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<br /> in one or mo�re prced and In aar order Trusue detcrmina. Trustee may p� �aa�Df�nY Paccd ot the
<br /> 1�rop�eq' b�'Pu61ic�nnouneana�4 �t ti�e time�nd pl�cc of w►y previouciy scheduDed wZe. i.ender ar tu dcrl�►cea�uAy
<br /> p�n�cia..elie Prop�at.nr..�e. '
<br /> Upon r�edpt ot p��aaent ot the prke 6td. Tru�tee �hal1 deUvu to tbe purchaser Tru�tee'a deed conreyiq� the
<br /> Property. 7'!w rec(hi� [a tt�e Trustee'a dxd th�ll Ek prLaa fack ertdeace o[the trtxh ot the�htement� mada tLerein.
<br /> 'lYu�te�alaid�pp1�r tbe prooeedr ot tl�e sde W the foliowin�ocder:(a)to all costs uid erpemes ot exerc�the p�n�er n+f
<br /> ade,�ad the ule.faeludini tbe P��neaR ot tl�e'IYvrtee's tea actuaUy taewreed.not to aceed 3.O�Om y�,
<br />. of tM prio icipal aena�t d t1M note at tha time of the deci■rataoa uf u1�i�uii.aad��wu�t::4w�r-������s a�pei'matiid by
<br /> u��ro����ww reeired br thl�Securit��I�drunak;�ud(c)an�eueas to the persan or pet�so�fe*u99y entkl�9 t�it.
<br /> �.R�coa�tys�ee. Upoa ptynmat o! all wm� Kcured by thit Sxurlty Lrecum�nt. l.end�r sMit xeQuett 'YY'ustca w
<br /> recoavry tbe Propetcy �ud �hW �urteatkr tbI� SecurIry Imo►vment �nd all notes evidexinj debt securad by thi� Securlry
<br /> Imuucnent to Tiustee. Tnuta�tWl recoavry the Property without wuranty and w�ttauc et�e w tl�a peraon or per�ons k�aUY
<br /> eadded to ic.Such penoa or P���P�Y�Y�rdadon cosro.
<br /> Z3.Sti6Rltuoa 71v�tee. Leader�u ip option,may front ttme w dme remuve Tnutee awd�ppoiat a successor uustee w any
<br /> T'nutee�poltMed heramder by an �nucument recorded{n the counry in whicti this 3ecuriry imawneat i.�.morded. Withouc
<br /> comray�ace ot the Ptopeity. the succe�wr tnuta tdall aucceed to ati zb�e ade,.P�,wer and duaes conferced upon Tn�ttee benin aad
<br /> by apptic�bk I�w. �
<br /> 9i1.Requat[pr Notka. Horaawat aequesu d�t copid of thse tirotices at default and aale be sent to Borrower'a addreas
<br /> which is tt�ep�rty Addtess.
<br /> 2S.Rldas fs t!i S�earity Iqetetianrs�b If on�or mon rldora ue e.xe�utea Iry Borrower ud recorrled together wlth this
<br /> Securiry taetrumeat.thr c,�vetwub t��d�greemew af�ach sueh rider aball be inco�r�onud into wd ehall amend a�supplemont
<br /> tbe covawm�od a�reemeoa of tdis Securiry In+mimeut ar if the xid�r(a)were�put of this Securlty Imaument.
<br /> [CHeck appliabk box(ee)]
<br /> . � �Adjmtable Raee Rider 0 Condominium Rlder ❑ 1�4 Funlly Rider
<br /> ❑Cir�duated Paymnt Rider [.:{Pt�.tmed Urdt Develupmau ltidtr ❑Hiweckly Paymettc Ridcr .
<br /> '• ❑BaUoou Rider [,ltate Improvement Rider ❑SecoM�ic+me Rlder '
<br /> �V1�ltider Q Other(s)[sPG��YI�s•iqumaat• or xene •
<br /> : � • .
<br /> � . . ,
<br /> f
<br />; � BY SI(iN1NG BF.LOW� 8orrower aCCepes�nd a�rees w the oe veaaao�contained in�ie ry Imavmem and ia
<br /> 't aoy rkia{�)ezecuted by Borrower u�d recorded wlth it.
<br /> � Wi�: (Seal)
<br /> � ���. — DBHRA R LVPH � -Harower
<br /> "j ERUIN L. LUTH
<br />_:� (S"1)
<br /> ON L I+UT�i .Qonow�r
<br />�� 8 �Y U. PAT
<br />:� , _
<br /> j'• �0i'iil� l`�/
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<br />-. •BOrtOMt[ •BOIIOYYK
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<br /> f
<br /> Z,p; 9h�e ot Nebe�lc�s HALL County q:
<br /> i Tbe lbrC�oin�ittfaument�vas�Cjaaoaitd�ed 6efo[e me thit 19Tfi �y pf AV(iUST � 1997 �
<br /> � bY Dv� R LVlH, w askaLS paRSa+ u+o ax�rtoN L avr�t AND ERVIN L LUTH WIFE AND HU58AND, AND .
<br /> Wiaws my hmd�ad notarl�l se�t at aRAND IsI�1ND. N89RASYtA due aforesaia.
<br /> � BILI V PATSIOS� A SING �/' i
<br /> . MyCommissiouF.xptra: �AKNOfARY•SuM11NeMMw
<br /> �qM�,Ey,O�IC,fEi,200�
<br /> � Pubt
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