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<br /> of Borrower'� covenaata and agreementa under this Secu¢ity Instniment and the Note. For thia purpose,Borrower
<br /> irrevocebly �ranta and conveya to the Ttu.gtee, ta uust.wttb power of salo.che followlag descrlbed prope�ty locaud
<br />- in Hal l County,Nebraske:
<br />- Lot Two 2), Block 7hree (3), in Hann's Second Addition to the
<br />= City of �rand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. __
<br /> �,:°
<br /> wt�ch b�s �he addross of 238 S. Sycamore Street,Grand Isl and tsrra�city�,
<br /> Nebraska 68801 [z►p Codel ('�P�rtY Address"):
<br /> TOCiB?HBR WITH all the improvements now or hereafter erected on the property� and �Il exscmeata,
<br /> appurtenuica aad fi�cturea now or henafter a parc of the pr�peity. All npl�cemeau �ud additions ahdl aeo be
<br /> covered by�his Securlry Iasuument.All of the fongoin�is refarred to in thl�Secttriry Iatuument�tbe"Prnpecty."
<br /> B�RitOWB[t COVBNAN7S Wat Borrower 1�I�wlWly eelzed of the est�te hereby conveyed�ad hu the d�ht to
<br /> �si�ud s�a:�;lt:s Psrs�st;st�!t�s.�.s t�Fs+.�ers;L��n��mhr_.r�l;except for encumbnnaa of ra�ord.Borrower
<br /> wucu►u aud wlll defead gener�lly the tttle to the Property agt[nst Wl clefms �n�d dem�nds, subJxt to any
<br /> encumbr�aa�of roc:ord.
<br /> THIS SECURITY 1N5fRUMBNT combtaes uniform coven�nta for nytional uae anci non-uniform covcnauts
<br /> ' with limlted variutoas by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform securlty instcument ooveting real pmporty.
<br /> Bomnwer and Leader covenent and agroe as followa:
<br /> 1,pfaymeat ot prindpal,Intereat �nd I.ate Chsu�e. Bon+nwer shall pay whea due the principd of. and
<br /> _: intereat on,th�debt evidenced by the Note and lue charges due und�r tho Note.
<br /> Z.Montbly Pqmeat ot Tsxes, Imurance ond Other Ch�rges. Bon+nwer �shall inclnde in exh monthly
<br /> prymeat, toaether with the principal uid intec�esc aa set forth ia the Note�nd any late ebugea.a sum for(i)wus�nd
<br /> specit�l assasments levied or to be leviod against the Propaxty. (b) le�sehold pxymaite or ground renta on the
<br /> ' PropertY. aad (e)Pnmiums for inaurance required under puagnph 4. In aay year in whtch the Leader mwt pay a
<br /> ' mortg�ge imuru�ce premium to the Saretuy of Housing and Urb�a Davelogmenc("Secnetuy"),or in anY Y��
<br /> which sucb premium would have been roquined if I.ender adll beld the Secudty Instrumont� each montLlY paymenc
<br /> sh�tll alao iaclude either:(i)a num for the annual mortgage insuru�ce pnmium to be p�id by Leader w the Soccotary.
<br /> or(ii)i monthly chuge instead of a mortgage insuratxx premlum if tWa Saudty Insuument is held by the Secretary.
<br /> in� rwowble�a�ount to be determined by tha Secretuy. Eaoept for the montlily c�arge by the Secntary. thae
<br /> items ue c�lled'Escrow It�"u�d the sums paid to Lender are ceUed'Facrow Funda.'
<br /> I.ender�y, at ony dme,coUoct and hold amounts for Esemw Items in an�ggregau amouat not to eaceed the
<br /> ' ma�cimum�n�ount thu muy be required for Bomower'a e�crow axount under the Real Eatue Settlemeat Pmcedures
<br /> , Act of 1974, 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 u seq. and implementing ngululona. ?A CFR Put 3500, � they may be
<br /> � �meadtd fro�n daie w time("RBSPA'). exapt that the cushion or reserve permitted by RESPA for unsatici�►ated
<br /> disburumeats or dIsbursements befon the Borrower's paymeata an avaUable in tha account may not be ba�od on
<br /> amounts due for the mortgage intiwuioe pmm��m.
<br />_ �-�R(NEf iasai.o� rw�x a e iNnw=�--'�,-
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