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<br /> AfterRecordatio � � �,� ;� � ; N Z
<br /> " Unian Sank d Trust Coapaay n r.
<br /> ,,,..�'+� araad is�and sraaoh Q `�'`�-' ~
<br /> ,.,,,,.,.NIF 1008 N Nebb Rd � twTt y N �
<br />- arand Islaad, NE 66803
<br /> . r.'
<br /> �' - - - ---•-•----- --•-----r------ p —_.
<br /> d�R��R lJe�fre E.L. Suak, hud�aad arid Mifs
<br /> �.T sffr�q E.I.. Sua Y
<br /> . �D�uQan L S�ak Ib�ts�xxt � Suck, husband sad aii� �•
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<br /> �. �,'n; ADDII6SS � ADDIIE35
<br /> �16 E Oklahoa+► iZ13 E Oklahoaa
<br /> � `` araad Island, 2iE 68601 GYaad Ialsnd, IiE 68801 -
<br /> Tc�wwi+e uo. �utxnFlC�►Tw�t tw. ��r:►•�►wwe�a. �wnACw�tox�w.
<br /> i(308) 384-8350 5l17-98-3818 '�3D8) 384-8350 507_98-4818 _ _ _ __ -
<br />- �TRUSTEE: Unioa Haak 11ad Trust Coayaisy J
<br /> 1008 x i�t�bb Rd, arand islaad, !1]6 68803
<br /> In canaldoration of the Ioan cr other credlt accommodation herelnafter spsciNed and any future advancss ar futurs Oblipations,ae defn�d herein,
<br /> which may hereafter be adva�aed or Incurred and the trust hareinafter msntloned and olher good and vnivable consideration,ths nceipt and
<br /> • aufBd�noy of which ars hocn��yr aaknowledped,Ora tor he�e b Inevocably barp�ine,seils,trnnsfeIs�pr}tnt�n,convs�y and �ssigns to 7 usta�.hla
<br />- � suoc�asore and aaaipns. tn tuat. fa 1I&�9��+�iA�lAa41�s��9�pl-�7�-4Yl5.�3_�laa$_$�uop., 1D08 I�i idNo�
<br /> � ' Rd firand ialaad N� 68803
<br /> =r�•;��•,.���y,_� (• n r`,th�nefi ary urt i• a e of Tnrat,w t pow�er sa e an r p t ot entry an posaess on I o rentor a presmt an futuro sstat�,
<br /> � �;:��t ripht,titN and irrtehst in and ro th�nal prop4riy deecrlh�d In Schsdul�A which Is attachW to this Dwd of Truet and 4roorporat�d h�nin by thfa
<br />-� '�: �:t����� r�fenna,to�ts�*r with all pn�nt�nd tutur�ImprrnnmeMa end flxturee;aii tanpible pereonai prop�rty Including,without Iimlt�Hon,�li machinery,
<br /> '`�`"'•"�.�t �quipmsnt,�uildlny matsriala,and poods of svery nature(excludlnq houeehold yooda)now or hersafter loeated on or uud in conn�ation with the
<br /> v'•��'i. �'�' re�l ro whether or not aHizsd to the land;all rivlle es,herodltaments,and urtenances;ali leas�s,licens�s and other a namsnte;all nnte,
<br />.:r..y,rt,�r P P�nY� P 9 aPp �
<br /> lasws and profite;all wster,vrell,ditch,roservoir and mineral rlgMs and stock�peKalning to tfie roal properry(cumutaUwly"AropeR��;to haw and
<br /> �,°',,-�'"'"` to hold the Property end the dgAta hereby qranted for the uae and beneflt of Truetse,Ms succeaaoro and aaalgns,untit paymsnt In tull of ail
<br />�''"'"� -'• Obltpallons securod hanby.
<br /> �•fi`''+��+.' Monowr, in turther consid�ration, (irontor doea,for arantor and Orentor'a helro, repreaentativss,succeasore, and usipns, h�roby exprea�ly
<br /> ��' wart�nt,oov�nant,and apros wkh Under end 7ruate�and thsir succ�ssora and i+saigns as tdiows:
<br /> �`�`��'��� 1. OdL.K�AAfI0N8. Thia D�sdot Truet shnli aecuro ths paymnnt�nd p�Aormana of dl pment and tuture Indsbt�dn�sa,IIabIIiH�s,obllaattona end
<br />� eownanH of Borrowsr or Cirenror(cumulativsty'Obliqatione'�to Lendsr purauant to:
<br /> '�''"`�-`� a thi�DMd ot Trust and the tollowin romiasory notea and othsr aprNm�nts:
<br /> _���...�.�
<br /> -- --�-� �u►rE aKOrn.rrrr �a��ro�r� o�n �� �
<br />"a'=" FI�ED $8,575.8{ 08/30/97 09/15/01 500183 BH 381095
<br /> ����
<br />--- �.;:: _
<br /> ���-
<br /> ". =h[tfi:. I
<br />�!�
<br /> �"'����; b all oth�r r�s�nt or futurs wrllten a reementa wl Lsnd�r which rsfer eC ticall to t Is Dsa of Truat �x�auD�d M►th��anN o►
<br />.-,�, y,.,:... . ( P 8 BF Y �
<br />�� �t3_ dlfNt�nt purpoai tlNn 1M torpolnD);
<br /> '�"��.:�,,.{:_; (o) any puuanry ot obllp�tlona of othlr partl�s glven ta Landsr now or here�ftsr sxscuted whlch rsf�ra to thts D�sd of Trust;
<br />��•�- ��. (d) tutun�dvanaa,whetMr obllgntory or opttonal, to the sams exhnt ae If mada contemporaneousty wlth ths exewtlon of thle Deed of Trust,
<br /> -� � mad�or�xt�ndsd to or on behslt of Orantor or Borcowsr. Cirantor ayress that If one oiths Obllpatlona Is a Ilne of credit,the Ilen ot thls Deed of
<br /> ?s�` , Trust�hall eontlnue untll p�yment fn tull of all d�bt due under ths IIn�notwlthstandb�g the tact that from tlms to tim�(but bstors terminatlon ot
<br /> •� ths IIn�)no balnna may M outstandln At no Ums ehell ths Ilen of thls Desd of Trust not Including amounts advanoed to proteot ths oseurlty
<br /> • of thls Deed of Tru�t,exceed 3.lL�����_.__—___;and
<br /> � (e)all emendmente,sxtensions,nnewels,modlflcations,replacements or substitutlona to any o}the forepoing. _
<br /> As utW In Mls Pu�gnph 1,tM terma Gnntor and Borrow�r shall Inolude end alao mean any Grantor or Borrower if more than ane. _
<br />- St. REPRESENTA710NS,WARRANTIES AND COVEtiIWTS. Orantor rapressnts,warr�nta�nd covenanta to Under that: _
<br /> : (�) GraMOr h�e fl�slmpU mark�tnbl�tltlo to th�Proparty and ahalt malnuln ths Prop�rty fres of ell Ilsne,sacurity Inhroste,encumbranc�s and _.
<br /> , elafms except tor thfs Oad of Truet end thos�d�scrlb�d(n Schedul� B whteh le atheh�d M thla Ds�d ot Trust end Incorparat�d heroln by
<br />- •• mference,whleh(irnntor�pree�to pay nnd perform In a ttmely manner;
<br /> (b) Grentor la In compllancs in aIl respeots wtth aIl appllcabl�fed�rel,stat�and local laws and npulatlona,Includlnp,wlthout Ilmitatlon,those
<br /> • ,,,, rclntinp to 'Hazardoue M�teriala; as deflned hereln,and other envlronmental mattero (the'Envlronmental Lawa'►, and nelther the federal
<br /> _�!�" Oov�mm�nt nor the atste wh�n M�Prop�rty Is locat�d nor any oth�r yowmmenul or quasi povsmmental enUty hasfusd a lim on th�Prop�rty,
<br /> nor are th�ro any powmment�l.Juclfcltl or admfnlstrative aetlons wlth reapect to envlronmental metters pending,or ro M�best of th�Grantor's
<br /> _ � knowledqe,threatened,wMch Involve the Properly. Neither Orantor nor,to Me best of(irantor'e knowledpe,any other party has used,penereted,
<br />-_ roleased.dlscharped, storod. or dtspased of any Haiardous Material�as deftned heroln. In conneetion wlth the Property or tranaponed any
<br /> Huudous Materlala to orhom ths Property Gcantor ahall not ccmmlt or psrmlt such actlons to b�takm In ths futuro. The torm'Haiardoua _
<br /> ' Mat�dale'shall mean any subatancs,materlal,or waete whlch In or becom��rsaulAted by eny governmentnl authorlry includlnp,but not Ilmlttd -
<br /> to: p)pe troleum; pi)trfade or nontrlebl�nsbestos; (ill)polychlorinatod blphsnyls: (Iv�thoae aubslnnce�,materlals or waste�dealpnated as a -
<br /> " 'huardoue aubstnncs' purnuant to S�ctfon 311 of th� Clenn Wnter Act or Ilsbd pursuant to Seatlon 3W ot th� Cl�an Wat�r Act or any
<br /> amsndments or reptacemmts to thes�statut�s; (v)thoee substances.mnt�rlata or wastes dsflned ns n'heaerdouawast�'purauant to Seotlon
<br /> - �� . 1004 of ths R�aource Conservatlon and Recavery Act or any amendmente or repl�aments to that stntute;end(vI)those substances,materlals or �
<br /> wastes d�ftn�d as e'hazardous aubstinc�'purauant to S�ctlon 101 ot fh�Compnhenslv�Envlronmental Responso,Comp�nsatlon and Uabfllty
<br /> , Act.or any emendmenta or repl�c�ments to that�atut�or any other slmflar ntnte or tederal statute,ruls,neulatlan or ordUsnce now or hersafter -
<br /> In eHect. (3rantor shall not Isaee or permit the eubleaae of the Property to a tenant or subSenant whose operetlona mey result In contnmfnntlon of
<br /> = ths Property wlth Hazardaa Mat�rlala or toxla eubstnncea:
<br /> � (o) All appllcable Inwa end regulatlonn Including, wlthout Ilmltatlon, the Amsrlcana wlth Disabllities Act. 42 U.S.C. 12101 et seq. (and ell
<br /> repulatlone promulgated Nareund�r)and ell ionlnp and bufldlnq lawe and nflultdone relatinp to the Prop�rry by vlrtue ot any fsd�ral,state or
<br /> munlclpal authorlty w!th Jurisdictlon ovsr ths PropeRy,preaently aro and ehnll b�ob��rved and compli�d wlth In aN material resp�ots,and all
<br /> � rlphts,Ifcensea,permlts,end certlflcates of occupency(includlnp but not Ilmlted to ionlnp variance�,speclal exceptlons for nonconforminq uses.
<br /> � and tfna�Inspectlon epp�orals),whether tempornry or pe:manent,whlch are mntoriel to Ihe use and occupancy of the Proporty.pres ntiy qre and
<br /> ' � shall be obtalned.preserved and.whore nocessury,renewed: �e�l � '
<br /> �PNE3f0 � FormAeonfecMOio ee.'ne ���1�96 5001AJ)�789 �
<br />� , 9' ) 1 nnge�c�9 f
<br />