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<br /> ' 1G.IIoYeotiser'�Co�y. LTarrotver sh:eU 6e �Iven ottr conformecl enpy of the Note anA of ihis Secudry Initrument. �
<br /> . 17.`i'r�nter of the Property or a Bencl�el�l lnterat In Borrewer. It�11 or�ny pArt of the Property or any lnterest in lt ii �`::.
<br /> sotd or truufcrr�d(or If a beneflci�l Inlerest in Borrower is auld or aansfened and Aorrower I� not a runural pcnon) without -
<br /> ��` '� 1.enQtr's prior wrinen consent, Lender ms+y,at Ita opttan,requlre immedlate payment In fuU o!all sums recureQ by thla Securiry
<br /> lt�suument. However, thla option thall nat be eaercised by Lender if exerclse is prohibited by federal law as of the date of thls ,,::
<br /> - _--• ' Securlry lnstnrment. .-�
<br /> '""��' �'� If L.endes cxerd�es this opdon,Lcnder�hall give Borrower notice of acceleration.'[he noticc shall provide a period of not less >�
<br /> 3'.� than 30 days from�he date the notice is d�ivered or mailed withSn which Bonower mnat pay all sums secured by thla Securiry r���
<br /> �? Incuurtuunt. If Bonower fuls to p�y the�e eums pdor to the expiradon of dils period, l,ender may invoke any remedies�ermitted �
<br /> �� by tt�ie Securlry Inatniment;widaut further mdce or d��c�d on Bonower. -�-
<br /> �� ' � l8.Borrower'iRlght o�Rie�ro[ate� lf BorroweF, meets certain candidons, Borrawer ahall have the right to have ��_
<br />_ ., .":.< < enforcement of tbis Sec� Imnnrment diuondnoed at eny dme prior to the earlier of: (a) 5 daya (or auch other period aa _
<br />- applicaltle law may ipec��for�itlsraEemeai)before ule of ehe Properry gursu�nt co a�qy pow�r ot sale con�nined in rhis Security
<br /> -����:�? Insm�menr,or(b)enay o a judgmeat enfetting thia 9ecuriry Iasaument.7�ose co�lirions an ttut Bonower: (a)paya Lender all
<br /> -""' `"'' sums whlch tixn would be due uader th�Securlty Iastrum�en�u�d the Note u if no accderatioa 1ud occurred; (b) cures any _
<br /> � default of any ottnr coveaants or agreem�ms: (c)pays all expenses incurced in enforcing ihis Securicy lasuument, includtng.hut
<br /> ' ' � aot limited to,reasoaable attornGya'fees; aad(d)takes such acuon as l.ender may reasowbly require[o assure that the lien of this �
<br /> '���'��'-M�' Securlry lnsa�ument, I.ender'a rights in tllo Property anA Borrower's obligadon to pay the �ums sccured by thia Secwiry
<br /> � Insaumen[ shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower. this Security Insmunen[ and We obGganoas aecured �!`
<br /> hereby shaU remain fuUy effcetive as if no acceleradoa had occurred.However,this right to nussnte shaU not apply in the case of �;'•
<br />� � �``r acceleraaon under paragrapt►17. �'�
<br /> r.:-
<br /> 19.Sale of 1\'ote;Change ot Loan Servlcer. 7t►o Nou or a par3ial inureet in the Nou (YOg��her with this Securlry 4:
<br />:�`:�>'�µ... Insuument)may be sold one�,a.rnare dmra without prior natia to Borrower.A a�le may result in a chaange in tha��'�ry(knowa �s;;.
<br />--..'S.r•:1.:'.'F _v.r,..
<br /> _:;,;T as the "L.oa,n Serviur")that cc�7]zeu mont�ily paymenta due wnder the Nou and this Sac�rir�Instrum�nt,Therc als�m�ay be one or �,p.,:
<br />,::;;. mnre chu�gea of thc Loan Servicer unrelated :o a sale of►ht Nota If there is a cliaange af�he Loan Servicer,Borrowor will be �„„
<br />_ '� ' given wrItun nouce of the chwge in accordancs with para�raph 14 above and applicable law.'I7x nouce will stau the namz and --
<br />`,�,��''�•`•' address of the rc�a•I.oan Strvicer and ttae address to wtuch paytnenu sfi�uld be made. The �aoace wiU xlso contain any other �
<br /> �:`'��' ' informadon requised by appllcabla law. °°°
<br /> -�'_�.'•� a.�__t����,tLa��C��hctaneea. Borrower sball not caus� or pernut tmc prasence, use, disposal, atonge, oa uzlease of any ��'
<br /> °°-�:;�� !$�arciuus St►ba�.nces on�r in zhe Properry.Boaower shnU not do.aor allow anyone �lse w do,anything at�ecter�thx Propetry gr.;.:
<br /> —'~''-s"'� thaz�a in vlolarian of any Environmental Laa. 'ILe prec�diAg iwo semtences ahaU a►ot apply to the preseace,use,or sia:age on tLe ��_:;
<br /> - '-�..�� Property of sm�ii:i quanddes of Hazudou_s Substauces�a��c generally recagt�ized to be apprapriate m normal nsldendal uses �:_
<br />__�;�i� and to maiauaancc of ttx Prapa�ty. =-
<br /> —_—.— Borrower ahall prompdy give Lender wrinea norice o3 any invesdgadon, claim, demand, lawsutt or othcr acdon by any
<br /> — -- govemmental or repulatory agency or prlvue pazry involvin� the Properry and any Hazudous Substance or Environmental Law
<br /> ' of whlah Borrower das acwal lrnowledge. UBorrower leams, or ia nodfied by any govemmental or ngulatory autktoriry.ttu�t aqy _
<br /> nraoval or ott►er nmedi�tion of wy Hvardous Substance affecdug the Property is aecesaary. Borsower shall promptly take aU
<br /> necesaary remedial uaoas in accordance wiih Eavirorunental Iaw.
<br /> --- Ae uud in thit paragraph 20, "H�r�rd�us Substances" ue those substances defined u toxic or huardous substances by
<br /> �� Envtmnmental L.aw aixl the foAowing substas►cca: gasoGne. kerosene. other flama�ble or mxic petroleum products, toxic
<br /> �� pesdeidee aad h�rbicldes, voladle aolvents,maurials containing asbestos o� forcnaldehyde.and ndioacave materials. As used in
<br /> tLis paragraph 20.'Es�vlronmental Law' rn��3ns federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Properry is locaud tl�aat relate
<br /> � ta tkalth,�afery or eavironmental protecdon.
<br /> — NON-UIV�ORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender futther covenaut wd agree�s foUowa:
<br /> 21.Aceeleratlon; Remedles.Lender slull gtve notice to Bonovrer prior to acce.lerafiton folbwing Borrower's breach of .
<br /> � iny cova�ant or �rebnent in this Saurity Instciument (but not prior to occekradon under paragrapri 17 unless —
<br /> appikabk law prorldea otherwtse). 1f�e notice shall spaffy:(a)the defauk;(b)the action required to cure the detauk;(c)
<br /> — a d�te, aot ka tl�an 30 dayi tram the �te the notice b given to Borrower. by wldch the defauh mwt be curcd:�nd(�
<br /> that fdlure to cure the default on or betae the date specttfed tn the notia may rcauk in aoaleratio�n o[the swns aecured
<br /> "-'""— by thb Security It�trumerK and sale ot'the Propeety.The notice ahal!further inform Burrower of tbe right to reimtate
<br /> atlta acaksatlon�nd the right to brirag• court action to Qcsert the noa�e�dstence o!a detoult or aay other deferts�ot
<br />�'�`.= BarmMar to xoekration �nd aak. It t!x default i�not cured on or betnre the clate spaftied tn the►atke,Lepder,at its
<br /> :� option,may rey�ire tmmediate p�ymaat U full of a!i ewns secured by this Saurity Initrwne�rt without forther demsnd -
<br /> �—.--:-- u�d may in�oke the power ut sak and�ny ather remedks permitfed by appltcab{e I�w.Leader c}�atl be enti4kd to ool{ect -
<br />------- all acpenes insucred In pursuln�tbe reme�il�s prov�ded Ln tht4 p�ra�aph 21, including, but not lim[ted to,�sonabk a;;
<br /> _ attol'nere'[ea aatd cosb of titk evldenx. �
<br /> - �»` � It the power of sak is invoked,Trustee:hall record 4 notice o[detault in each cowity In wlilch any part o[tMe �}
<br /> ��f'�`�'�� f�bated and�hall mail co ot sueh notke In the mont�er ribed by spplkabk Is�w to Sorrower and to thc
<br /> _`:..: A� . , �'OP�' Pks P�c •
<br /> ' ' ^�'�"t�'• MI1lr perwro pr�ereribed by applkabk i�r. ARer the Hme requircd by applicable I�w,'[Yustee ahxll give publk notice of -
<br /> ::. ... .,y'.:' --
<br /> . : , sak w the persom and in the m�nna prtscribed 6y appficable laa.T'ruttee,without danand on Borrower, ahall sell the =_
<br /> -�'��?���� Property at public auctbn to the highest bfdder at the tlme and place ond under tf�e terms desigmted in the nodce of sale =,
<br />-_;.�'r•.
<br /> :�- � a=°
<br /> '•;:__�,:��.. F
<br />'-_"��,:.. Form 302E f1l0 k
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