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<br /> TO(iE'THER WITH a11 thc improvemcnte now or hereafter erected on the property, a�v!all easemenu, pppurcenancea, �nd �_
<br /> fixnuei now or hereafter 4 parc of the property.Ail repineetuenu and addidom ctull�tao bc covcred Ly tl►la Secuj•Ity In�trumcnt. �-
<br /> All of t1�e foregoing ie refened ta ia tula 3ecurlty Irotrument xe the "Properry."
<br /> BORROWER COVENANTS that Borrower ie IawPoliy aeised of the eatate hereby conveyed and has the right to grant and _
<br /> convey the Property and that the Properry i�unencumbered, ezcept fur encum?,r�u►ces of record. Borrower wananta and will
<br /> deiend generally the dtle to the Property agwinst all claims and demands,subJect to my encumbrar�cee of record.
<br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMSNT combtnes unifotm covenants for aacional use and non-un[farm covenants wlth limiccd
<br /> variadons by jurisdiction to consdtute a uniform security instnurKnt covering reai properry. __
<br /> UMFORM COVHNANTS.Bonower and Lender covenant and agree aa follov+o:
<br /> 1.PAyment of Pr(nc(pal And Interest;Prepayment and L�te Charges. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the
<br /> principal of and inurest on the debt�videnced by che Note and any prepayment and lat�charges due under the Note.
<br /> 2.Funds tor Twce�and Insurance. Subject to appllcable law or to a wrIaea waivcr by Lender. Bonower sLall pay co
<br /> L.ender on the day monthly payraenta are due�nder the Note,until the Note is paid ln 1h11, a sum("Funds")for: (a)ycarly taxea
<br /> aad asseasments which may atta�in priority over thie Secur�ry Instrument as a lien on the Property;(b)yeazly leasehold paymenu
<br /> � or ground renu on the Properry.if aay;(c)yearly hazard or properry iasurance premiums: (d)yearly flood insurance premiwns.if
<br /> any; (e)yeuly mongage insurance premium+,if any; and (�any sums payable by Bonower to l.ender. in accordance wltt�the
<br /> provisions of paragraph 8, in lieu of the payment of mongage insurance prernivaa�.These items are called "Fscrow Items.' _
<br /> I.eadtr may,at any time.coUect and hold Funds in an amount not to txcud the rnuimum amount a leader for a federally related
<br /> . mortgage loan may requice for Bonower's escrow account under the fcderal Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 as
<br /> amended from dme to dme. 12 U.S.C. Secdon 2601 et seq. ("RLSPA").unle�s another law that appl�ea to the Flmds aets a lesser
<br /> an�ount. If so. I.ender may. at any dme, coUect and hold Funds ln an amonat aot to exceed the lesaer amount. Lender may
<br /> � esdmate thc amount of Funds dua on the basis of current data and reasoaable estimues of enpenditures of fi�ture Escraw Itema or
<br /> � otherwisc in accordaace with applicable law.
<br /> The Funds ahall be held!n an insdtudoa whose deposits are insured by a federol agency,insuumeataliry,or enary('including
<br /> Le�er. if Lender ia such an insdtudon)or in any Fedcral Home I.oan Bank. Icoder ehaU apply the Funds to pay the Fscrow
<br /> Items.Lender may not charge Bonower for holding aad applyiag the Funde.aunually aru�lyzing tho escrow accoont.or veri"rying
<br /> the Escrow Iunu.wileas Lender pays Aorrower interest oa the Funds and applicable law permits Leader to make auch a charge.
<br /> However, Lender may require Bonowcr w pay a one-dme charge for an independent real eatau tax repordng servica used by
<br /> Lender in connection with this loui, unless applicable law providea otherwise. Ualesa an agreeayent ta made or applicable law
<br /> require� interest to be paid. Leader ahall not be requlnd to pay Bonowcr any imereat or earnings on the Fuads. Borrower and
<br /> Lender may agree in wridng,howcver.tk�at iaterest shall be pald on tha Funde. Lender ahall give to Bonower.without charge.an
<br /> aanual accouuting of the Fundi.showL�g credlu and deblts to the Funds aad►h�purpose for wH(ch ach debit to the Funds waa
<br /> made.The Fhnds are pledged as addidonal security for all sums aecured by this Searity Insnvment.
<br /> If the Funds held by l.e�er exceed the amounta perniitted to be held by applicable law.Lender shall account to Bonrower for
<br /> the eaceas Fundi in accordance with the nquirenxnts of applicable law.If the arnourit o[the Fwida held by Leader at aay dme fa
<br /> ' not sufCiclent to pay the Escrow[temg when due.Lender may so aodfy Borrower In wrldug,uid.ln stsch case Bonowcr shall pay
<br />' �a � �,�r�Q � �sary ro make np the deficierscy. Bonower shall rn�ke up the defictency in no more tLaa twelve
<br /> ' montlily paycaents,at Lender'e aole dtscreuon.
<br /> Upon paymenc in t�ll of all sums secured by this Securiry Insaument,Lender st�alt prompdy refund to Borr�wer any�utds
<br /> beld by I.ender. If.under pacagrzph 21,Lender shnll acquir�or �eU the Properry,Leader,prior to the acquisition or sale of the
<br /> ' Property, ahall apply any Funds heid by L.ender at the dme of acqutsidon or sak as a credit against thc swns recured by this
<br /> Security In��avment.
<br /> 3.Applkation of Payments. Unleas applicable law provides otherwise,al]paymcnta received by L.eader under pazagraphs
<br /> 1 and 2 shall be applied: first. to any prepayment ctiarges due under the Note;�econd, to nmoants payabia nnder pazagraph 2;
<br /> � > dilrd.to inurett due;founh,w prtncipal due;and last,to any late chazges due under tl�e Nou.
<br /> 4.Chorges;Lkro. Bonower shall pay all taxea, u�sessmenta. charges, fina and imposIdons atuibutable to the PrAperty
<br /> wluch may attain priority ovor thla Security Wtrument,and leasebold payments or ground rents,lf any. Bonower shall pay these
<br /> ' obllgadons ia the manrxr provlded tn paragtapb 2,or if not paid 9u that maruur.Bonower ahall pay them on dme direcdy to the
<br /> : �xrson owed payment. Borrower ahall prompdy furnish to Lender all aotices ot amounta to be paid under thia paragraph. If
<br /> Borrower makes these paymenta direcciy,Borrower shaU prompdy furnish to Lender receipts evidencing the payments.
<br /> � Borrower ahall prompQy discLarge aay lien which has prIority ov�r ttu+Secur3ty Instrumant unless Bonow�r: (a)agrees in
<br /> writing to the payment of thc obUgadon secuned by the lien in a maimer acceptabk to I,ender; @)contesta in good fa�th the lien
<br /> by. or defeads agaiiut enforcement of tho liea in. legal proccedings which in t2u Lendcr's opinion operate to provent the
<br />- enforceaient of the Iien;or{c) sceures from the holder of the lien an agreement satiafactory to Lender subocdinadng the lien w
<br /> this 5ecuriry Instrument.If Lender deurmines that any part of the Pcoperty is svbje¢t to a lien which may attain priority over thia
<br /> Secudry Instnunent.L.ender may give Borruwer a nodce identifying the lien.Bortower sha11 sadsfy the lien or take one or more
<br /> - of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the g[ving of notice.
<br /> - Form 3018 9/90
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