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<br /> 13.NMices. My notice to Botrowrr providod for in this Secudty ltutcumrnt ahall be givea by delivering it or
<br /> by tnailing it by flrst clw m�il unles�applicablo I�w requira use of u�other methad. The nodce�hdl be directed to
<br /> the Property Address or�ny other iddress Bortawer desiga�te�by notioo to Lender. Any notice to l.ender shdl be
<br /> given by (int clnte maU to Lender'e address �tued heireta or�ny�ddre�s Lender de�lgawtes by aotice to Bocrower.
<br /> Any notloe pmvided for in tdis Security lnstrumE�t ahall be deemed to hnve ban given to Borrower or Lender when
<br /> 4ivea u pmvldod 1n thl�pu�r�ph.
<br /> U. Gorerains I.�w; 3evasbillty.Ttus Socudty Instnunent ah�U be gavemcd by Fedenl l�w ewd tha law of
<br /> the J�ui�dlction[n whlch the Property is located. Ia the eveat thu u►y pmvision or clawe of thIa Securiry Inatrun�ept
<br /> or tbe Note oonflicu with applicable law,auch conflict sh�ll twt�ffe�t other prnvIacioas of tbia Securiry Insuvmaat or
<br /> tbe Note which can be given �ffect witLout tGe conflicdng pmvlaioa. To thii end the pmvLslons of tLia Savr�ry
<br /> lnsuumeat u�d the Note use declared to be sevuabls. -
<br /> 1S. Borrowa•s Copy. Borrower ahall be given one conformed copy of the Note aa�d of d�iia SocurIty
<br /> Inatn�nieat. �.
<br /> 16. Huardous Subeinnces. Borrower ahall not cause or permit the preseace,use.disposel,storage.or rel�ase
<br /> of Aay Ha•nrdous Subst�aca on or tn the Px�opecty. B�rrower ahall not do, iwr aUow u►yox elao to do. anything
<br /> • offecHng the Property that is in violadon of any BnvlrnnmenW I,aw. The praxding two aenteaces ahell not apply to
<br /> • We p��e�sx. uae. or etar�ge on the Property of am�U quantities of Hazadow S�batancea thu ue gener�Uy
<br /> , recogniud m be appropdace to normil nsidandtl wes u�d to mainteannce of tlie Praperry.
<br /> Bornower ehall promndy give Lender wr3tten notia of aay invesdguion. claisn,demand,lawsuit or other action
<br /> by�ny govemmeatal a regulxtory a�ency or private party iuvolvin�tLe Propecty�nd�ny Huardous Subat+�ncx or
<br /> Envlronnaental Lsw of rvhich Borrower h�s acnul frnowlalge. If Bormwer leam+. or ls notffied by my goverameaul
<br /> , �r�o�srnrr r�rhnrity,t1�ut�ny�r_.mnyAl�r�ther remediation of any H��rdoul SubstlnCtS�HeCtI11R thC PtOpCI'lY is
<br /> neocsauy.Bon+ower sh�ll promptly uke all necessuy nmodi�l acdoaa in axordmce with EnvIronmental Law.
<br /> . As wed in this p�r�raph 16. "Hezardoua Stibstanc�es" an those aubstu�aes deRaed u toxie or h�zardoua
<br /> � substaaces by Environment�D Law and the following substuscts: gasoline, k�s�oseae, other fl�mm�ble or to�cic
<br /> pauoleum products,to�cic pesticides�ad herbicid�.voluile eolveats.m�teriala oont�ining aabestos or foimaldehyda.
<br /> � and radioscdve materi�. As used In tlils pangraph 16, "Eavironmenta!Law'nneaus federal lawa and lswa of the
<br /> jurlsdictioa where the Prope�ty is located that nlate to he�lth,safety or environmenul protection.
<br /> � NON-UNIFORM COYENANTS.Bonower and Lender further covea�nt aad agee�follows:
<br /> � 17.Asst�nme�t o[Rents.Borrower unwadItionally assigns and tmnsfen to Lender all the rents and nwenua
<br /> of tDe Pcoperty. Bormwer authorizes Lender or Leada'a ageata to collect the ceata and nweaues�ad hereby dirxts
<br /> � r,ach tenant of the Pmperty to pay the nats to Le.nder or Len,der•s agenta. However.pdor to La�der's notIce to
<br /> •:� Boirower of Bormwer's bn�ch ot any coven�nt or igrxment in the Secudty Imtavmeat,Bocrower ah�ll coIIxt aod
<br /> reaive all reats aad reveauea of the Property u avatee for the benefit of Lender wd Bomnwer. This assignmeat of
<br /> � ' nats consdmtsa an absolute assignment�nd not an a�signment for additio:al secunty only.
<br /> . • If I,raciet gives nodcx of breach to Borchwer:(a)all rents received by Bomower ahall be held by Bormwer as
<br /> , uwtee for 6enefit of I,rnd�er anly,to be epplied to the eums socuc+ed by tl�e Securiry Insuumeat; (b)I.ender ahall be
<br /> .. entitled to collect and receive ail of the rents of the Properry;and(c)e�ch teamt of the Proporty shall pay ell rents
<br /> ` due�od unp�id to Lender or I.ead�r's agent on Leadtr'a written demand to ti�a tenant.
<br /> - Bormwec haa noc exxuted�ny prior�ssignment of the renta�ad has not and wlll not pedorm�ay act th�t would
<br /> ' pr�veat La�der from eaecaising ita dghte nader thia paragrnph 17.
<br /> L,ender ahW not be required to enur upoa,take oontrol of or maiauin the Pi+operty before or�fter giving notice
<br /> of brrach w Borrower.However.I.ender or a judictaUy�ppointal receiver mry do ao u any time there ia a breach. �
<br /> Aay applic�tlon of reats shall not cuie or waive aay default or inv�lidate poy other rig6t or nmedy oi L,eader.Thts
<br /> assignment of reats of the Property ahall terminue when the debt sxured by the Secudty Inanument ia pitd in full.
<br /> �4RINE1 neoa.o+ r.a.e a e wwr:
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