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<br /> of Borrower'a coven�nte and�grecment�under thl�Securtty In�tivment and thc Note. For thl�purpo�e, Borrower
<br /> lrrevocably graats�ad convey�to the Tnutoo,in tcust.with power of eue, tlic following described propeny loc�ted
<br /> in Ha�� County,Ncbrask4:
<br /> Lot Five (S)� Walker's Subdivlslon, an Addltion to the City of
<br /> Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> wtdch ha,�he address of904 E. Bi smark Road,Grand Isl and tsam,c�p��,
<br /> Nebruka 68801 [zir coae� !"P�+uporty Address');
<br /> T08ETHBR WITH all the improvea�entn now or hereafter erectod ou the property, aad all easements�
<br /> appurtenaaces and fuctures now or hereafter a part of the pmperty. All replacements and aclditions ahall also be
<br /> coveted by ttils Securiry Instniment.AU of tha fongoing is refemed to fa thia Securiry Iastn►meat as the'Propetty."
<br /> BORROWBR COVBNANTS thu Borrower is lawftilly seiud of the estata henby conveyed and ha�the right to
<br /> �si�d roavsy the°ra�f aad shai t�c�rty ta:.:,caaua�.r,zr,�gt far�scumhr.u�af rxazd. .°.sarra^:tr
<br /> wxcsaata and will defead generally the title to the Proparty againat all claims and demuyds, subject to ao,y
<br /> encumbrances of record.
<br /> THIS S�CURTI'Y INSTRUMflNT combiaas uniforni oovenants ftir national use and non-unifotm covenanta
<br /> wlth limited vai3adons by jurIsdiction to coasdtutc a unitorm eecurlty insurumant covering real property.
<br /> Borrower and Lender oovcnant aad agroe a�follows:
<br /> 1. YNyment ot Principwl, Intereat and I.Ate ChArge. Borrower ahall pay when due the priacipal of. aad
<br /> interest on.the debt evIdencod by the Noce and lau charges due under the Note.
<br /> ; Z. MontWy Pnyment o! Tttxe�. L�aur�nce sad (hher Chuges. Borrower shall includ� in each montlily
<br /> : pryment�together with[ha prinelpnl and iatcresc as set farth in the Note aad any late charges.a aum for(a)taxea and
<br /> spocial asseumenta levied or to be levial agaInst the Pmperty. (b) leasehold paymente or ground nnts on the
<br /> ; Property,and(c)pr�miums for insw�aaae roquieed under paragraph 4. In aay year im which the Landa must pay a
<br /> ' mortg�ge lnsur�nce psemium to the Secnetary of Housing and Urban Development("Sxntary'), or in my yoac in
<br /> which such pnmium would have ban required if Lender atill held the Securiry Insavment, each monthiy pay�aent
<br /> alull also include either:(i)a aum for the annual mortgage lnsuranoe pmmium to be pntd by Lender to the Secntary.
<br /> or(ii)a montLly aharge inauad of a mortgage insurance premium if this Security i++stiL+�^t is held by the Sxteury,
<br /> in a nasonable nnwunt to be deteimlaed by the Socretery. Except for the montlily charge by tha Santary. thae
<br /> items ue called'Escrow Item�"and the sums p�id W I.ender are callod"E�crow Funda."
<br /> Lender may. u aay time,collax aad hold auiounta for Escrow Items ia aa aggregate�monnt not ro excud the
<br /> muimum amouat that mry bs requind for Bomower's�crow Account uader the Real Esuue Settlement Procedures
<br /> Act of 1974. 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 a seq. and implemeating nguladons, ?A CFR Part 3500, �s they may be
<br /> ameadod from Nme to dme("RESPA"),�xcept that the cus}uoa or nserve permittal by RESPA for uaandcipatal
<br /> ' digbucsemonta or dlsbursameata before the Borrower's payments are available in thc acaovnt may not be bascd oa
<br /> amouuts duo for the mortgage insurance premium.
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