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2012047�� <br />���oc��ta <br />10. UIVIFORM SECURED NOTE <br />This Note is a unifo:m instruu�t with limited variadons in �me jurtsdictiona. In � <br />to the gmte�ions �iven m the Note Hotder uader ihis PTob�, a Mortgage, Ueed of Tmst or <br />sec�mcy need (tne ^�ny Instrument"), datea the �nne c�te as i� xote tavtec� the <br />Noio Hol�r from possble los� which might casubt if I dn not keep the p�omi�es fl�at I <br />make ia this Note. Thet � Inshn�evC descn'i� fiow md �r what conrTiCtoas I <br />may be reqnic�l hi malm immediate payment fn fiill of all � I owe und� th� ATote. <br />Some of tlwse condi6was aie descn'bed as fotlows: <br />Traarsfer of the Properly or a Bene5eial Interest in Borrowe�. If aU or auy part of the <br />Property or auy iute�e� in it is sold ar transi�rrad (ar if a beneficl�l i�est in Horrawrer �a <br />sold or h�maferred end Bormwer is not a natmrel person) withoirt I.ender's prior vurrtben <br />co� Leader may, �t its opkion, � immediate Paym�t in full of all s�mo� seo�ued <br />isy thffi Sx�rlity I�ent. 13owever, this option s�►all n�t be exercised by I.ender if <br />ex�cise is prohtbited by federal law es of the date of �is Sec�rity Tnstr�ent <br />If Lender eace�rcisea this optian, I.ender shell give Bormwer nc�tice of acaeleratlon. The <br />notice shali provIde a p�iod of not 1� t�ea 30 days fi�om the date ilroo natice is delivered or <br />mailed wft�n whiCh Boaower must pay a[! s�s as�att+ed lry This Seouril.y 7natruiment ff <br />Hoitvwer fa�s to pay ihese suma prri� to ihe expuation uf tbis perlod, Lender may invoke <br />aay raruedies pamnilbad by thia Seamity Inshument vvit�o�rt fiuther motic;a or damaad an <br />Hotrovve� <br />(Check emd Complete ifApplicable� <br />X�X II. The Secarity Instin�ment ahall 1� end bereby is amended as folloa+� <br />�X (A) Re� to � metiaity date of tl� Qebt eeccu�ed by the Sewaity <br />Inshrameat is changed fi'om TEBRUARY 1, Z04Z to APRII.1, 2042. <br />(B) Refe�e to the a�unt of the debt seaued by t� Secnrity Inshvmeat is <br />changed from � <br />_ XC�.7� III. The Loan Agreement ahal! i� and hereby is ar�nded as followe: <br />J�Q ,_X II. (4) Re� to tl� Comp�tton I�te of the Work is changed &om <br />JANUARY 31. 2l112 to MARCH 31, 20]2. <br />Fnrther, it is exg�ssly agtr�d that fvt end in cxn�sideration of tiris Modification A�eme� <br />Eorcower heieby r�lea�s �nd forever dis�chargas Lenc�ar and Its o�s. dire�rs, c�msel, emplcYees. <br />age�s, Pr�decessors. auccassors, and �signs fivm ell Rau�s of action, olaims, ri�ds, and contnuvarsi�, <br />knowa or unlmown, which Bocrov� had, naw 1�as, or may hemafter acq�riie whfch relate to, �e based on, <br />arisa out o� or are in any vvay com�ted wJth any acts of Is� or � above affiliates occauring prior to t�no <br />execukion of 19ris Agreament emd ralatimg in �y macmer to the ebove d�saibed Note or Sacurity � <br />or �e Pm�ty descn'bed heiein or therein. This is a geaeaal relea� uf' all poss�ble clauns and � of <br />actinn of avery kiad and chaiar.ter relamd to the abave d�Aoed subjecx m�er and is to be mtarprebed <br />lt'b�ally to effecwffie ma�amum pto�otion ofLender e� its above at'fitiai�. <br />'T6o Boaower �►eraby ratifia Lead�'s lians end/or security ittmr� agaiast the Pcoperty u�1 tl� <br />Note as � herehy modifced hes ben fullY Paid, aad agrees that S�is renewel, extenaion and/ar modificatioa <br />shall in no manuer affec� or �ir f� No�e or the ]i�s andlqr �omity inte�esls securing �me end �et said <br />Pa�e 4 of6 Pages <br />