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<br /> (ij i►U or pari of We Fru�►ciiy�UI il LC!lGllbtdl I11IGl1:oI iu u IaWI uwa�I�7� dit C;F»:.:.;tli�I':aF.."rt'�.15�Qld Or
<br /> utherwise aansfened(ather than by devls�or deacettt).and
<br /> (U) 'IUe Property ia not occupied by the purcbaser or granue sis his or her princlpa! ros{dence, or ihe
<br /> putchaaer or grantee does ao occupy the Property but lus or her credit has not been�pproved ia accordance
<br /> with the rec�uements of the Secrctary.
<br /> (c) No Watver. Ii circumstances occur that would permIt Lender w require fmmediau gay�n ia full,but
<br /> Lender dces not require such payrneats.I�nder does nat waive ita rigisrs witls reapect to subsequ�ent e�•cnts.
<br /> (d) Regulatioro oP HUD Secretary. Iu many clrcurrwrancea reguladons issued by the Secretuy wlll limit
<br /> Leuder'e rlghta.in the caae of payment defaulta.w rcqu{re immediate payment!n fuU Fnd foreclose if not pald.
<br /> 'iliie Security Inam�ment doea not authorize acceleradon or foreclasure if not pern�itted by reguiadoas of the _
<br /> Secretary. -
<br /> (e)Mort�age Not Iacured.Banower agreea that if this Security Instrument and the Note are not deurrnined to
<br /> be eGgible for Iasurance widet the Nadonal Hauiag Act wIthin 60 daya f�om the date hereof,I.ender may,at
<br /> its opdon, require immediau payment in full of aU suma secured by this Security Instrwnent. A wrlttea
<br /> etatement of any authorjzed agcnt oP the Secntazy daud subsequent w 60 days from the dau hereof.decliniag
<br /> to lasure this Securlry Inguument and the Nou, r.�all be deamed co�lusive proof of such ineligibiUry.
<br /> Notaltt�standi»g the foregoing, this option may qot be exercised by Lender when the unavailability of
<br /> lnsunnce is aolely due to L.ender's failure to remit a murtgage insurance premium to tbe 5ecretary.
<br /> 10.Retoctatemmt. Boaower has a right to be reinstated if Lender haa required immetliate paymeat in full bor,aus�
<br /> of Borrower'� faUure to pay an amount due under the Nou or thia Security Insuutrient. Thia right appllea even after
<br /> foraloaure proceedings are insdtuted. To reinstau the Securiry Insuurnent.Borrower ahall tender in a lump aum aU
<br /> amounrs rcquired ta bricsQ Bonower's account cuneiu incluAIng, to the extent tLey are obllgadon+ of Barrowet under
<br /> thie Security Insaument. foreclosure costs and reaaonable and cuswmary attorn�ys' fees and expeases propedy
<br /> �saociaud with tl�e forceloaure proceeding. Upon refaatatement by Boaower. this Securlty Insuument and the
<br /> obligatioas that it aecures ahall remaia !a ef�bct as if Lender had not required immGdlate payment in foll. However.
<br /> ' L.ender i� noc required w permit reinstatement if: (i) Leader haa accepted relnstatement s�r the coaunencement of
<br /> forxlosure proceedinga with#�► two years immediately precaling th� cAmcnencement of a cunent foreclosure
<br /> proceadlqg. (U) ICIIL1iillGlilQlll WW ptCC1UdG fOICCI05l1TC OA�L�C[C0� �[011�! �I! ft1C ft1Ul�C.or (iii) reiastatement wlll
<br /> adverscly atYxc t1�ee prIority of�he lieu cnaced by this Securiry insuumeat.
<br /> �1.Borrower Not Relwaed; Forbwrance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of the time of payment or
<br /> madIficadon of amortization of the sums secured by this Securiry Inst�utaem �ranted by Lender to any successor ia
<br /> inun�t of Borrower a6all not operau to relcaae the lIability of the orIgiaai Borr�wer or Borrower's auccesaor in intereat.
<br /> I.ender ahall not be r�quired w cammence procecdinga agairut aay succeasor in iruenst or refuse w extend dm�for
<br /> payment or otherwiae modify amortizatIon of tLe suvv aec�u+ed by tWs Securiry IHtrument by reawn oP any dommd
<br /> made by the original Bonower or porrower's euccesaore in iatereat.Any forbearance by I.ender in exercising any �ight
<br /> ' or retnedy alull r.ot be a waiver of or preclude tho exerctse of any dght or remedy.
<br /> ' 12.Sncseaaors ond AssiQmt Bound; Jofnt nnd Severol LtabUity; Co��era.'t1u covea�nta and agraments of
<br /> this Securi_ry In�trnmcnt �ha!1 bind ae�d beae&t the �ncceasor� and aseigm of I��er and Borrower. subject to the
<br /> provisions of paragraph 9(b). Borrower's covenlnts aad agrumenta ahall be joint and severai.Any Bonower who
<br /> coaigns thi�Securlty Iwwment but daa not execute the Nou: (a) is co-sjg�dng tbis Securlty Instn�ment only to
<br /> aartgage,gnnt and convey that Borrower's inurest in the Property under the umu of d�is SecurIty Iastnuneat; (b)is
<br /> not poreonally obligated w pay the sutna aecured by thls Securtry flupvmeat; and (c)ag[Ges that I.ender and any other
<br /> Borrower uuy agree w exund,modltj+. forbear or malce any accommodations with regard to the terms of thia Securiry
<br /> Uuaurn�nt or the Note without tliaat Borrower'a conseat.
<br /> �4R(NEl �dJ.m r,�e s at� �
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