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<br /> prk�Cip�l amoun►o(the indeptednQS�securad by fhlo Desd ol Truet,not InGudinp suma edvenced to protect the security oi la Deed ot
<br /> Trust,exoeed the orlpinsl princip�! Mnount stetsd herNn,or S 15.�1,-nn ,wti�hever Is yroater.
<br /> 16.Mballsn�ou�Provtslons.
<br /> (e)Borr+ow�r No!Ft�lrawal.Extensfon of q►e tlme fw payment orroodiRcatlon oi amort!zation ot lhe euma secured by thia
<br /> [?eed of Trust pran',ed by Lender to any successw In Interest of 8aroxur shall nat oporate to release,In any menner,the Ilabili-
<br /> y oP tha oriylnal Borrower�nd Borrowar'a succes�o►s In fntsroet. l�nder e�hell not be raquired to commence proceedings
<br /> �pak�st auch succsssor oe�rofuse to extend tkne ta payment a otfiawiae modify emortizetbn ot the aums aecured by thla
<br /> Deed of Trusl by reeson oY 1ny dernamd8 made Dy the ortglnal Borroarver ar nd Borrowera aucCessore in Interost.
<br /> (b)L�nd�r's Pow�n.�Ndhout eMectinp ths II�bUfry A/my othe►perwn I�ble for the payment of eny abllps�tion hereln men-
<br /> Uoned,snd wlthout aflecU r+p the Ilen a charpe of this Deed ot Trust upon eny portiun of the Property not then or thererofore
<br /> rakasad es eecuriry fix thefufi emount of aH u�ipafd obflgatbns,Le rbar ma�r.(rom tlmo ta Urveff arid urithout norico(i)ra}ens+�
<br /> �ny par�on w Nabls. (II)e x4nd tl�s meturity cx etter eny of the Mrm a ol any ecuch oWigations, (ill)prant other Induigences,(iv)
<br /> raleaae o►roconvsy, or cau�e to be rekssad or roconveyed et eny tlme et Lender's option any parcel,poNon or ell of the
<br /> Property,(v)take or releaae any other or additional secudry ir�r any► obli�atlon hereln mentloned,or(vi)make compositbns or
<br /> other enanpert�enta with debton In rolation thereb.
<br /> (c)Forbnranu by L�nd��Not s Waiwr.My torM�arence by Lender In exercising any right or remedy hereurx{er,or oth-
<br /> ervYlse efladed by applicade law,aha11 not bo e walver of or predude the exet�lse of any such rlght or remedy.7he procure-
<br /> ment oi insurance or tha payment ottaxeu ar other Ilens or charges byLender shall not be a waive�or Lendar's right to aocelor-
<br /> ats Ihe ma�t�xiry ot ths Indabted�ess sacured by Mis Dsed oi Trust
<br /> (d)Suea�sora�nd Aulvn�Bound;Jolnt�nd�v�l U�biti�;C�ptions.The coveneMs end agroements hereln con-
<br /> taH�ed ahall bind,and d�rqhts heroundsr shall fnura�to,fhe respedNe euocessore and esalpns d Lerxk�r end Truator.Atl
<br /> covsnanls�nd aprs�nNntf o�7ruslor ah�N bs Joint snd eevsral.71�e capdons end headinps of the pe�sgrepha of this Deed of
<br /> Trust are far convenlence only and are not to be used to interpret or de�ne ihe provislons hereof.
<br /> (e)Rpwst tor Notic��.The partiea h�eby request that a capy oteny noUce ot defeult hereunder end a copy of any notice
<br /> ot sale hereunder be maifed to each party to this Deed oi Truat et the address set toRh above in the man�er prescribed by
<br /> �pplic�bla faw.Exap!for eny alher no8ce reqaMetf under appllcaMes lew to be given In another man�er,Any noUr.e provided for
<br /> In this I]eed of TNSt shet!be given by malifng auch notice by oertiRed maY addressed to the othe�parties,et fhe eddress set
<br /> tortl�ebove.My notkx provkled for in thia Deed oi Trust ahall be �fkcUve upon ma(�Ing In the manner designated herein. It
<br /> Trustor Is rtwre than one pa�son,nodce sent to the address set foAh aDove ahaH be notice to all such persons.
<br /> (�Insp�ctipn,Larider m�y msia or esuse to be made roaaonabb entrba upon and (napecUona ot the Property, provided
<br /> that Lende�r shall piva Trusla e�otice prior Eo any such tnspection spacNyi�p reasonabN►cauas therefor related to lender's k�Dar-
<br /> est in the Property.
<br /> (g)R�conwyanca.Upon payrnent oi eN aums secured by this�eed o(Trust,Lender shall request Truateo to reoc�vey the
<br /> Property and shall surtender this Deed of Trust end all notea evidenclnp indebtedness secured by this Deed ot Trust to
<br /> Trustee.T�uatee shsll roconvey the Property►,w�thout werranty and witlaut charge to the perra� or persons�e9eNy endtled
<br /> tftie►et�o.Trustor ahaN p�y el cotb ot r�eoo►�dation,ii eny.
<br /> (h)P�rsonal Prop«ty;aseuriqt AW�nt.Aa additlonal saculty for the paymont ot the Nob, Tnista heroby grsnb
<br /> Lender unde�the Nebrosiu UnHorm Conxr�e�+cial Coda a security interost In�II tixturos,equlwneM,a�d other personal propert�r
<br /> used(n oonnection with fhe re�l sstete or ImM���ts bcated thereon.and not otherwiae dectxed or deemed to be a pe�o(
<br /> ths roal eatNs�ecurod heroby.This Inshument ahaN be construed ae e Secudry Agreement unusr a�ai�3 i:o�e�ard the Lenoer
<br /> shall have aN the ri8hts a�d remedfes oi a secured perty under sald Code In addidon to the rlghb a�d remedlea croated u�ider
<br /> and acoorded the Lender pusuant to th(s Deed of Trus�prov{ded tt�ut Let�der's rlghb end romedies under this paragraph shaM
<br /> be cumulaUve wlth,snd{n no vray a Ilmttetbn on,Lenders righb and rernedlea under any other secwiry epreement slgned by
<br /> Bonnrver or Trustor.
<br /> (i)LNns�nd Encumbr�nea.T�uator hereby wsrrents end represenb that there Is ra defauft unda�the Wovietora of any
<br /> marQpepe.deed oI trust�fasa a purchase oontract desalbing all ar eny p�R oi the Pro�ty.a other oontract, insfnxnent�cx
<br /> �tGasst;;stt Cass��tl�tIns e L4t! er t�ncx.xnFxanra+agalnst eN or any pad oT tAe ProPerh►(coMecUvelY. 'Llens7� exlStlnD es 0/tlfe
<br /> date of this Deed of Trust,and that any and all exlstlng Uens romafn unmodlfted exoept as dlsclosed to LenQer In Tniator's writ-
<br /> ten disclosure of Ile�s and encumbrances provided tor hereln. Tmstor shall tlmety perform all of Truator's obllgallona,
<br /> covenants,representatlons and warranUea under any and all ex188ng end futuro Liena,shaM promptly fawaM Eo Lender c�des
<br /> oi all�of deteult aenl tn conneclion with eny end all exisUng atutixe Llena,and shell �ot without lende�a prior written
<br /> oonsmnt In any msnner medify the provlelons of or allow any future a�Nancea undes emr exiadng a futune Ilens.
<br /> U)�PP�ie�tlan of!►�yer�sb.Unba�othervWae roquirod by taw. ama psid to Lendsr hKSUndsr.k�cdudn�wittwut Nmltatbn
<br /> payments of princlpal and Interoat,Insurance proceeda,condemnatlon proeeeda end rents end profite,shall be ap�Ned bY
<br /> Lender ta the artwunb d ue and owing irom Truator and Bonower in auch order as Lender in Ib sob dbcretY�n deema deaif
<br /> ahle.
<br /> ' (k)��Wlky.If eny provlslon of thls Deed of Truat co�liate wNh appllcabfe lew or Is declersd k►vaNd or ofhervniss unsn-
<br /> for�ceel�IS.such conAk��t hvalldity eha8 twt atfsat the Wher prov{alonS 0«T1I6 Deed Of TNSt or the Note wF�M;h an be pivan
<br /> etfect without the contYct�rq pro+r(slon,and to tfib end the provN�lons d thla Deed ot Trust and the Note ero dedared to be sev
<br /> erable.
<br /> the('�same pers�on(s).tlwse Nterms ea uaed IB n�N�ts�Deed Iof Trust sha�ll b�lnterchengeable and when the Truator end Borrower aro
<br /> (m)Gowrnlnp Law.Thb Oeed oi Truat shall be govemes!dy the lews ot the State of Nebrasko.
<br /> Trustor has executed thls Deed oiTrust as ot the date written above.
<br /> v�-'�C�Juv`�l � �
<br />— Leonard M. Bog u au rn,s�or R u y M. Bo uslaw rrusror
<br /> - TruaWr , Truator
<br /> ^ ' A
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