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<br /> 37— 1o'7'i�3
<br /> 13.Notka.Aay rwtice to Borrower providcd for ip thii Secuc[ry Instrwn�nt ihall be given by delitieri.�g it or by
<br /> mailing it by tirst claas mall unleas applicable law requlres uae of aaother me�had. The nodce shall be directed to the
<br /> fIUjlGl►y AYW1.00 Vi YYj v �.�aYw�oo W�iv i�wi u�.oi�u.a�•»�ww w f�� A w�7.v�w i�..A��eh�ll/u iv�w ti�. . .
<br /> �-� y..r v� •.v ._.. .«j e-•-•- ..�
<br /> flrat class mail to Leader'a ad�res�ataud herein nr aay addrest Lencfer daslga�tei by mttce to Bonower. Any notice
<br /> provlded for 1n thla Secudry Insawnent ahall be decmed to ha�e bcen given to Bonower or I.endcr when givea a� _
<br /> provided In tlile pangraph.
<br /> 14.Governia� Law;Severabll(ty.7hia Secuilty Gutrument ahall be governed by Federal law and We law of the
<br /> jurisdicdon in which the Property ia located. In the event that aay provIaion or elauso oP this Securlty Iasmimenc or eLe
<br /> Nou contlIcta with applicable law,auch wntlict sbaU uut aftect other provisioas af this Securiry Insuument or the Nou
<br /> whicd caa be givtn effect without We conflicdag provi�ton.To thi�end the proviaions of this Seauiry ins�nt and
<br /> the Nou arc declazed w bc Reverable.
<br /> 15.Bormwer'e Copy.Borrower shall be given one confurmod copy of tthe Note and of tlils Security Inatrument.
<br /> 16. Hazerdoen Substaaca. Borrow�r dhaU not canae or permit the praencs,use,diapoaal,atazage,or releue ot _
<br /> any Hazudous Substances on or in tUe Propecry.Borrawer ahaU not do,nor allow auyone else to do,anything affecting
<br /> the Properry tliat is in violadon of any Eavironmental Law. 'Ibe preceding cwo c�ntences ahall not apply ro ttrc pnsence,
<br /> use.or atorage on tl�e Ptopecty of an�U quu�ddes of Hezarda�s Substances tbat aze generaUy recognizod to be
<br /> approprlate to normal residenti�l uae.�and W m�aummnce of tLe Property.
<br /> Borrower shall prompdy give I.ender wriaen notia of any invesagadon.claim,demand,lawauit or other action by
<br /> any govemmeatal or regulatory agency or pdvate pa�ty lnvolving the Property and any Hazardow Substance or
<br /> $nvlronmental Law of w�ich Bonower h�a actual luazvledge. If Borrower leuns.or is notified by any government�l at
<br /> regulaWry authority. that any removal or other remediadaa of any Hazardous Substwces affecting the Properry is
<br />_ necestary.Borrower shall prompdy take all necessary remedial acdoa�In accordwce with Environn�ental Law.
<br /> � As used in this pu�raph 16. "Hazardous Substances" aze tlwse substauces defund as wxic or hazardow
<br /> R��hxranrex t�y Fnvimnmemal Law ard ttic followtr,�subetances:g�oline,kerounc,other fl�mmable or wxic pesroleum
<br /> products� taxic pesdcides aad herbicides, volaWe aolventa, matedala conuin3ng a�bestos or forau�dehyde, and
<br /> radioactivc uuurIala. As uaed in thia paragraph 16, "L7nvironn�ental Law' nKans fcderai lawa and laws of tlu
<br /> juriadicdon where the Property ia located that relau to he�lth,eafery or eavIronmental protectioa.
<br /> NON-UIJIFORM COVBNA,I�ITS.Borcoaer and Lender t�ether covenant�nd agres as followa:
<br /> 17.As�t�meM ot Rmb.Borrower uncondidonally astigns and aansfen eo Leadcr all thc rtnu wd revenves o[
<br /> tbe Properry.Barrower audwrizee Lender or Lender'a Ageats to collect the nats and revanues and bereby direcu eac6
<br />_ tenant of the Pcoperry to pay il�e renta to Ixnder or L.ender'a agenta.Howe+er,prlot to Lender's aodce w Borrower of
<br /> Bonower'� breach of any covea�nt or agrecment in the Secutity Insaument, Borrower ahall collut�nd receive all rente
<br /> and reveuue�of the Property oa austee for tlx benefit of Lender tmd Bono�wer.77ils aasignment of rrata comdtutes an
<br /> absolute usignro�ent aad not an aseignment for addltional aecudty only.
<br /> If I.ender�Ives notice of braxh to Borrower: (a)all renta received by Borrower�dall be beld by Horrower u
<br /> uustee for benefit of Lender only. to be applkd to the sums secured by the Securiry Lutnunent; (b) Leader atWl 6e
<br /> ' • entitkd w colleet and receive all of tLe nnts of the Property;and(c)each tewnt of the Property ahall pay�11 rexrts due
<br /> au�i unpaid w LeMer or Lender's agent on Lender's writtea demand to the tenant.
<br /> Borrowet has not eaecuted any nrinr astiv,nment At It1E fCflff{ATfI f1Aft Tl(N 8*}II 1N�II�N/I�ICI'POCIII�IlY ECt I�*W4C�.�A ,
<br /> prevent Lender iiom exerciting ita rlghts under ihis paragraph 17.
<br /> �, I.ender adaU mt be reqaired to enter upon,takc control of or maintain tln Property before or after gtving nodce ot
<br /> brexh co Borrower. However.Lender or a judicIally appointed receiver may do eo at any time the�+e ie a breach.My
<br /> � applkadoa of rents ahall not care or watva any defauit or �avalidau any ottxr right or remedy of Le�r.This
<br /> ; aasignment of renu of the Praperty shall tcrininau when tl�ee debt secured by the Securtty lasnument is paid in fWl.
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