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<br /> of Bcxrowu's co�eriants and agrecments uncic.r this Socwity InstrumCnt and the Note. Fa this purpoae�Bartowa
<br /> irccvocably grants tu►d conveys to iha'lYustec�In t►vst,with powu of sale,ihe foUowing descdbod property loc�ted(n
<br /> t�wL County,Nebrasln:
<br /> Whkhh8.9thCeddtC3SOf Z40 NORTH WI�LDO, aRAND ISLAND [Stree4City],
<br /> M�,S]�g 6E803 [ZipCudcl ("�P�YAddtiCSS");
<br /> 'l�OCiETHBR W1TH all the improvaaeAts now a haea�ter uocud on the prope�ty, end all easanents.
<br /> appurteaanas end Cucares now or hereatux a pa�t of the p�opa�ty.All replacan�nts and addidons shaU also be covaed
<br /> by tlds Socurity Insnvment All of the foregoing is refared w in�dis Security Insavment as the"Property."
<br /> BURROWER COVffiVAN'I'S that Botrowa is lawFully seized af the c�atc nereby couveyed aad has Ihe right w
<br /> �aat and convev tLe ProD�Y and that the Propaty is unencumbaod,except fa enc�umbcanets of rxord.Barower
<br /> wa�rants and will deferid genaslly the titfc b the Property�gainsc all clsims aad dess�oG.�,tub)oct w any encumbr�xes °
<br /> of c�ec�ord.
<br /> �• THIS SEG'URI'TY 1NSTRLJN�NT canbines unifoim covenants fa nadunal ose snd non-unifa�m coveaanta with
<br /> .; timited vad�tions by jarlsdic�ti�on w constlwte a aniform searity instrument covering real propaty.
<br /> 'f
<br /> Bormwer and L.aida caver�ant end agroe as folbws:
<br /> � 1.Papntnt ot Principab Inter�st�nd Late C6arga Borrower sliall p�y what due the p�incipal of.md int�erest
<br /> � on.the debt evidaicecf by the A'ota aad late charges due under tfie Notc.
<br /> ( 2.MoethlJ Pa�ent ot Taxes,Inaurana and Otl�er Cb�rgea.Bomower shal!include in each moat6lY P�Y��•
<br /> � tog�ther wi�h tbe princip�al and intcrest ag set fath in �he Nou and any late charges.a sum fa(a)Wces and apecial
<br /> • a�esrt�a�tt kvied or w bc kvkd ag�►sc the�mnaty.(b)kasetiold PaY►nents a ground rents on the Pmpaty.tnd(c)
<br /> praniums fa insurance roquirod under paragraq�tt 4. In aay yar in which the Let�da must pay a matgage insueat►ce
<br /> ; • p�emium w the Secreury of Housing and Ucban Development("Socretuy"). a in any year in which such premium
<br /> � wouid have boen reqvired if Lcnda st�l hdd the Socurity Instruma►t,each ma�thlY WYment sl�all also iaclnde ei�s:(i)
<br /> a sum fa the a�uival na�tgege insurance prcmium w be paid by Lencler to tho Soaetmy.or(ii)a monthly ct�arge instad
<br /> of t mactg�ge inwrance Pranium �th�s���3' �►suumait is held by the Secretary.ln a reasonabb amount to be
<br /> detatnL�ed�y ttie Saxetety. �cept foe the+nonthly cl�arge by the Secretmy,these itana at�e c;ailed"Escmw Items"and
<br /> :� d�sums pid w I.eada are cailtxl"E�cxow Fuads."
<br /> ; La�da may,at any tiu�e, collect and hold amounts tor Fscrow Itans ia en aggregau emount not w ea�aed 1he
<br /> muimurn emount tt�at may be requicod for Borrower's escrow a000unt under the Real EstaDn Sealerinent Pcoceduces Aet
<br /> " of 1974. 1?U.S,C. Section 2b01 et saq. and imp;emznting reg�ladons,24 CFR Pact 3500.as they may be amendal
<br /> ' from tune to ame("RfiSPA").except that the cushion or reserve peimiUet�by RESPA for unanticipated disbursements
<br /> � a disbursaneats before the Borrower's payments are available in the aaount may not be based a�n emounts due for the
<br /> ; mortgage insucance p�rmiiun.
<br /> �4R(NE)�gea�.o� Pao.z o�e inwais:
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