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<br /> 97-- 1fj'7155
<br /> If the amounts held by Lender for Escrow Items eacced the aznouuta pern�itted to be held by RESPA. Lender
<br /> shall accouat to Bornower for the excess funds as required by RESPA. If the aznounts of funds held by Lender at sny
<br /> time are not au��i�nt to�ay the Esarow Itcros when due, Lender may notify the Borrower and require Borrower to
<br />: caakc up thc shortagc as pet�actod by RESYfi..
<br /> Thc Escrow Funds arc pie�gc,�D as�T�:c.w�1 secnriry for all swms securod by tbis Soeucicy Iastnuncut. If
<br /> Bonowec tenders to Lender tIza£uE�g�zf�,.�t vf a�1�:�e�sums.Ronower's�unt shall tae ccod'n¢ed pzete the�ralanee _
<br /> remaiaing for all instatimonc Itea�s(a;J.('a3.aad E�J�t m�y m�sseg2gx i�tsuca+[4oc�r�mii�rn i�sza7].rnm:that�7cr I►as -
<br /> not become obiigated tp pay to the 3scr�-�y, an� �.�eailcr�nli promptly re�uncl �ny excess fl�nds to Borrower.
<br /> Iminodfately prior to a foroclosure s�;s of tt�t Ptopescy or its a�:sition by Lender, Borrower's accouat ahall be
<br /> . credtted with any balaace remainiAg for all instaUments for iums(a).(b),and(c).
<br /> 3.Applicstlon o[Pa�neats.All paymenU uader paragraphs 1 and 2 shnll be�pplied by Lender as follows:
<br /> gj�,to the awrtgage inaurance pnmium to be paid by L.ender to the Secntacyr or to the moatbly chuge by tbe
<br /> Secr�tary iaatead of the moathly mortg�ge insuru►ce pntaiwn;
<br /> ,��,ta aay tuca,speci�l usessmeata,lea�sehold pAymenta or gmund nnu,wd firo.flood uW other h�ztrd
<br /> insuruxx pnmiums,n requirod;
<br /> �,to interest due w�der tbe Note;
<br /> �{�,to�mortlx�dan af the princtpd ot�ho Note;and
<br /> gj$ti,to I�te chu�a duo under the Noto.
<br /> 4.Flra�F1ood�nd Other Ii�rd(trunnce.Borrowcr�hdl imurc all Improvement�aa the Propetty,whather
<br /> now in exlatence or tub�equeAtly�rocted,qaiast any h�urda,catwJde�.�nd contin�enciei,lncludla{fln,for wbicb
<br /> Lender requlra insunnce. ThL lruuriu�ce ahtll be nu�fnuined in tho unounte �nd for the perlods thu Lender
<br /> , ���. w,��v� .�.11 at.n inauro nil imnrovements on the ProQerty,whether now in euiateoce or auMequeady
<br /> erected.�gaimt loas by tloods to the extent requtmd by tha Secntuy.A11 inaurance ahdl be canied with oomp�nles
<br /> appmved by L,ender.The insurance pollcies�ad any reaewda ahaU be held by Leader and atWl include las payable
<br /> clawa in favor of,uad jn a form accepuble to,Leader.
<br /> In the event of loss.Borcowet eh�ll giva I�eader immediate notice by rxWl.L,ender may m�l�e proof of loss if aot
<br /> made pmmpdy b�Bocrower.F,�ch insur�ace company wncemed is henby wthorizod�nd direcud to m�ice paymeat
<br /> for such losa directly to Lender, inatead of to Borrower and to Lender joiatly. AU or u►y put of the insurance
<br /> procoods may be applled by L,eader, at iW opdon.either(a)to the nduction of the indebtedness under tl�se Note�ad
<br /> this Socurlty Instmment. fuat to any delinqucnt amounta applied in the order ia paragr�ph 3. md thea to preprymeat
<br /> �' of prIaclpal. ar (b) to the restoradon or npalr of the dap�aged Pmperty. Any applicatlon of the pinceoda to the
<br /> ��: principal ah�lt not exund or poatpone the due date of tbe montbly payments which are nferrod to in puagraph 2�or
<br /> cbange the amount of auch paymeats. Any eaceas insurance procxeds over an�mouat required to pay all ouWtandiag
<br /> :i;.i indebtedness under tlue Note and thls Securlty Instrument shsll be p�id to the entity legally entided thec+eto.
<br /> .;:� In the tveat of forecloaure of thia Secudty Insmsment or other truufer of dtle w the Property that cxtinguiahes
<br /> - tho indebtedness. all right, title and lnteoest of Bomower ia and to inaar�x policies in force aball p�ss to the
<br /> pu�chaser.
<br /> S. Oawpancy,Pireserv4tbn,M�intenana�nd Protectbn of t6e Property;Borrowa's I.an Appikadon;
<br /> �' I,duehold�. �orrower shall occupy,atablish,aad uae the Propexty as Borrower'a princIpal resideacx withln aixty
<br /> "� days after tbe execution of this Securlry Insuumeat(�r within sixty daya of a later aale or uanaf�r of We Pmperty)
<br /> ' and aball continue to occupy the Property As Horrower's prlacIpal residcna for at least one year�fter the date of
<br /> occ:wp�ncy,unle�Leadrs deterndnes that requinment wW cause undue hardahip for Bormwer,or unlau exteauating
<br /> circuurttances exiat which are b�yond Borrower's control. Borrower shell aotify I.ender of my exteauadng
<br /> � cinumstwce�.Borrowar ahall not comntit wavu or destroy,dam�ge or aubstantially ch�nge the Property or allow the
<br /> ;�� Property to deterIorate, reasonabie wear and tear exapted.Lender snay inspoct the Property if tha Property is vacant
<br /> or abeadonal or the loun is in default. Lender may take reasonable action to protect and preserve such vacant or
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