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2012047�� <br />6. BORROWER'9 FAII I1RE TO PAY AS REQUIItED <br />(A) Late Charges for Overdne Payraents <br />If the Nato Holder hes �t received the fiill amount of aay monthly payment by ti� end of <br />�,T (15I celendar days ai�Cr the daie it is due, I will pay a Iete ch�ge to tt� Note <br />Holdec The amoumot of the � wi71 be 4.UQ % of my averdue payme� of prmcipai and <br />iuter�st I witl pay this tate cl�azge prnmptly b� ouly once on each Ieia payment <br />(B) Defanh <br />1f I da mt pay ti� fnll ea��t of omch mo�hly paymoeut on the date it is cG�e, I wjil be in <br />defat�h. <br />(G� Notice of Aefaaft <br />If I em in defaul� tha Note fIotder may send me a wrltten naace telling � that if I do not <br />pay She ovecd�►e a��R by a o�tam date, �se Nata Aolder �y requrce � to �y <br />immediat�ly the full emomir of principal that h�v a� been paid enci all the i�arest dmt I <br />o� on that �t Thet dam mnst be at i�st 30 days afbsr 8�e daba on which flie �tic� is <br />delivered or mailed to ma <br />(D) No Walver By Note Holder <br />Even i� at a time when I� ia dafaul� tha Note Hold�x does not require me to p�y <br />immediedely in fWI as � above, t� ATo1e Aolder wIll sh'il have the right to do so if 1 <br />am in default ei alma fime. <br />(E) Paymeot afNote Hokler's Costs and Expenses <br />If ti� NotE Haltl� hes requfred me to pay �nnediately ia full es d�d above, tl� Note <br />Holder w�l have the right � be �id ba�c by me �r all of i� cosb and eape�ns� ia <br />enforcing this Nobe to the ex�nt �t prulubited by agplicable law. Tl�e eapen� mclude, <br />tbr exampl�, reasonahla etto�ys' fees. <br />7. GIVING OF IYOTiCES <br />Unlcss applicable law requues a different method, any noHca tbat must 1� given to me <br />undar this Noie will l� given by delivering it or by ma�7ing it by fust clags m� to me at tt� <br />Proparty Address above or et a diffe�mat actdrese If I giva the Nota Holder s aotice of my <br />d� addre�. <br />Unless tha Note Halder reqtdras a di$'eisnt metbod. anY notica thal mu� be givett to tl� <br />Nobe Holder o�er this Nabe w71 he given by mailing it by Srst class �1 w the Note <br />Holder et t�e address sta�l in Section 3(A) above or at a differefft address if I am given a <br />nmice offlue di�t addr�ss. <br />8. OBLIGATIONS OF PE1tSON9 iJ1�IDER THIS NOTE. <br />If more than one prason signs ihis N�, e�ch peasaa is �llq �d pe�soflally obligated to <br />keep all of the plomises mada ra tfris Note, includiag flse promi� to �y tt� full a�imt <br />owad. Aay pe�on who is a gumwator Bueeiy oI endol80t offfiie Note 'L9 eL4o obligated to <br />do tl� �iags. tlny person wIn � over ih�e obii�tions, fncluding � obli�etiona of <br />a gumaotor, suretY or endor�t of this Nate, ia eLgo obii�6ed to ke,e� all of the paomises <br />made in this Note. The Note Hold� may anforce its rights �r t�is Note ageinat �h <br />ger�n individUaliy az agamsst all af ns iogethec This means that any oae of us may be <br />iequired to pay all ofthe er�uaffi owed under ihis Note. <br />9. WAI`'EBS <br />1 and azty other parsoa who hes obH�ns � this Nota vvaiva the rights ofP��, <br />noti�x of tlishoaor sad natic�o of �on to ar,�leiate. "Pre�t" means the rlght to <br />�equire ti�e Note Hulder to demend payment of the mnwu�s due. 'Tioiic�e of dtshos�" <br />means the ri�ht to requice the Note Holder � give not3ce to otl� persana that amouats d� <br />Page 3 of 6 Pages <br />
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