleraAon under paragreph 17. —
<br /> 19. Sal• Of NOt�; Ch�tlgs of LOI�t S�rvIC�r. The Note or� a paAtal Interest In ihe Nota (toyether wlth thls —
<br /> Secur,ty Instrumer►t)t►xy be sold one or more tlmes without prlor notice to Barrower.A sab rru�y resuft In a ch�nge in the enttty �.
<br /> (luiown as the'Lo�n Savicer')ihat coAects mmthty paymente due under the N�te and this Securtry InsWment. There also msy ==_.
<br /> � he one or mote changes o1 the Loan 3e►viar unrelated to e sale of the Note. II there is e change of the Loan 3ervicer,
<br /> Borrower wRl be gNen wrtiten notico ot iho chenge in nccordence with pa►rQreph 14 above and aQplicahle taw. The notice wNl ��:
<br /> sute the n�me and address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to whlch payments should be made. The nottce wiN atso � f
<br /> conieln any otho►InformaUon requked by�ppliable kw. —
<br /> 20. Hazardous Substances. Borroner shall not cause or p�rmlt tne presence, use, disposal, storage, or release o1
<br />= Ny Haardous SubaUnces on or in the Ptopaty. BoROwer shaN not do, nor aHow anyona else to do, anything attecting the .
<br /> ,"' Property thet Is in violatlon of any Environmonal I.aw. The preeeding two sentences shaH not apply to the prese�ce. use. or
<br />= ,r' sbrage on the Propeny of small quantitbs ol Hasardous Substances thet iue gmeraly recognlzed to be appropriste to nortnel -
<br /> � � :,�, . rosldenttal uses and to maintenence ot the F�aperty. , -
<br /> �`' Borrower shaM prompty give Lender w�len notice of any Investlgation, clakn, demand, lawsuit or other action by any ;.
<br />— govemmenul or regutatory agency or priwte prty InvoNing the Property and any HuaMous Substsnce or Ernkonmentd Law oi -;�!
<br /> , ', which Bortower has actual knowledge. If BoQOwer leams, or is notifled by a�y govemmentsl ar reguktory authority, that any :`�-
<br />•?�:' ;.;:i;;,r�� ..
<br />�L:.�: �-' removai or other remedlation ot any Huerdaus Substance attecting Property Is necessery. Bortower shaY prompty take sll
<br />�f`:_':.... . _.r`__` .
<br /> ntiv55iuY i2�Tic�iLi1 7GU'8iio k�accasc�n�r'�:l1ER:L•ClSSS2CS1l3!l3:�:.
<br />�"'���"�'�"r�%`�`:_'�;� As used in this paragreph 20, 'HezardousSubatances' are thnse subslenaes deflned as toxln or hezsrdous aubstnnces by
<br /> --='' '�'�"�'��)": Envtronmental Lew and tho tollowing subaWees: gesoline, kerosene, other flamrn�ble or to�a petroleum products, toxio
<br /> �. '-f��! ..
<br /> ''� ^' pestlddes and hetbicldes, volaUle solvents, mtlerials containing asbestos or formaldMyde,and radioactNe mateduls. As used in
<br />�`""^=_����,Y,�,���, paragreph 20, 'Environmental l.aw' means federal lews and laws ot the JudsdicUon where the Property Is located thet reiate to
<br /> _�.�� headth,setety or environmental protection.
<br />_-�� NOMd1NIFORM COHENANTS. Borrower aad Lender turther covenant end agree as toilowsr
<br />-..�:i�;t�,�c� _ 21. Accoloration; Remedios. und�r shail give notice to 8orrow�r prlor to acc�l�ration
<br />'_".:��?`^'.`.� following Borrowsr'a breach of a�y covenent or agreem�nt In thls SQCUrity Inatrument (but not
<br /> _"r-_��� prior to acc�l�rAtion undor paragr�p� 17 unloas appltcabla Isw provides othorwisa). Th� notics
<br /> "_--��; shail sp�cHy: (a) the defaul� (b) !h� aatlon requtred to cure the dWault; (c) s dat�, not I�ss than
<br /> �°j_:�;a,:; 90 daya from tho dato th� notic� b givsn to Borrowor� by which the d�ult must bo cund; and
<br /> ��,� (d) that faiture to cure the defauR on or before the dat� spoaffied In the notice may nsuk 1�
<br /> -�R��� �ccNoration of the sums securad by this SecurFty Inshumsnt and sale of tho Property.Th� notics _
<br /> -=?"��,� ehall furth�r Inform Borrowe� of th� right to reinat�t� aRsr acceleration �nd the right to bring a
<br /> -��'� court action to assart th� non-�xist�nc� of a defauk or any other dofens� of Borrow�r to
<br /> -='r� �ccd�r�tion and sala. If the dofault ts not cured on or before the dats sp�ciflad tn th� notic��
<br /> �J�,�;�.,� _
<br /> =,g�,,;�4�� I.�ndsr �t ib option may requtre tmr�nstitate paymont in full of all sums securod by this Security ___
<br /> ���� Instrumont wkhout further demand and may invoke the power of sele ated eny other �emedies
<br /> ' psrmitt�d l�y applicabls I�w. Lend�r shall be entitlod to colloct �11 expenses i�curred in pursufng !'
<br /> ����r: the rom�di�s provld�d In this pangr�ph 21, includi�g, but not Iimit�d to� re�sonsblo attomoys' _-
<br /> ���, f�es�nd costs of titls ovidancs.
<br /> s�"'�'�V�� If the power of as�le ta invoiced, Trustee ahaU record a notice of defauit le� �ach counry in
<br /> `��`-'�'�� wi�ich any part of the Propsrty ia loc�ted and shall mail copfes of such notico in ths manner —
<br /> _;:��� �: '; preacribod by appllcabls law to Barower and to th� other psraons presaribad by applic�bls law. —
<br /> ,,. ,.. —_
<br /> :,. Aftor tho timo roquir�d by appUaabia law, Trustee sha�l gtve public notice of sale to the porsons _-
<br /> ��::'' �•' " and in the manner prescNbad by opplicable law. Trustee,without demand on Borrower. shall setl ;��
<br /> =- the Property a'i public auction to tha hfghest bidder at the time and place and under the terms •'�=-� �
<br /> . designatsd in the notice of rsale in on� or more parcela and !n any ordor Truatao debrminoa. �, =!��
<br /> Truate� mey postpane sals of all or �ny parcel of the Property by pubilc announcement at the '���'r"-�
<br /> tinna and place of any previously schoduled sale. Lender or its dasignee may purchaso the �.�:��,,�.
<br /> �• Property et any ss�le. .
<br /> Upon recelpt of payment of the price bid, T�ustee shall deltver to the purchaser Trustee's •
<br /> �� - � de�d conv�ying the Property. The recitals in the Trustee's deed shall bo prima facis evidance of �
<br /> = u._ ._..u. ..s u.� ...�..w .....ae�I�.et.. T...�ae ehsll annlv �hs nrnr_nnda nf tha salo in tho �y''�
<br /> . _..� . .
<br /> _ _._...T. ._'_. Yt� �tM\t• v� ��� a����������� •��wv��.��.�....
<br /> ....��� _.'_' �r's "'_ r'______ ' . . . ' _
<br /> following order: (a) to alt cosis and expenses of exercising ths power of sale, and the sAle�
<br /> including th� payment of the Truste�'s fees actually tncurred, not to exceed three
<br /> 96 of the p�tncipal amotent of tho
<br /> • note at the time of the declaratton of default, and reasonable attorney's feea as permitted by law;
<br /> (b) to all sums sacured by thia Sacurity Instrument; and (C) any excess to the person or persons
<br /> legally entitled to it.
<br /> lW*t '� ,�
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