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<br />�:�...�� 13.Noticea.My notice W Bocrowu provided for in this Security Instrumant shall be gtven by deGvering y
<br /> ,�� mailing it by fust class mail unless epplicable law requicas use of another method.The nodce shall ba djrected W the
<br />�� Proputy Address or any other address Sorrower designatcs by nadoo W I,cndcr.My no�ce to J.cnder shall ba givcn by
<br /> first class mail ta Lendtx's siddress statal hercin a ony nddress l.ondar dcsi�nates by notke to Bormwer.My not�ce
<br /> ���-�� �`��� psovided for In this Se�cudty Instrument shall be dxmod to have boen given ro Aorrow�r or Lesadnc whart gi��en ag ._
<br />',;:'�r� :.''� provide�in thlsppragraph. -
<br /> �' i'� � 14.Govern[ag L�w;Sever�b8i This Securi Insaument shall be ovemed b Fedcral law and tha It�w of din
<br />_rS�'Yrr,.;��: �i'• �Y 8 Y
<br /> _;r;.;.,, Jurisdicdon ia which tho Praperty ls lacated.In the event that any provisian or clause of thitti Sxutlrj Insirumant ar tha
<br /> -= ���` • Nou confllcts with a�licab3e law,such confijct ssholl not affect othar provistans of thia Seecwiry Instrumant or�ha Nata
<br /> -"p�'� whic6 caa be giv�a.offact without the conNcdng provision.To Ihis cnd tho provislons of th3s Sacurlty Insuument and f
<br /> = `;s the Note a[e declaxod to be sevctable.
<br />_, =� I�.Borirower's Cupy.Borrower si�a11 be glvai one cm�formed cnpy of tUe Nat�aud of thls 5acuriVj Inadumen�
<br />=�'.�� � 16. Hiwrdoue Subatanoes. Bocrowa shall not ceuse or pe�mit tbe preseaco.uso,diapasal,stamBe,or ietaano of
<br /> =K;:�T�� any Ha7ardous Substaaas on or in tho Property. Barower shaU nat cb.nc�r allaw anyone alee to da.angrhinR aPfacting
<br /> ,�'�;?�'��'� ihe prnperty thnl is in violation of any Environmen�l L.aw. 'Ibe preeod'uca�two seausaces shall noi.apply tcD Na presenee,
<br />_;_;'� use, or storage an the Property of small quandti�c of Ha7ardous Su6stances that are geaaall� cece�ri•rred w be
<br />;�-u a�PmPriate to normal residenti�al uses and to malntenazia of�he Propeity.
<br /> ��.�� Borrowa shall prompdy giva Lender written aotice af any invesdgatioa,claim,damaad,lawsuit or ntbt�r actioa by
<br /> _� any govemmerttal or ng�ilatory egency or privato pa�ty involving the Property end any Hanudaas Substance or
<br /> _:�±�. Envlronnkatal I.aw of which Borrowa has acwal knowledge. If Borrower kams,w i�notlfud by an�govunmental or
<br /> ='°=�'� • reBolatory'authority�ttuit eny removal or other nmediadon of eay Iis�erdous Subslances affxting ihe Propaty is
<br /> --�� necssssary.Barowu shall promptly take all nocessary s�emodial actkns 3n s�ecordance wlth Eavimnmental Law.
<br /> � - :,s vs:,3 i� th� pzrr�h t6� "�a•.�S�;b�s" ar ilssa� suls�sc� d.,-futc3 � so�ic ar �rda�.°
<br /> - . - substanc�'s by Bnvironmental Law and the following substanas:gesoline.kemseae,otlx�flammabk a toxic petrokum
<br /> —_ . products� toxic pesdcides aad habkldes, volatille solvents� matrsials containing asbestos or facanaldehyde� and
<br /> radioecdva nwuxialg. As �sed in this paragraph 16. "Environmen►al Law" means fodual laws� and laws of the
<br /> j�risdktior►whae tha Pmperty is Iocatcd that nlat�a to hailth.safety or envfronmental protoction.
<br /> { NON-UN�ORM COVBPIEhNTS.Bortower and Lender furthet coveraat and agree as folbws:
<br /> � 17.Aettinment ot Renb.Bwrowu unconditanally assigns and asnsfera to Lender ell thc,re,r�ts and reveaues of
<br /> , the Propaty.Ba�rowrr authorius Leadei or Lenda's egeats to colloct Wn rents ead reven�s and�enby dirocts each
<br /> -- teaant of the Propaty w pay the nnts w Lender a I,enda's age�nts.Howevu,Prior to L.ender's natice w Bormwer of
<br /> • Borrowa's breaeh of any covenant or agroement in the Secudty Insuumcnt,Borrowu stwU callect and rece[v�all rents
<br /> ' and revenues of the Property ag nustoe for the benefit of Lender and Borrowtt.'Ihis assignment of rents coastiwtes an
<br /> absolute azsignment and not an assignment for addldonal security only.
<br /> If Lenda gives noticca of breach to Borrowa.(a)ell reuts roccived by Borrower shall be held by Borrower as
<br /> tnistoe for baiet"t of L.endei only.to be applied to the sums secured by the SxurIty Instrumenh (b)Lender sf�all be
<br /> .. ' ca�tled to collect and receive all of the rents of the Property;and(c)each tenant of the Property shall pay ell rents due
<br /> and unpaid w Lu�da or Lendes's agent on L.ender's wrinen demand to the tenan�
<br /> - Bomower has not executed any prior asslgnma�t of the rents and has not and will not pecform any act that would
<br /> preveat I.ender from exereisIng its rlghts uader this parngraph 17.
<br /> : Lender shall not be requ3rod to entex upon.take control of or maintain the Proputy beforo or aftu givIag notice of
<br /> breach w Bocrower.Howevu,Leader or a judicially appointed roceiva may do so at any dm�there is a bteach.My
<br /> applicauon of rents shwll not cuce or waive any default or invelidatc eay otha right or remedy of Lendu. This
<br /> ,
<br /> assignmwt of nnna of tho Property shall tuminate when U�cs dcbt sxurod by the Security Insuument is paid in full.
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