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<br /> (d) Grantor has the ripht and Is duly authorized to executa and psAorm Ite Oblipatlons under thls�e`d dl�thest aatlona do not and 6hall . .
<br /> � not contilct with the provlslono af eny atntute,repuleuon,ordinence,rule ot Inw,contrect or other agreement whlch may be bindlnp on firentor at , ,,;4�.,r•.
<br /> • �nytim�: .. . ,.w. �,...-�;:
<br /> p) No�ctian or prx�edinp It or shall b�psndlny ar threatened whlch mlpht meterially uftect the Property;and . • `,
<br /> I (i) Or�ntor hae not vlal�t�d and thaU not vlol�t�any�tatut�,r�pul�tlon,ordlnancs.ru11 ot law,eontr�ot o�other agnemsnt whleh mlyht mat�rislly : :,��.:,�. ,�•.
<br /> � �N�ot th�Prop�rty(includlny, but not Ilmlt�d to,thos�povernlny Huardoua M�tterial�)or Lendsr'a riphts or Interast in the Prop�Ay pureuant to •:,� ;Z„�
<br /> � thb DHd o1 Tru�t.
<br /> I 3. PpIOR DEEQS Of TRUSL Grmtor r�pns�nb and warr�nta that th�n aro no prior deds of trunt sffeotiny any psrt ot ths Prop�rty�xc�pt a�ast ' �„!Y•�'.���
<br /> forth on Schsduls B attached to thla Ds�d of Truet whlch Onntor aprsa to pay and perfam In a timely manner. If then�n any prlor de�ds of truat ; ..��_
<br /> thcn Orantor�prcoa to pay all amount^owod,and pertorm all obtlpatlona rsqulnd.under cueh d�edb of truet and the Ind�btedness s�cured thereby. �T � - �
<br /> 4. TRANSFER9 OF TME PpOPERiY OR sENEFIC1Al INTERE8T31N(iRANTORS OR BORROWER8. In the evsnt of a eal�,convsyance,loase, �--••-
<br /> ;y""�
<br /> contnut for dMd or tramt�r ro any psrson of dl or any part of th�nal prop�rty dstcrlbed In Sch�dule A or any Int�rat th�nin,ot ot all or any •;;iS?�.�-��---
<br /> ' bensflcial Int�nat In Borrow�r or (inntor pf Borrower ar (3rantor te not a natural peraon or �eraane but ia�corpontian,Ilmit�d ilabiltty company. �'-j%i;�;��7�',iYBi�'_
<br /> ,�„�,,,,,.w � .•,partn�rohlp,uuat.or othu lepal sntlry).Lender may,at IM optfon,dsci�ro the outstnndinp Rr ndpal balance ot the Obllpatlana plua accrued interost . . • , „;_ - .
<br /> „�,: - th�non Imm�dlatNy du�and payabl�. Rt Land�r's r�qusat,Orantor or Eiorrower,as ths case may be,shall fumish n compl�t�stat�mmt e�ttiny forth ,,�,ti���._
<br /> :'all of Ita atxkhold�rs,m�mb�re or partnere,as�pproprlatt.end the extent of thNr respective ownernhlp intenate. j�;�,����
<br /> b. ASSIONAAENT OF RENTB. In conaideratlon of ths Ob1lgaUona whicfi an��cured by lhis Desd ot Trust,(inntor absolutely asslgns to Lender sll �� _ �
<br /> Cirnntnr's esta�te.flght,tltis, Int�nst claim and d�mand now own�d or h�nxtt�r acquirad In�II sxlstinp and futuro lus�s of th�Prop�rty(includlnp ;1,4���q'�;�`T_.
<br /> extenslona.nn�wals and sublaasa►,all apnsmmts fa us�and occup�nry,.rof the Proputy (all sueh leas�a and aprosmenta whether wdtten or oref, ,;,St'ti-�_+_ ----�- -
<br /> aro h�nstnr nMrnd to w the'Leu�a'),and all yuaru�ti�s of le�see�'p�dorm�nce unMr the Leaso�,top�thtr wlth the immediate and contlnuinD �:A
<br /> �l right to colleCt and rscoive sJi of th�roM�,Incom�,recNpLs,nv�nusa,itsu�s,profits and other Incom�af an��naturs now or hsrsafter due(Includlnp e
<br /> N__ —
<br /> � � any Incoms ot any mtun caminy due during any redemption period►und�r tt►e Leasesor trom or aria�n0 out of th�Property.Including minimum ��--
<br /> rents,additional ronts, perceMag�ronri.parkin9 or common area meinbnance conUibut)ona, tax and insurance contributtons,deticfenoy ronta, �__
<br /> Ilquidated damages followiny detault In Any Lease,all proceeds payable under nny polioy of insurencs covsring toss of rmta resulpng Bom
<br /> untenantability causad by d�sNuctkn or duna�q�to th�Property,all proceeda payable�s s ncult of a leas�s'e�x�rcl�ot an option to purahans th� �-
<br /> � � Propety,nll proo�W�d�riv�d from ths t�rm�naCwn or rejecUon ot any Lease In a bankrvptcy or oth�r InaoNenoy proc��ding,and all procesda from _
<br /> any riphts and claima of any klnd wh(ch t3rantor ma�y hRVe spainst any less�e under the Leas�s or any oceupanta of the Praperty(atl of the abpve ar�
<br /> h�naftsr coll�otively rsferred to as the'Renta"). Th�3 assfgnmont ia subJect to the right.power encl authority glv�n to ths Lendsr to collect and appiy ___
<br /> the Rsnta. This asstgnment is recorded In aecords�noe with appltcabie stnte law;the Yen eroated by thie aesipnment ia lntended to bo spec�fic. _ -_--
<br /> perfected,and choate upon ths recordinp of thie Deed o}Trust,all as providad by appYCaibie state law ne amendsd hom tims to tlms. 0.s Ionp as —��•
<br /> � there is no default under tha Obtigatl�na or thls Daed of Trust,Lender grants Grantor a revocabte license to eoilect ail Flenta from ths Lsases whon �_
<br /> dus and to use such proceeda in Grantor's buslness operntfone. However, Lender rney at any Ume roquire(3rantor to deposlt all Rente Into an !.�'"--
<br /> axount maintalned by Qrantor or Lsnder at Lei�der'e InstNution. Upon default in the p�yment of,or in the psrformancs of,any of the Ob119atlone• -----_
<br /> Lender may at its opUon take possession of the Property and hnve,hold,manage,leas�ind operate the Propsrty on terma and for a perlod of time _ _
<br /> y�, that landsr dsema propsr. Lender may prcCeW to caliect and recetve all R�nts,from the Property,and Lend�r shall havo tull power to periodlcalry —
<br /> maks aiterationa,nnovationa,repdrs or replaamente to ths Property as lsnd�r m�y deam propsr. Lender may apply nil Rentn in Lendst's sole
<br /> diacretion,to payment of tha Oblipation or to the payment of the cost of such elter�tiom,renovationa,repatre and replacements and any expena�s _
<br /> IncldeM to Uking and retaining poasession of ths Property and ths manogsment and operaUon of the Property. Lend�r may kss the PropsAy
<br /> � properiy inaured and may dlscharpe any texea,eharpes,claims,assessmenta and other liens which may accrus. The expsnae an��o�o+m.�► _�
<br /> r ectione may be paid ir�m the Rena recetved,end sny unpdd amounri ahNi be added to the principai of the Obligatlona. Theae amounte,topether
<br /> with other coste.ahall b�come part of the Obiigttlons cecured by thia Deed of Truet.
<br /> � 6. LEASES AND OTi1ER AtiREEMENT8. (3rantor shall not take or fall to tnke any action which may cause or permit ths tertn(naUon or the _
<br /> .--:_--_ -� ::khltaldln4 of sn;{sn;mer!In connsetlon with eny L�nse perfaining to the Property. In additbn,Grantor,without Lender's prlor wdttsn consent,shail
<br /> Interest or�othe encumbranceato bs plaoad upon�GreMorrs ight�tl8 and Ute e�n�ind to ny I.�ease orAthe am�au��p�ayabls�ttierou de or(j
<br /> 4srminate or canal any Lease sxapt tor the nonpayment of any aum ar other materfal breao terminate o�canc�el eny Lease Grrentor shal�l�promptly -
<br /> Um�eny written communiration aesertin a dehult by Grantor under a l.ease or FurpoNng
<br /> forward e►copy of auch communi�ation�and any subssyuent communlcatbns rolating thereto)t�Lender. All auch Leaesa and the amounta due to _
<br /> prantor th�roundsr are heroby asalpned to l.end�r as additlonal eecudry for the Oblipatlons. _
<br /> 7. COLLECTIQN OF INDEBTEDNESS FROM THIRO PARTY. Lender shall be sntitled to notNy or requiro Orantor to noUty any thitd Puty(Includinp,
<br /> trut not Iimlted to,I�as�ea,IlaneNS,pov�rnmmtal tuthortUss and Insunna companAs)to pny Lender any Indebtedness or obligatbn owing M
<br />� (irantor wkh napsot to the PropeAy (oumulativeiy"Indebtednese')whether or not a dehuit exists undsr thia Dsetl of Truat. OraMOr shnil dillgendy
<br /> collsot the Indebtedness owinp to Orantor hom theaethird partiea untll the piving oi such notifloatton. In ths�v�nt that Grantor poss�sses or rscsives
<br /> possesafon o}any Instrumenta or other remittancss with reapect to the Indebtsdn�sa fdbwing th�piving of nuch noUflcatlon or if M�in�trum�nts or
<br /> othsr ramittances consNtute ths propeyment of any hdebtsdn�as or ths payment of�ny insurana or condemnatlon proce�de,Cirantor nhall hold
<br /> ' ' such inetrumenb nnd other romtmnees in t�ust for Lender apart from its other propeAy,endorse ths instruments and othar romittanoe�to Lsnder,
<br /> and Imm�diatsly provids Under with possesslon of the instrumenta and other remlttanas. Under shall be entitlsd,but not rpuired,to call�ct(by
<br />- lepal proce�d(n�c or otherwifs),�xcsnd the dme for payment,compromise,exchange a relesse any oblipor or collstsral,or oth�rwis�sslti�Rny of
<br /> - �;; -,.�� ��: ths Indtbt�dnsas whsthsr or not nn Event of Defauk sxins under thla Ueed of Trusl L,ender shall not bs Iiable to Orentor for any�ction,srror,
<br /> • mistake,omission or delay pertaining to the acHons described in this pt�raqreph or any Wmapea resulting thsrefrom. Notw(thstandinp the forspofnD,
<br /> � � � , nothing Mnin shr,il oauss Lendeno be d�emed a mortgages-In-�aasesalon.
<br />��'���,�i��- 8. USE AND IIAA{NTENANCE OF PROPERTY. Orontor ahail take all actfons and m�ke any ropalre needsd to malntaln the F�oparly in pood
<br /> � ' condlUon. tirantor ahall not commlt or permit any waete to be commttted v�lth rospeot to the Property. Grantor shalt use the Property aolely tn
<br />.y:� � .�#• compIlence with applicable law and insurancs policbs. Orantor ahall not make any alleraUons,additions or improvemente to the Properly without
<br /> Lender's prior wrltten conaent. Wdhout Ilmitinp ths toreyoinp,ali alterattons,addiUons end Improvem�nta made to ths Property shali be subj�et to
<br />- the beneflNai inte�eat belonping to Lsnder,shall not be removed without Lender's pdorwritten conaent,and shall be mads at Cirantorb sals sxpsnee.
<br /> �. LOSS OR DAMAGE. arantor ehall bear ths entire risk of any ioas,thett,destru�tion a damnge(cumulatively'Loas or Oamage")to the Property or
<br />�;r,'r,;�,F �: any poRton thsroof from eny cauae what�oever. In the event of any Loas or Damspe,C3rentor ehail,at the option of Lender,ropair the nHeated
<br />�=,:,:�" Property to its provloua condlUon or pay or aauae to be pald to Lender ths decreane in the falr market vatue of ths affeoted Property.
<br /> ^�'•�••��� 10. INSURAN4E. The Propsrty wfll be kept Inaurod for(ts fuli inaurable value(roplacement con) ag�inet all he:ards Includlnp loss or damsye
<br />`�'s.- ..,...
<br /> .�.,K� --� c�used by flood,suthquake,tornado md fire,theit or mAer cneuatty to the extent req�r�d by Lsnder. Grantor mey obtaln insur�na on th�Property
<br />'-:,5��* from euch companlea s nro ecceptnble to Lender In ite soie dlecrotion. The Inaurm�ce poilcles ehali roquire the fnsuranoe company to prov�de
<br /> -=' :-���� Lender wMh at Isset �� dtys'wdtten notiee betore such pollcies aro alterod oreancellsd In any manner. The insunncs poiicles ahall name
<br />_" `��.,. .. Lender as a losa payee and provlde that no nct or omission of Girantor or any other person shall atteot the dpM ot Lsnder to b�paid th�Insurance
<br />_ . proceede psrtalninp to th�loas or dameps of the Propsrty. In ths ewnt t3rantor fails ta aequlrs or maintaln insurana,Undsr(after providtna notics �
<br /> as mny be required by law)may in Ita dlacro8on procure approprlate insurance coveta8e upon the Property and ths Inaurancs cost shNl be nn
<br /> ' advnnce payabls and beulnp Interoat aa desaibed In Paragraph 23 and seourod heroby. Grnntcr shali fumish Under with svidence of insurance v
<br /> indlcatinp ths requlred cowrag�. Lendsr may aot os attomeyan•fact tor Orantar in rneki�q nnd s�ttling claima under Insurance policles,cancslling _V�,
<br /> _ . � any poltcy or endoralnp Grentor'e name on any draft or rnpotiabie inatrument drawn bp nny Insurer, All such inaurancs policies shall be Immediately ��
<br /> asaiened,pi�dp�d and deliverod to Lendsr as further security for the Ob1lgnUona. In the event ot toss,(3rantor shall Immedlarly 8ivs Undsr written _ _�._
<br /> � notice and Lender ie authorlied to mak�proof ot loas. Eaeh insurance company ia dtrected to make paymenta dlroctiy to Lender Instsad of to Lender - - - —
<br /> and Orantor. Lender shall hnve th�dght, at Ita eole optlon,to app►y auch monle9 hward the Oblipations or toward the cost of rebufiding and �'i_=-__:_
<br /> ° restoring the Property. Any amounts may at Lender's option be applleci In tho inverse ader of the due date gthereot. -v-�.�__—__
<br /> � 11. ZONIN(i AND PRNATH COVENANTS. (irantor ahall not Initiate or eonsent to anychange in the zonin provislona or private covenants affoctin9 �c
<br /> the use ot the Property without Londer's ptfor written conaent. It CirBntor'6 use of the PropertY is or becomes a nonCOnforming use undsr any=oning _ y,;
<br />- proviafon,Grantor 9hall not osuse or permit auch us9 to ba disconNnued or abandoned without the pdor written consent ot Lender. Grantor will _, � ,ti.�,
<br /> immedfately provide Lender with wrltton noUca of any proposed changea to the zoninp provlslona or private covenante affeoting the Property. ;Y �� _N
<br /> 1Z. COHOEMNATION. Orantor shaM Immedlately provide Lender with written notfce oi any actual or throatenad condemnatlon or eminent domain �M1�`� !-
<br /> _ :_......
<br /> _ _-'t _. nrorJ�dino DlR91�f:�e to the Properly. All monles payable to(irantor from suoh co�d`mnation o��kin��ar nh�@�t Ab�a fe�e 1�In conneotiondwi h the • - �
<br /> _ — •
<br /> applied flrsi to the payment ot Lenners attomeyre rees. �e9a�tlRElm�aw a��� �. ----- ,•••-•--••o - .L= -
<br /> • CondemnaUan or eminent domNn proceedinga and then.at the optian of Lender,to 1he payment of the ODIlgations or the restoration or repalr of ine
<br /> Property.
<br /> 13. LENDER'S H�GHT TO COMMENCE OR DEFEND LEGAL ACTIONS. Grantor shdl immediately provide Lender with wrltten notice ot any actual
<br /> or threatsned acHon,suit,or other proceeding affeclfng the Property. Grnntor herebyappoints Lender as Its attorney�in•fact to commence.intervsne
<br /> In,and defend such notions,sutts,nr other lepal proceedings nnd to compromise or settle any clafm or controversy pertalning thereto. Lender ahall .
<br /> not be Ilable to t3rantor for any actlon,errpr, mistaks,omlaslon or delay pertalning to the actlons described In this paragraph or any damages
<br /> rsaultinp therefrom. Nothing contained hereln will prevent Lender trom taking the actlais described in this paragraph in ita own name.
<br /> 14. INDEMNIFICATfON. Lender shall not assume or be reaponsible tor the peAorrnanea ot any of Cirantor'a obligationa wfth rosFeet to the Property
<br /> under any circumatencea. GreMOr shail (mmedlatety provtde Lender with written notice of and Indemnify and hold Lender and ita shareholders,
<br /> dirootors,ofHcers,emplayees end egenta hartnless ham all clalma,damages,IIabNAles(Including attorneys'teea and legal expenses�,causea ot ,
<br /> aatton,aotlons,sufte and other legal proceedings(cumuiatively"Clafma')pertalning to the Property(includinp,but not Iimlted to.those fnvolving
<br /> Haiardoua Materlals). Grantor,upon the request of Lender,ahail hlra lapal counsel.ecceptable to Lender, to detend Lender hom such Clalms,and
<br /> pay the attorneys'fees.Iegai expenses end other costs Incurred In conneotion therew�h. In the alternative.Lender shall be entitied to employ its own
<br /> tegal counsel to detend such qaime at Grantor's cost. Granror's obllgation to indemnify Lender under this paragraph shall sunrive the termination.
<br /> relenoe or foroclosure of thia Deed of Trust.
<br /> . �l � �
<br /> _�-� i
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<br /> � lFNE8168 � FonnMmn7ccnnolc�g�ea.�rc (1�2�BG1 100018377iB8 ' _ ,. _.
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