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5� . .. . -.:sc�.��r �. <br /> - . . ,. . . . it..x-_ '��.��r.""�'_. <br /> ,��� I r�— <br /> ��' ` - �n-''SiW11��f31��ILd'�..�•� N• _,..—' �. <br /> ' u . S __ r��/^,'!"^'J+N� . .... �—. .._. .. !��'1Ntl'S: .-r�.�—...._.'�'"_ <br /> _ �a. O <br />._._" •� <br /> .. � Oy'3 U <br /> ���� - g7 . _ <br /> ��� <br /> ��'.E�Li,.� -. Bortowa may cure such � d�f�uft md reinst�te. �a provlded In par�ynph 18, by cauaing the �ction or proceediny to he <br />���'�"�?'� dismisscd with a rullnp that.In Lender'a pood f�lth dMerminatlon,prechides Iorieiluro of the Barrowa'a Intereet In the F�roperty o► <br />�:L��'�$ � other rsulwial Mpakment o1 the Yan creatid by thls Sxurity Inewment or Lendx'a sacurtty Interest. Bortower sh�N atao be In <br /> , ..,�" defwuR II Borrower,during the lain appAcatlon proce�s,gave materiairy fafse or insCCUrpte iniormepon ur alutemr.uia lu Lmw'bi(oi �. <br /> teiled ta provlde Lender with any meterial Intormatlon) In connectton wlth the loan �videnced by the Note, Inaluding, but not � <br /> . � Ilmited lo, repreaenttttona canceminp Bonower'n occupancy ot the PropeRy �a • princlpd roeldence. if thta Sccudty _ <br /> Insirum�nl la on a la�aehold, dortowar ehaN campty with NI the provlsions of the leaae. If Bortower acQuires tee title to the <br /> '� Property,lhA le�sehold snd the lee tltb ali�ll not merge unlesa Lender aprees to the mcYga in writlny. <br /> T. Prc�t�ctlon oi Lsnder's Rlyhts in th� Propotty. If 8ortower teVe to pe►torm tho covenants and agreements <br /> ";'`�°.��� contalnM In this Security Inutrument, o� thxe Is � ley�l proceedk�g that m�y algnMca�ty af(ect Lender'a rigMa in the Propaty <br /> � _�,; (such �a e proceeding in bankruptey,probate, f�r condemnetion or foAeltum or to enforce laws ar reguletlons), then Lander rrwy r <br /> c..�aUt�l� do�nd ay fa wheteve► lo necessary to protec►the value of the Property md Lrnder's dghta in the PropeRy. Lender's actions � - <br /> �"-� rtKy indude p�yk�q my aums ucured by a Nen whlch has prfortry over lhla Security Inetrument, �ppe�dng in court. paying <br /> ��� reasona0le nttomeya' lees end mteting on lhe Property to make rrpelts. Allhough Lmder may teke action under lhfs parngraph <br /> `---� 7. Lender doea not have to do ao. <br /> Any�mounta disbursed by Lender under pungraph 7 shall become additlonal debt of Bortower socured by thls Senurity <br /> ,� ,� Instrumenl. UNess Dotrower and Lendor �gree to other terms o} poyment,these amounta cheN bear inte►est from the date of <br /> �, dis6ursement et the Note rate and shtN be payeble,wfth Interest,upon notice imm lender to BoROwer request(ng payment. <br />- � � 8_ Ma�tqag� Insuranc�. II Lender mquked mortgage Insurence ns n car�drtion ot making the ioar� secured by thfs <br /> ;�����;���i�� SecurftyNStrument,Borrower sMd pay the premlums required to mainUUn the mortgage insuranca In eftect. If,for eny reason,the <br />'�F'�i`�'`�' mortgag�Insunnce coverage required by Lunder Iapses or ceases to be In effect, BoROwer shaY pay the premiums requlred to <br /> `�it� ';}�t� obUln corenge subsUntlaly equlvr�lent to the mortgage Insurance previousy In eftect, at a oost substantiaMy equlvet�nt to the <br /> ,t.5�.'a.,: <br /> : ..,.� cos! to Bonower ot the morty�pe Insun►nce prerlousy In et(ect, from sn attemate mort�ga insurer �pprovad by Lender. Ii <br /> ���� substaatWy equHalent mortgnge hsunnce covxaQe Is not av�ilable, Bortower ahal pay to Lende►eaich monih a aum equal to <br />;_--�� onatwelAhh of ihe ye�rly mortgaye insurance promlum bekiy pald by Borrower when ihe Insurance coverage lapsed or ce�sed to <br />"u'�%�'-�� be In eAect. Le�der wNl accept,use artd retah these payments as a loss reserve in Neu of martgepo insurance. Loss resave <br />'i�",'� paymante may no longer be required,et the optlon o1 Lender, H mortgage insurance caverage(in the amount and ia the period <br /> `'���=:� that Lander �equkes) provided by an Insuror approvad by Lender agein becomes avaYable and is obtained. BorroNtx sfiaM pay <br /> �'��'' ihe pre�dums requked to mnlnteln mortgage Insurance M ettect, or to provide a toaa resesve. untN the�equkement tor mortgege <br /> ='����`� Insurance ends in Rccordance wiih any vaftten apreement between Borrower and Lender or appWcabie law. <br /> -' � ,�� 9-IIlsp�ctlon.Lender a Rs agont may make ro�sonahle entrtes upon and inspecUons ot the Property. Lender ahall glve <br />�'��"� 8orrowa notkx at the ttme of or prior to en Inspectlon specffying reasonable cause for tAe inspecUon. <br /> 1�.Cond�mnation.The proceeds of my award or Gskn for damtges, dkect or consequential, (n connecUon with any <br />':��Gi� condern�tlon or other taking at any paR of the Property, or tor conveyance in Ueu of condenuullon,aro hereby�ssigned and <br /> =t,^�:,;;� shaA be ptid to Lender. <br /> In the erent of a total takJng of the Roperty, the proceeds shaY be appYed to the sums secured by this 3ecurtly <br /> -- Instrument, whether or not then due,wRh any excess paid to Borrower. In the event of n partlal Ukiny of the Property In which <br /> -- the fair value ot the Property knmedlatNy before the ukhg la equtl to or greater than the amount ot the sums securcd <br /> .--�'za.�w�i Gji 2�'iis o^'ai.utej tii6tsvti:c'A2 'fii�Tw�tay �S18r' thS ia'�ii$� util�: 9osio:.":» :itd �r^.'�....°S 0!!!°..l"'..1s8 8glL�e �! !YS4ik!^v, t�!E 9��1115 , <br /> - secured by thls 3ecurity Instrument ahaN be mduced by the amount of the proceeds mukipAed by the toMowing iracUon: (a)the <br /> _� total arr��nt ol the suma secured immediately betoro the taking,divided Ey{b)the fak nwrket value of the Property{mmedistey <br /> -- bdore Ihe takeg. My balance ahall be psld to Borrower. In the event of a�artlat t�king ot the RropMy in which the tak rturket <br /> value of Ihe Property Immedistey before the taking Is less than the amount of the sums socured Immediatelyr before the tnking, <br /> unless Barower and Lender atherwise egree In writing or unless appllcabte law otAenvfse provides, the proceeds ehaN be <br /> eppNed b the sums secured hy Ihis Seeuriry Instrument whethet or not the sums are then due. <br /> If tM Property is abandoned by Borrower,or H,after notice by Lender to Bcrrower 9ha1 the condemnw otters to meke en <br /> awud a settle a claim tor dam�qea, Borrower taNs to respond to Lender wRhln 90 days after the dete ths notice is given, <br /> Lender u authntfzed to coAect md eppty the proceeds, at fts opHon, either to restoraUon or repeir of the Property or to the <br /> oums saured by this Security Instrummt,wheiher or not then due. <br /> Unkss lender and Botrowe� othe�wise agree In wridng, any appHcatl�n ot proceeds to prindpsl ehetl not extend or <br /> postpone the due d�te ot tha monthy payments referred to in p�raflniphs 1�nd 2 or change the amount of auch payrnents. <br /> 7 1.�orrow�r Not Rel�as�d; Forbearanc� By L�nder Not �W�tvsr.Extenston ot the t�me tor p.yment or <br /> modiflealbn ol emortizaUon ot the sums secured by thls Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successor In interost ot <br /> . Borrowa shp8 nat operate to rdeaae the liabiqty of tho origlnal Borrower or Borrower's successors in InteresL Lender shaN not <br /> be requhd to commmce proaedings agalnst any successor In inier�est or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise <br /> modNy �mortlndon oi the suma secured by this Secu►iry InsUUment by rcason of any demand made by tAe oriykul Barowa or <br /> ----- Botrowda successors tn interest. Any torbesrance by Londd In exerdshg any righL or remedy shap not 6e a waker ot or <br /> pmdude iha exerdse ot any dgM or nmedy. <br /> 1�.Succ�ssors ��d Asstgns Bound; Joint and Sov�nl LiaWlity; Co-sigmn. The covtmanta and <br /> agreemeMs of thfs 3ecurtty Instivment shaW bMd and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and 6oROwer,subject to lhe <br /> provisions of paragraph 17. Bortower's covenants and ngrecmments shali be jolnt and several. Any Berrower who co•signs thls <br /> Security Instwment but does nat execute ihe Note: (a)(s co•signing thts Sec�:riry Instrument only to moKgage,grant and convey <br /> that BortowePe interest In the Properly under the terms of this Securfry Instrument (b) Is not personalty oWigated to pay the <br /> - - sums scaired by this Security Inshument; and (c) agrees that Lender and eny other Bortower may agree to extend,modity, <br /> forbear a meke any accommod�ttons with regerd to the terms of this SecUrity�nsWment or the Note wkhout that BoROwer's <br /> -- consent <br /> -----° 1 3.Loan Ch��gee. If Ihe loan sewred by this 3eariry Instrument is subJect to a law which sets maxlmum loan <br /> cherges,and ihat lew is ftnally Interpreted so that tAe interest or other ioan charges coHocted or to be cotlected In connecUon <br /> -�;�� with tF�e ban exaeed the pennitled limits, then: (a)nny sueh loan charge shall be rtdaccd by the amount necessary to reduce <br />'��- the charge to the permitted Ilmit: end (b) any sums already collected from Borrower whtch exceeded permitted limits wiA be <br /> - ;�.� r�etunded to Borrower. Lender mey choose to make thts retund by redudng the p�fndpal owed un�er the Note or by makhg� _. <br /> �� ` }�' dkect pmnenl to Borrower. If a refund reduces pdnctpal, the reduction wili be treated as a partial prepayment wtthout eny <br />�:�r±,�;�.. -. <br /> �'�_r:�';,'�`.� prepaymmt cherge under the Nole. - <br /> l•=��,�y� 14.NoNCee.My notice to Borrower provided tar in this Securiry InsUument shall be give�by deiNeting It or by mafling ft - <br /> by first dess mail unless applicable Iaw requ(res use of another method. fie noUce shaN be directed to the PropeRy Address <br />=_ -���� or eny dher addross Bortower designates by notice to Lender, Any notice to Lender shall be gNen by first dass maY to <br />���S-��t• . Lenderb eddreaa etsted heretn a any other address Lende►designates by noUce to Borrower. Any noUce provtdnd tor fn this <br /> - --- --- �ei,iii�aj n5u�nn@i�Q 5i��n `uo u�dTiov iv i�6�o iiccn yiioi�iv u"v�7vric+8i�iii�ics �ii�ai y�icn no Miviniau m Q'iio�ra�7ya�rn. <br />:_, •• 1 5.Governing Law; Saverabllity. Thls Secudty Instrument shall be govemed by federxl law and the law ot the - <br /> . " JurlsdicUm in whlch the Propery is located. In the event that any provlslon or clause of thls Securiry Instrument or the Note <br /> � conAieta with appllcable law. such cantltct shall nat afleet other provlslons of thls Security Instrument or the Note whtch can be <br /> glve�i etlect wilhout the conAlcting provfslon. To thls end the prov(slons ot this Security Instrument and the Noto aro declared to <br /> ' bo SevKtble. <br /> 1 6.BOnOwe�'S COpy.Bortower shall be ghren one canlortned copy ol the Note and ot thls Security Instrument. <br />, - ., ' „� Ft�t6-LMG(V97� Pagc]o}5 `"�1� i �+ <br /> 97132 <br /> i <br />