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<br /> �proceeds')In connectbn with condemnatlon or other tekirtp o1 tho PropeRy ar paR tMr�of,or far�4eyer�cS'fn lt��en'►nation.
<br /> Lender ahall be ontitlod at ita oQtbn to comme��eppear In end pr�ecute In Ite own neme e�y ectbn a p►oceedinge,a�d ehaN a�so
<br /> be entitted to m&ke any compiomise or serilement In connectlon with such takinp or damaga.In lhe event any porilon o1 lhe Property Is
<br /> so leknn or demaged,Lender shaU have the optlon in Itp sob and ebsalute dlscretion, to apply all such proceeds, a6er deductinp
<br /> Meref�om all casts end expenses inc�rred by it In connectbn with euch Proccieds,upon any Indabtedness secured hereby end in euch
<br /> order es Lender may deterrnine,or W eppy all such Proceeda,after auch deductlonr,to the rostaation ol lhe Property upon such oon-
<br /> diUons aa Lender may determine.Any appl(cetbn of Proceeds to Indebtedness ahali not extend or postpone the due data of eny psy-
<br /> ments under the Noie,or aure any detauk thereunder or hereunder.Any un�pplled funds sheM be paid to Truata.
<br /> $,p�riortnanc�by L�nd�r. Upon the occurrence of an EvenS of Defavlt he�eunder,or if any act Is tsksn or bpal prooeedinp
<br /> commenced whtch materlally efiects Lender's interest in lhe Rroperty, Lender may in Its ovm discretlon, but vvithout obllpatbn ta do so. �--
<br /> and without notice to a demand upon Trusta end without rokastng Truator from any obligation,do any ect whlG�T►usb►hss praed
<br /> bul fafled to do and may also do any other act it deems t�ecessaY to Protect tl�aecuriry haed.TNStor shaH,immediately upoR
<br /> demand therefor by Lender,pay to Lender all costs end expenses Incurred and sums expended by Lender i�connection with!he exor-
<br />- cise Dy Lender oI the fotegoln9 d9hb.together witl�inEerest Ihereon at the detault ►ate provided in thet tJM�.whkh shsN be sdded to
<br />� the indebtedness secured hereby.Lender shall not fncur eny Ilabiiiry beceuse of anyttung it may do ar omit to do Aerew�der.
<br />= 9. Hasardous Mat�riats.Tnrstor sha0 keep the Property In oanpliance with all applicabb law�,obinancas�nd reputatbns
<br />- rolatlrfg to Industrial hygiene or environmental protect(on(cdleaive►Y roferred to herein ea'Enviroementel Laws').Trusta shall keep
<br />- tM property froe from all substances deemed to be haza�cx toxic under any Environme�tal Laws(cdlecNvey roferrsd to herek�
<br /> as'Hazardous Matedals'�•Tnistor hereby warrenl�end ropresente to Lender that thero aro no Hazardoua Materiels on a under the
<br />- Properry.T�ustor hereby agrees to IndemnNy and hold harmtess I.ender,Its directas,at�ioe�s,employees and egenls,and any suc�ces-
<br /> sora to Lenders Interest,from and against any and all claims,damages,losses and IiabitiUes adsing in oonnectlon with the presencc�,
<br /> 10.Assiy�n�nt oi R��b.TrusOor herebY essigns W Lender.and grants Lender a searfty Intarest tn,aN prosont,futuro and
<br /> arter arising ronts,Fssues e�d profits of the Prope�+.Pro�+�ded�at Trustor shall,until tha oaurrenoe of an Event of DetauR,herounder,
<br /> have the right to cdlect and retaln such rents,Issues and proflts as they became due end payable. UpQ�the oa,wrrence of an Event of
<br /> �uand wid�ou regardt to the ad�QueaY of i�security,enter upon and ttak anpossession oilhe PrdoiPerty,or a y��Ivet�a�i.inti�s bown
<br /> narne or in the name ot the Tnut�ae,end du eny acts whtch it deems nacessary or desiraWe to preserve the value,marketability or
<br /> rontability ot the PropeAy,or any part thereai or interest ther9ln,or to fncrease tha income the�etrom or proteet the security her�eot and,
<br /> wNh or without taking possessfon oi the Properly�sue for or othervvlse t�lkd ths rents,issues end profib thereot.(nduding tlwse paUt
<br /> dua and unpe{d,by noGfying tenants to make payments to Lendec Lender may apply rents,issues and profits,less cost�end expens-
<br /> e�of operetbn end collecUon induding attomey's fees,to eny indebted�ess secured hereby,all in such order as Lende►may deter-
<br /> mine.The entering upon end taking possess�on of the Property.tl�e oo►kdion of such �ents,Issues end profib,and tRe app8catlon
<br /> y�r.�w���s�a��nnt cure or waive any detauft or notice d detauR hereunder o�Invalidate any act done in respo�se to auch
<br /> detault or pursuant to such notice of default amd,notwithstanding the continuanCe in possessbn ot 1he property or tne cdiecrion�
<br /> ' reoaipt and appf�ation ot rents,issues or profits,7rustee end Lender shaM bo entitled to exerdse every dgh4 provided for in any oi the
<br /> ' Loan Instnxnents qr by law upon occurt'ence of anY Event oi Defeuit,tnctudir��vithout Iimllation the rig8tla exerctse the power ot sale.
<br /> Further,Lender's righia and remedies undEr Nis peragreph shall be cumulal�re with,and in no way a limtation on,Le�ders righffi and
<br /> romedfes under eny asstgnment of leases and rents recorded agalnst the Property.Lender,Trustee and the receiver shall be Bable to
<br /> acoount on�y for those rents actualiy received.
<br /> 11.Ewnb a?MhuR.The following sheiH constltute an Event of Datavlt under this Daed ot TrusC
<br /> (e)Failura to pay any instatiment of priTCipel or Interest or any otAer aum securod hereby wiwn uua; •
<br /> (b)A breach ot or defaulE under any provision conteined in the Note,this Deed o(Truat,any of the Loan(nstruments,or any
<br /> other Hen cx encumbrance upon the PropeAy;
<br /> (c)A writ af execuUon w attecn►nent or any elmilar process shall be entered ageinst Trustor wt►ich shall becara e Ifen on
<br /> the property�or eny portion thereot or Interest thorein;
<br /> (d)There shatl be filed by or against Trustor or Borrower an ecdon under eny present or future tederal,state or other statute,
<br /> law or ropulatlon nlatiny to banlwptcy,Inaolvency or ot9�er relief for debtors;or thero shail be appalmed eny truatee,receiver a
<br /> Iiquidator of Trustar ar BorcoK�r or oi ell or any paR of the Property,or ffie rents,issues or profib 1'h�ireof,or Trustor or Borrower
<br /> • shall rt►ake any general ass�gnment for the benefit of aeditora;
<br /> (e)The saie,transier, lease,assignment,conveyance or further encumbrance oi all a any part of or eny interest in the
<br /> Property,either vdunterily ar Involunterily,wittaut the express written con�ent ot Lender; pravided that TNStor shall be permit-
<br /> ted to execute a lease oi the Property that does not contaln an opUon W purd�ese end the term of which does not exoeed one
<br /> year,
<br /> (�qbandonment of the Property;or
<br /> (g)If Trustor ts not an tndividual,the Issuance,sale,lrensfer,essi�nment,conveyance or encumbrance oi more then(H a
<br /> corporetl�on)a totel of pen�nt of ib issued and outstandfng stock, a(ff a paRnership)a total o� per-
<br /> cent of partnership interests,or(it a fr.ided liability oompany)a total of percent c�t lhe Iknited Ilabiliry oompa-
<br /> — ny(nterests or votlng rights during the aeriod this Deed aiTrust remalns a lien on the pcoperty
<br /> — 12.R�m�dks;AcatKStlon Upbn DeRavR.�n the event of eny Event of Default Lender may.wahout raUce exoept as required
<br /> by law,dedare all indebteA�ess sscured herebY to be due and payable and the a�ne shall theroupon beoome due and pay�Dle with-
<br /> out eny presentment,demanci.protest or notioe oi any kind.Thereaftar Lender may:
<br /> (a)Dertw�nd Uwt Tn�sl�e exe�ciae the POWER QF SlU.E granced hereln,a�x3 Tnistea shaH theroatter cause Trustors inler-
<br /> est fn the Praperry to be sc�ld and ttee proceeds to be dis�ibuted,all in the manner provided In the Nebraske 7rust Deeds Act;
<br /> (b) ExerGse any and ali rights prov�ded for fn any of the Loan Instruments or by law upon occumence of any Event of
<br /> Defauk;and
<br /> � (c)Commence an acROn to forecbse this Deed oi Trust as a mortgage,appoint a receivor,or specifiplly onforco any of the
<br /> — covenants hereot.
<br /> � No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to Trustee av Lender is intended to be excluaive af any other remedy herein,in the Loan
<br /> �� InsUuments u by law provided or permitted.but each shall be cumuiative,shall be In add�fon to uvery othgr remedy given hereunder,
<br /> � In the Loan Frtshzunents or now or hereatUer exlstlng et law or in equiry or by statute,and may be oxerdsed concumentry,independenUy
<br /> Of SUCCBSIV�y. `_r_�_..._.....�c...,s�e....rtrnn u�teh.vd r.�iu�a and Lender mav at anv tlme 8(Id MtlthOUt CBUSB BDDOIf1t 8 6UCr
<br /> o IO• �fYS[tf. IfR ttMaw���v��v�nprr......7�...� ...�.__._____' .
<br /> e cessor or substltute Trustee-Trustee ahall not be tiable to eny paRy,lnduding without IfmiteGon Lender,Barower,Trustor a eny pur-
<br />--=� chaser et the Property,for any loss or damege unless due to reckless w wiliful mtsconduct,and shall not be requlred to take eny act(or1
<br />.::� In connection with the enforcement oi this Qeed of Trust unless Indemnified,In wriUng,ta all oosts, oompensat{on or expenses whk�
<br /> may be associated therewith.In addiUon,Trustee may become a purchaser at any sale of the Propedy Qudicfal or under the power oi
<br />_� eale granted horein);postpone the sale of all or any portion of lhe Property,as provldod by law;or seB the PropeRy es a whole,or in
<br /> +� soparate parcels or lots at Trustee's disGetion.
<br /> 14.FMS and Exprns�s.In the event Trustee solis the Property by exerGse of poweroi sele,Trustee shall be entitled to epply
<br /> - any sele proceeds first to payment ot ell cost�and expenses of exercfsfng power ot sale,Including all Trustee's tees,end Lender's and
<br /> Trustee's attomey's tees, actuaiiy Incurred to extent permitted by applicable law.In the event Borrower or Trusto�exercises any Hyht
<br />`•'� provided by law to cure an Eveni ot Qefault,Lender shall bo enGUed to rec�ver inom Truslor aq costs and oxponsos actualty Incucred as
<br /> a�esuit of TrustoPs defeul�Including without IimltaUon all Trustee's and attomey's fees,to the extent pertnitted by epplicable law.
<br /> 15.Futun Advanc�s.Upon request ot Borrower,Lender may,at t4s opUon, rnako edditbnal and future advances end road-
<br /> vances to Borrower.Such advances end readvances,with interest thereon,shall bo secured by thls Iked of Trust.At no Ume ehall the
<br /> _ .. -- .� . - .._.
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