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<br /> of Bonower'� covenanta apd a�reec�neMS undet tWa Saueity la�mirnent and the Note. For tt�h purpose, Borrower
<br /> �f7CY0CaD1y �IA[118 YIId C6QVCyb IO USC II113tCC,iu uwi. �iu► jiir�v�i:,i on;�,t..�'::��.�.�•.•s.»e a�.n.i*wl�rnnrrtV IoCalGd�l
<br /> HpI,y County,Ne6[�tsko:
<br /> THB 80UTH HALP (Sl/Z) OF LOTS ONE (1) AND TFJO l2), IN BLOCK 'I`►i6LV8 (12
<br /> NBSRA.SII(]1 �
<br /> Wbith h�9 tlle addiesS Of 1014 N BROADWELL BLVD, GRAND Z5LAND IS�4 C�41�
<br /> Nebraskn 688Q3 [2ip Coae� ("Prnperty Address");
<br /> TIXiETIig,R WPL'H nll tLe irnproveaxaa aow or tiereafter ereetecl on the pmperey� and all easemenn,
<br /> appurtenmces aud fixturea now or herafter a puc of the Property.All replac�meats aud�ddi8ons�haU al�o bc covered
<br /> by this Sxur[ry Iastrument.AU of the foregoing Is nferred to ia thls Securlty Ia�uuuient aa the"Property"
<br /> BORROW�It COVBNANTS tivt Borrower ia lawfl►Ily aeized of the estate hec�eby conveyed and haa the rlght to
<br /> P,n� a�d convey the Property nnd t�t the Property is u�ncumbered. except for encumbrwca of record.Ba�rower
<br /> wacranu uid will defend geueratly the 8tle to the Propeny ageinst aU claims and demanda. subjecc a my encutnbrarxet
<br /> of record.
<br /> THIS SEClTR1TY INSTRUMEIVT combines uaifann coven�uts for nadonal use anrl non-�cdform covenants wf�h
<br /> limited vuiadow by jurisdicdon to comdtuu a uniforai aauriry ia�nument covering reat property.
<br /> Borrower and Lender coven�nt and�gree as followa:
<br /> 1.Pwyment of Princtpal,Iuterest and Late Chatte.Horrower shall pay when due the principal of�a�d inutt�t
<br /> on,the debt evidenced by tlx Note and Lace chuges d�e uader the Note.
<br /> �,Maitl�ly Payrnent o[Tues,Inswance and�DU�er Charses.l3onower atull include in exh monthly paym�nc,
<br /> togather wlth the principal and iatemt as aet forth ia the Note and wy late cLarges.a sum for(a)taxa and apaial
<br /> asussments levied or to be levied ag�iatt the Pcoperty.(b) IeaseHold pAymeats or gcuutd renta oa the Propercy,nnd(e)
<br /> ' premiw�u f0( tRtl7MMw r�����p��ph 4. Lt aay yeat 3,n ahtch the T.ender must pay i mortg�ge iruurance
<br /> pamium to the Secntary of Housing su�d Urban D�velopment ('Secretary"),as in any ywr in w�ich such premium
<br />__ Rm�1�hie e Ir_en re��!sed if T.�nAer sdq helA�he Securiry(is�mmoent.each mornN3' WY�nt ehaU�lso inciude either;('i)
<br /> a su�for tbe annual mort�e Wuranct premium w be paid by Leader to the Secretuy.or(ii)a moathly charge inatad
<br /> of a inoctg�ge iniurw�ce pnmium if chis Security Inst�um�ent is held by tGe Secntuy,in a=+e�wnable amount to be
<br /> determined by tLe Secntary. Bxceps tor tLe monthly chuge by ttk Secretary.these iura�an calkd �&CIOw Itt�1s"ind
<br /> We sum�paid to Lenckr are called"Escrow Funds.'
<br /> Lenier may.at any time,coUect and hold amaunu for Escrow Itcros in w aggngau arnauat not to eaceed the
<br /> nvximum �nwunt tl�at rnay be nquired for Bonower's acrow account under the xteal Sstau Seukment Procedurea Act
<br /> of 1974, 12 U.S.C.Sceaoa 2601 et teq,and implea�endng reguladors,'L4 CFR Part 3500,as i6ey may be �nded
<br /> from dme w time("AtFSPA').except that the cushioa or resene pem�itted by RESPA for unandcipated d�sbursements
<br /> or�isbursements befon the Borrower'a p�yments aze av�ilable in the account awy na be bised on amout►ta due for the
<br /> mortgage uuurance premium.
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