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<br /> r+ml�?'W7`SS"�:70[�''[�'N`s.,r�'f-� : °��'.�..,.w..,..�..f.`t;"'�,i{'�y�'p�1+,�n#p'`mr'";�'i�'r�yr ;F.'J...�». ,�,� i.�" . :i.ns'av 7T7r n�� � v
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<br /> ,y.,��S�_ T_:,e ,� ,�� �L i . � ti-. '.i..:• �.�7` �i III i,. .r`�: Jl'•'r�iv d�t�..�T-..._ v .___.
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<br /> is.ForecM�sure Procedw�e•It Lender rcquires immediate p�yment in hdl uader partf�ph 9,Lendcr mAy
<br /> inYdce Ibe power ot aple��d aoy other reniedks permitted by �pP�i�abF�tAa. Lenda s6tU be entltkd b mUect
<br /> ap ac�ses i�cnr�ed ia purwi�tl�s remedks ueder t6M p�graph ls,iacludi.nj,b�t oot Untited to�rts�sonabk
<br /> attor�ys'tea�ad ooete of tH1e evidt�ce.
<br /> Yttle po�we�of sale ie Mvp�csd�'[Yustee s6aU rtcurd a aatke ot def�ult(n e�cl�rot�nty fa whkb sny part ot
<br /> t6e propert� i�bcated and a6W mail copks ot auc6 notice tn the manuer prcaaibed by applkabk Vw to
<br /> B�� �b � � M�r pereoaa Pracribed by �pplicabk law. A(ter tlie time reqaire+�t by applicabk law,
<br /> Tn�eta s6all five ��4��+�9.�S� . �nd in tbe aianaer preacxibed b��pplica6{e tsw.Tr�►sta�
<br /> w�itYout demand on .evlL�ii« �t pu6tic auctbn W the ht�hr�bkldcr at!!ie ti�ne�ad F4ecs
<br /> ana uDaer ehe �ru uM►�Wlfi'.�ii! oee or n,ore pAroNd..0 i��u7 oraer Truscee aecare�iaes.
<br /> 'i�usta ms7 P�l� A�or nny paraToT the property by pu6Hc an�ou��nt tt the t'nne and pl�oe of
<br /> auy previouU�ahedukd a�k.I.eader or ita deaifna may purch�ae the Property at�y sak.
<br /> If t!k I.ender's interat in Wie Securiry Ieutrument is held by the Secr�r'3'�nd the Secrehr� *�9uires
<br /> im�edhte p�ysent in fuU under Para�ntph 9,the Seeretari'm�Y invdce t6e no���dtcial power of ss�k provided
<br /> En ths Sie=k Funiy� Mort�aje Forecbeure Act ot 1944 ("Act") (12 US.C.37S1 et seq.) by requestin� a
<br /> tonclowre commiseioner desi�n�ted under We Act to commexe fwreclosua a�d to seU the Property as
<br /> pmvided in tUe Ac� NMhin�in Nre precedja{ ante�x ehwU deprire the SarctirY ot aoy righte ot6erwise
<br /> av�itsbk to�l.eader under this Pars�ap61A or�pplicabk Mw.
<br /> Upon receipt o�p�yment ot tLe price bid�7Yustee�haU deliver to t6e purc�su�r Truata's dsed rnnve7�B
<br /> tLe Propech.11e recHals�[i�e�?rua�[ee's deed "swiu i,e w G ta��."'�'�..��:�tri'���tt�.e�.tw.wrnt�e�ade
<br /> t6aei�.Truata shall appl� the proceebi ot t6e �k in ttie tollo�viq onkr: ta) � all costs and acpeases ot
<br /> aarcidas t6e power ot sak� aad tbe s�k�including the p�ymest of tl� 'llmtee's fees�ctwlly inenrrod�aot to
<br /> exceed 3.0 00 96 ot the priacipal amouot ot tbe eote st the Wne of the declardiu�of de�auh.
<br /> a�d reuo�abk ettorneys'feea�ts permftted b�lawi(b)to a!f sume secnred by lhis 8ecarHy Ioatrument;�ed(c)
<br /> uy aaeae to tUe pereon or per�o�s Ie�aU!'eatitled to i�
<br /> 19.Recoave�lina.Upon payrnent of all sums securod by tttis Sxtuiry Instmment,Iander shall re4uest'IYustee w
<br /> reconvey thc Propeity and slWl sucrendei this Security Inst�ument and all autes evidencing debt secured by Ihis Socurity
<br /> In�t to'i'tustoe.ltnsua shall rxonvey tde Property witLout warranry and witiaut d�rargo to the person or per�ons
<br /> kg�y ettdtbd to i�Such pason or pe�snns shall pay Any recotdation costs.
<br /> ?A. S�bitityte'l�ustee. I.ender,at Its optjon,may fcom time ro tane removo'Itust,a and appoint t successa�
<br /> tivsteo w aay Ttoskx appointod heteundet by an ias�t recorded in the county in wpicli this SocurIty Ins�unxnt�S
<br /> . raorded. Without convayance of the Propaty. tt�e soccessor tsustee shall sneceed to all tbe titk.Dowu and dutk.s
<br /> oo�femd upon Trustee herdn and by applicabb law.
<br /> 21. Requeet to�Notiaa.Borrowu requests ihat copies of iho nodas of d�fault aad salo be seat w Barower's
<br /> addre.s�which is the Prope:ty Addre�s.
<br /> 2Z. Itidere to this Sec�trity Instrumw�If ona or more ridus eec�executed by Banrnwu end recorclod wBothu
<br /> with tdis Socurity Instcument,tho covenants of each such dder shall be inccxpuralad into end shall amend and
<br /> suppkment the covenants end agroements of this Security Instrunx,nt a�if iha rider(�) were a part of Ihis Soc�uity
<br /> ���[Check appllcabb box(es)].
<br /> CondominIum Rider � Growing Equity RWer � Other[spocify]
<br /> �1 Planned Unit Developmeat Rider Graduaud Payment Rider
<br /> �r4R(NE)roeo4).ot vape 7 an . ,�nNN�.;_„
<br /> �y
<br /> ;
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