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<br />,.',.�� Borrowu shall also be in dafault if Borrower,during tho loan applicadon proccss.Save materlallY felse or inaccurate __._
<br /> infonnation os stntcmonts to Londu(or failed w provide Lendu with any mauxial infocsnadon)in connecdon with the P�w�
<br /> .,�•;:i;, 1wn Qvider�oed by tho Nota.including,but aot Ilmitcd to. representations concernin8 BorrowePs occupancy of the ``•:--
<br /> H�:
<br />°;:`�.�y' propaty as a principal residence. If this Socuriry Inswment is on a leasehold, Horrowcr shall comply with the � ,
<br />'_..,....
<br />,�,;`�7�� �. provis'soas of the ica5e. If Borrower acquins fee dde to the Property, the leasehold end fee tida shall not be maged
<br /> � �nkss Lendu agrees to the mugu in wrlpng.
<br /> �•;�•y,d., ; —
<br /> :==�� 6.Condemnation.The pmcoGds of any awtud or ciaim for damages,direct or consequential,in oonnecrian wyth _
<br /> �_�_.�
<br /> --x_,,,�. suy condemnatloa or oU�u takin8 of any part of thc Propaty,or for conveyance ia Flace of condemnation,azo hereby
<br /> su
<br /> -,u.,'°"'�� assignod and shall be paid w Lendec to the exteat of the full amount of the indebtedness that remains anpaid under the _!
<br /> -:�-T`.;:"•9' Note and this Securlry Instmmea�I,ender shall apply sach procaxts w the redocdon of the indebtedne.gs undu the Note
<br /> ;.;°s;�;:��- Q h 3,and then to
<br /> .: �'�-�p��; and this Sccurity Insnument,fust w any dclin �t amouats applicd in the order provided in paragreP
<br />- � � Prepayaieut of princfpai.Any epplicadon of tha procad.9 to the P�ncipul shall not extend or postpone the due date of the
<br />-;�sfe'�_7 momhiy payments,whjch are nfened w in par�greph 2,or changc the amount of such payments. My excess proc,eeds
<br /> _---- ova an amount required to pay all outatanding indebtedness under the Nou and ihis Seciuity Insuument shall be paid w
<br /> - the entiry legaUy entlded thereto.
<br /> - 7. Charges to Borrower aad Protectbn ot Lender's Wghte in t6e Property. Borrower shall pay all
<br /> --- govcrnmental or municigal charges�fines and lmpositions that are r�ot iacladed in parngraph 2.Borrowu shaU RaY�
<br />= obligations oa time diroctly to the ee�tity which�S owed the payment.If feiluce W pay would 6dvusely affect L,euder's �,
<br /> -.� interest in tl�e ProP�Y,�P����9�lutst Borrowu sball P�P�Y �ish to Lendu recetpts avidr.nc�ng these _.
<br /> � � � ments or the paYmaits ro4�rod by para�aph 2.or feils to perform eny ottjer
<br /> _= PaY�Borrowu fails to make the.,e paY ��;��'�L;
<br /> --= ' covei�►ts and egt�eements containod in this Seciulty u�snumu« or chaa i.a te�t p:�g =
<br /> _� affect Lender's rlghta in the Property (such as a pr�ocadin8ln b3nlwPtcY.for condemnstion or W enforce laws a _,
<br />--y ngulatbns).then Lendei may do and pay wtiao�va is nocessary to Protect the value of the Pcope�ty and Lender's r�ghts _
<br /> in the ProPeitY,includin6 PaYment of texes.harard insucanco and otber items mendoned in pera�aph 2.
<br /> — ; My amounts disbursed by Lenda undu 1h3s paragraph shall become an eddidonal debt of Borrowu apd bo
<br /> ' socurod by this Socurtty Inat�umen�'I1�ese amounts shall bear interese from the date of disbursanent,et the Note rate.
<br /> ' and at tbe opdon of Lender.shall be immediatelY due and payable.
<br /> ` Bomowa shall pranpdY dischar6�anY�e�►which has prloriry over this Security Iusceumuit unlaa Borrowa:(a)
<br /> --_ egroes in wrlting w the payma►t of the obHgujon securai by the lien In a m�nner ecceptabb to Lend�x;(b)wntests in
<br /> good faith the lien by.or defend9 eSainst enforcemont of iha lien in�k8a1 Proce�edings which in the L.u�ckr's opLiion
<br /> op�xate to pnvent the enfar,ement of tha lkn: a(c)ssoa�from 1he holda of the licn en e�art�t sa�sfa�wcY�
<br /> Lender subordinatin8 the Uen to this Socurity Instiuumen�If Lender detumines that any pazt of the Propaty is snbjoct w
<br /> - a lien which may enain priodty ovu this Securiry Instrumeat,L.ender may give Sorrower a nosice ielentifyinB the lia�.
<br /> Barowu shall saddy tt�e 1ia►a t�lce one ar mora of ttw actions set forth above within 10 days of thts giving of nodce.
<br /> • 8.��es.I.endar may calloct foes pnd charges authorized by tt►s Secretary.
<br /> 9.Grounds tor Accekratba ot Debw
<br /> (�) Defsult.Lenda may.except a�limited by reguladons issuod by the Socretary,in the ca5e of payma�t
<br /> -� �f��,�q�ir�immodiate payment ia full of all sums secuced by this Security Inst:ument if:
<br /> (i)Barowa defaults by failing to pay !n full any monthlY PaYment required by this Sxurity Insuument
<br /> -�:',`; prlor to or on the dua dete of tha neat monthty payment,or
<br /> (ii)Borrower defaults by failing,for a period of th'ury days,to p�xform any other obl3gaHons containod i�►
<br /> this Security Insa�ment
<br /> --- (b)Sak Without Credit Appmval.Lender shall,if pexmitted by applicable Iaw(including Soction 341(d)of
<br /> — �hs ps�n.gt,Gemiain Depositoey Insamaons Act of 1982,12 U.S.C.1701j-3(d))and with the prior approval of
<br /> .e_- _ �S�y��y���payment in full of a11 sums secured by this Security Instnunent if:
<br />--�N rn..
<br /> -__ .y.�.e•.
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