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<br /> abuxtoaa► pmperty. Borrower shall also be in dofault if Borrowor. dur[ng the loaa applicuttoa yrocess, gave
<br /> muert�lly false or inACCUrate informAtion or statemanta to I.endor (or fnilud to provide Leader with any uiatedal
<br /> iN'omiadon) in connocdon wlth tho loan evtdenced by tho Note, includin(�, but not limited to, ttpreseatadons
<br /> conceming garrower's occupancy of the Property as a principal rasidonGC. If thi.a Secwlry Instxurt►ent is oa a
<br /> leaschold, Borrn�vcr shall comply with the provisioas of ttit►loase.IF Bqruotver acquirv:s iee tttle to tt�e Property,the _
<br /> leasehold and fa titlo sh�ll nat ba mcrged unl�s I.ender a��to the u►�rgor in wzidnII. -
<br /> 6.Condannation.The procoeds af uty a�vard or clttim for daznages,direct or canseguential,ia connecdon with
<br /> aay condemn�tioa or other tekinA of auy pnrt af the Frvpecty, or for conveyance in place of condemnadon, are
<br /> haoby assipiod and shaU bo pr3d to Lendar to ilio e�ctant of t�e full amount of the indebtedaess thu ttmains unpaid
<br /> undor iha Note and this Securirl I�uument. Lender shnil-apply such prnceeds to We reducdon of the indebtedness
<br /> undor tha Note aad this Securlty Insmuaent, first to�iY�oa of the moe�.ds ophe�rinci al shaU not�wctend or
<br /> P�B�P�►3.and then to prr.ppymeut of principal. AnY�PP P P F -
<br /> postpono the due date of the montWy pnymeats.which are nf�rnd to ia paragraph 2, or change tha amount of auch
<br /> paymenta. Any exass procads ovcr an amount required to psy all outstanding indebtedness under tbe Note and this
<br /> Securlty lnsuumeat shall be paid to the entity legally endcled thento. go�wer sh�ll a all
<br /> 7. C6arge� to Borroeer and Protectlon of Leada�'s RIg6t� tn thc Pragerty- P Y
<br /> governmental ar municlpal charges, tines and imposidoas that are not includecl i�paragraph?.. Borrower ahall pay
<br /> these obligations on time diratly to the entity which i�owal the payment. If fa�'iure w pay would �dversely affcet
<br /> Lender'a Interest in the Property. upon Lender's �uest Borrower sh�ll prumptly fumisli to I.eader receipta
<br /> evidencIng these payments.
<br /> If Borrower fails to make these paymenus or the paymenta required bY P�B�Ph 2,or faila to petform wy other
<br /> covenants and agreements containod in this Securlry Iastrument.or there�S a legal procoedin8 that my sigalficantly
<br /> affecc Irca�ier'a�i- t� i�wa="ro"'ri'f(:.tse�t 2•s Fr�"�zn°l�-'hAnicruptcy, for oandemnatioa or to eaforce laws or
<br /> regulatioas),thea I.eader mry do und pay whatever Is aeassary to pmtect the value of the Propercy and 1.ender's
<br /> righta iu the Property.iacluding payment of ta�ces,haz�rd insurance and other iums mendonal ia p:ragraph 2.
<br /> Any �mounts disbursed by I.ender uader this puagnph ehall become ai►additiowl debt of Borrower and be
<br /> securod by this Security Instmment. These emounts �ha111xar interest from the date of disburaement. at the Nou
<br /> ' rate,�ad at the option of Lander,sh�ll be immediuely due aad payable.
<br /> Borrower aluil promptly discharge any lien which ha�prlorlty over this 5ecudty Iasaument unless Bormwer:
<br /> (a) agras in wridng to the payment of the oblIgation securod by the lten in a manner �cceptable to Leader; (b)
<br /> conusu in good fatth the lien by. or defends against enforcemeat of the lien in, legat proceedinae which in the
<br /> � i,wdcr•a opinion operue to prevent the eaforcement of the Uen; or (c) secur�s from tha holde:of t6e lien an
<br /> agroement aadsfactory to Lender subordinating tha liea to this Saudty Insuumeat.If Leader deurm3nes t6u any part
<br /> . of the Property is subJxt to a lirn which may att�a pdority over this Securlcy Instiumeat� I.e�ter m�y give
<br /> Borrower a nodce idendfying the lien. Borrower shall sadsfy the lien or take one or more of the �ctions set forth
<br /> � above within lU daya of the giving of notice.
<br /> 8.Fas.Lend�r may cuUxt fees and charges authoriud by the Secretary.
<br /> ' 9.Grounds for Accdention ot 1kbt.
<br /> (a)Detault. Leader may, exccpt as 19miced by regulations iuuod by the Secretary, in the case of payment
<br /> de4aults.raNire immediete Paymenc ia Poll of all auaas aecured by this Saurlty Insmimeat iL•
<br /> (i)Borrower deftulta by failing to pay in full aay moathly prymeat requind by tbIs Secudsy Iastlument
<br /> prIor to ar oa the due date of the next morthly pryment,or
<br /> (ii)Borrower defaulta by failing�for a period of thicty daya.to perform any other obl*8utom�°nuined
<br /> in thie Security Instruma►t.
<br /> (b)S*Ie Without Credlt Approwl.L�eader ehall,If permitted by applicable law(includi�ng Socdoa 341(d)
<br /> of the C�m�t. [�ermain Depository Institudons Act of 1982� 12 U.S.G 1701j•3(d)) and with the pr�or
<br /> approval of the Secntary,require immediate Payment in full of all sums aecural by tlila Sewrity Instnuaent
<br /> if:
<br />— (�4R1N�)tsea�.o� r.�.�m e ianr�:�q..
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