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<br /> {i)All or pazt of the Ptoperty,or a benetic[al lntcra�ct in a wst owning all or part of the Property,is sold or —
<br /> ahcrwlae trensfunA(other thaia by devLse or descent),end
<br /> (U) 'Ihe Prnperty Ia not oocupiad by the purchnSCr a granta as hls or her prlricipal msldence,oz the
<br /> p�uchasu or granuo does so oocupy the Property but hIa or her uedit hns not been approved in acrordancc
<br /> wIth 1he cequirenx.r►Is of the Socretaq+. �
<br /> (c) No Watver. If ctncumstances occur thut would permit Le�der to raq�,lre immediate payment in full,b�t
<br /> I.er�der does not roquica such payme.�ts.Lcada does aot waivo its rights with respoct to sub�eqaer►t event�
<br /> (d) Regulations ot HUD SecrNary. In many e:lrcumstences ragulations issued by the Secretuy wil! flimit
<br /> Lender's righta,L►the case of payment defaults,to rcquire immediaio payment in full and forecbse if n��id.
<br /> This Seciulty Instrument does not authorize accelat�don or foroclasur�e iF not permiu�i by eegulativns cn&�he
<br /> Sectetary.
<br /> (e)Mort�Age Nat Insv�^ed.Barrowcr agrccs tt�at if this St�uriry Insuumcat and thc Naic��awt °d,:�rmLted ta �
<br /> be eligibb for insurance under the Netional Housing Act wi�hia 60 daya from the date heroa�.➢..enci�r cnay,et
<br /> its oprion. nquire � payment in full of aU sums sxurcd by this Socurity Insatii�unl. A xa�iva�
<br /> statement of any author3zed sgerit af the Secretary dated subscquent to 60 days&om the da2e tra�*.dac'lining
<br /> to insure this Securlty Instruiment md the Note, shall be doe�tKd coaclusiva pnoof c� �ucl� ineligibility.
<br /> Notwtthstanding the foregaing, this opdon may not be exerc iscd by L,cndu wtien r�z �.:navallability of
<br /> • Instuance is aolely due to Lender's fait�ue w nmit a mortgage insauance p�mium w the Secrcu�ry.
<br /> 10.RN�statemeu�Bocrowu has a dght to ba relasmted if Lendir das requirod immedieta payment in full bxause
<br /> . of Bomowu's fail�ue to pay an amount due under thc Nota or this Secnriry InstrumenG This dght epplies evG► after
<br /> foreclosure procadings are Lisdtuted. To neinstate the Sxvriry Ins�n�Bocrowe�st�all tendu In a lump sum all
<br /> amounts roqulred to bring Borrow�'s account cumat including,w tho extrnt they ere obligations of Bomnwu under
<br /> t!� �casrir;Inssmmessi, foz�l�ssse t�s° ar.� ses:os� suu�cu�.�y sttor�s;s' f� ans3 espcn�.�s �resly
<br /> assoaiated with the foreclosuc�e pmcoeding. Upon niasmtement by Barowa, this Security lnsuument and the
<br /> obllgadoas dwt it secu�es shall cemain �n effect ac if I.e�nder had not required immediata payment in full. Howcvca,
<br /> I.enda is na req�irod to pemut reinsuuement if:(i)Lendex has acc�tod reinstezemeat afta the connn�enceaiant of
<br /> foroclasiue procoedinga within two yeus lmmodiately procediag th� oommcncement of a cuircnt fonclosvre
<br /> proceoding, (ii) roInstau,ment wiU proclude foreclosura on diffaa►t groauds in tho fupue. or(iii) rotnstatornat�t will
<br /> adversely affxt tlw pdority of thc liai created by tbis Socwity Insuuma�G
<br /> '', 11. Borrower Not Rekasedi Forbear�na Sy Lender Not a Waiver.Bxte.�sion of the time of payme�t or
<br /> ' modification of amordzadon of the sumq secured by this Socurlty Insutamait �antod by Lender W eny succes.sor in
<br /> � entaest of Bomowa shall not operate ta reka�tho liabIlity of the aigin9l Barrower or Sarowa's successor in iatetest.
<br /> I,end�slwll not be roquirod to commenoo proceedinge against any suocessor in intaesc or nfiue w eatend tiuna for
<br /> , p�ymau a othanvisa modify arnordzadon oi tha sums securod by ttit�Se�vity Instrwnent by reax�n of eny de�r�und
<br /> . m�de uy the original Bamwer or Bomower's snocessars in�nteresl..4ny!'abearance by Lender in ex�rclsing any rlght
<br /> a rea�ody shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any rlght a reanedy.
<br /> 1Z.Succeseors and Ae�os Boundi ldnt and Several Ll'ia6tl�tyi CaSigaera.7he coveaaats and agaanents of
<br /> ' ' this Seciuity Insm►ma►t st�all bind ond beneFit tbe successors and auign�of Leader and Borcower� subjoc�to ihe
<br /> provisions of pengtaph 9(b). Bormwu'e cuvenants and agceemerits ahall be Joint end sevaal.Any Sormw�- who
<br /> co-signs this Securlty Instmment but dots not exxuto the Note:(s)ts co-signIng this Socurity Instrumeut only to
<br /> mortg�go.grau aad convey that Bamwa's iatenst in the Property wder�6e tams of this Sxurlty In�suumenx(b)is
<br /> na pasonally oblIgeud to pay the sums socura!by this 5ecurity Insamnen�and(c)egras that L.eMer end any ott�er
<br /> Barower may agreo to cxtend,maditY,forbear a make aay eccommadu=ians wi�h ngard to the tams of this Securiry
<br /> ' Inswment a the Note without ttwt Borrower's consenG
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