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<br /> (i)All or pnrt of tbe Property.or a beneflcial tntenst in a uust ownfng all or part of the Property,is sold
<br /> or atherwise traz►sfemed(ather tttan by devise or descrut?,and
<br /> (li) The Praperry is not accupied by tho purchaser or gnnta a�bie or her principal resideuce, or the
<br /> purchuer or grantee dons so occupy the Properiy but his or her credit has not ban approved in
<br /> accordance with the requirementa of tLe�ecretuy. -
<br /> (c)No W�irer.iP cin�umsuncta arur that would permit Lender to requtte imnudiuo payment in Poll, but
<br /> Leader do�s not requin such p�ymenu.Lender das not wtivo it�d�GGts w[th nspect to subsequent eveau.
<br /> (�p Re�Waqom ot HUp 8ecretary. In m�ny circumttuice�re�uluioai fwued by the Sscretary will limft
<br /> Lender'a d�ts, tn the cau oi payment def�ulu, to roqulro Imm�ediue piymeat in iWl u�d foreclo�it not
<br /> p�id.Tbls Security Inurum�at dow aot�utlwrize�coeleruion or foroclaure if aot pereaitted by re�uluiom
<br /> of the Samuy. _
<br /> (e)Mat��e Not Imured,Borrower agrea thu lf this Securlty insuumeat urd the Nae�re not determined
<br /> w be eUgible for insur�nce under tbe Nntional Houstug Act withia 60 days from the data hereof, L�ender
<br /> aaay. at ita optlon. requin immediate payment in tWl of all sums aecured by this Savrlty Lnstrumeat. A
<br /> wrlttea atatemeat of aay authortzed�genc of tbe Secretuy dated subsoquent to 60 dsya from the dace heroof.
<br /> decllning to insure tl�is Securlty Instrumeat and the Note, ahell bo dained conclusive proof of auch
<br /> ' inellgibUiry. IVotwithsnnding the forego�ng� this option may not be eacercisod by l.eadsr when the
<br /> uaavailability of insunnce Is solely due to Lender'a fatlure to remit a mortgage Insurwa premium to the
<br /> 10.Rdro�tement. Borrower has a dght to be reinstated if Lender I�aa requi�+ed immediste payment ia f�l
<br /> because of Borrower's failure to pry an aa�o�uit due under the Note or this Secudty Iasuument. '11ds d8ht+pplles
<br /> evea xtter forxlosure pmceedfnga u+e instimted. To ninstate the Sxurlty Ynsuumart, Borrower shalt tender in a
<br /> lump sum all amounts required to 6ring Borrower's axouat current iriccluding. to we e�ctebt trtey ue ooiiguions oi
<br /> Bormwar uader this Securlty Iatcniment,foncloaure costs and reason�ble and ctutomuy attornsys'fas and eapenses
<br /> properly associatod with the foceclosun proceedfag.Upon ninstatement by Borrower,this Security Iastruroent�ad
<br /> � the obllguions that it aecures ahall romain In effat aa if Lender 1�ad not required immaliate p�yment ia fiill.
<br /> However. Lender is nat requ[red to peru�it rainuaument If: (i) L,ender h� sxspted reiustuemeat after the
<br /> � oommencement of foroclosure procadings wlthin two yeara irnmediuely prxeding the cnmaxs�oement of a curnat
<br /> � foreclosure prooeedinq, (ii) roinatuement will preclude foreclosure oa diftenent grounda in tUe fliwre, or (ill)
<br /> reinst�tement wUl advereely aNxe the pdority of the Uett cnued by this Sechir[tY Inat�ument.
<br /> - 11.Ba�e+ower Not Rdeased;Forbe�r�ace By I.eadee Not a Wai�rer. Exteasion of the time of paymeat or
<br /> modificufon of amo�tlzation of tbe aulns secured by this Securtty Instnunent granted by Lender to u�y sucaaaor in
<br /> interest of Bomower ah�ll aot operate to nlease ttn liability of the origiaal Bomower or Borrower's aucsessor in
<br /> - interat.Leader ah�il aot be requind w commence prooealings�S+ainst aay sucoasor in intere�t or mfuse to a�tend
<br /> time for payment or otherwtse modify amortizat�oa of the aum��ecured by this Security lnsuument by reasnn of my
<br /> . . demand mado by the original Borroaer or Borrower's auccessora in lntecest.Any fozbeuauce by l.eoder in exercisiag
<br /> any dght or remedy s1W1 not be a waiver of or pteclude the exerclee of eny right or remedy.
<br /> • 12.Suecaron and Aast� Bou�ad;Joint and 3everat Li�billtyt Co-Signer�. 74�e coveaanq end agreemeats
<br /> of this Sxurity Instrumenc ah�ll b�ad aAd benofit tha successors and asslgns of Leader And Borrower� subject to ths
<br /> pmviaions of p�raaraph 9(b).Basrowes's wvenaate and agreementa sha11 be joint and several.Any Bomower who
<br /> , oo-siga�th9s Seturiry Iaauumrnt but does not execute the Note: (a)is oo-signing this Saudty Insaumeat only to
<br /> mortgage,gc�nt�ad convey that Botrower's jttterest in the Property under the termv of this Sec�xity Ynstwneat;(b)
<br /> ia not persomlly obliguod to pay the sums securai by this Secur�ty Insuumeat;md(c)agrxs chat Leuder u�d my
<br /> � other Bomnwer may agree to extend, modify,forbeu or m�ke uty acxommodutons wlth regard to the tarms of this
<br /> ; Savriry insaument or the Note wlthout tLat Borrower's consent.
<br /> �
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