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<br /> 13.NoHces. My notice to Borrower provlded for in this Security Instmrneat ahtll be givea by dellvering It or
<br /> by:wiling it by fust class mall unless appliqble law requires use of anott�er mechod.The aodce shall be directed to
<br /> the Property Address or any other addras Bomower designates by aotice to L.ender.My notice to Lender sdall be
<br /> given by first class mail to Leader'a address atated herein or any addnss Leader designates by notice to Borrower.
<br /> Any aatice pmvided for in thi�Security lnstrument shell be damed to have been given to Barrower or I.endet whea _
<br /> given es pmvided Ia tbis paragrap6.
<br /> 14. Gova�nin�Ia�w; Siwerabflity.T'hia Securiry Inst�►t ahall be goveraed by Federal law aad the liw of
<br /> the juriadiction!n which the Pmperty is locaud_ In the eveat that aay provialon or elause of this Socurlty Iasuumeat
<br /> or the Note oontlicts wiW applisable law,aach conflict shaU not affect oUcer provisions of this Secvrity Insuumeat or
<br /> th� Nou whtch c�n be given offxt witkout�he conA[cting pmvision.To this end the provlsions of t61e Sxurlry
<br /> Instrumeat aad We Note u�e decland to be aeverable.
<br /> 15. 1�orrower's Copy. Borrower ahall be gtveu one canforuxd :apy of t6c Note and of this Sx�riry -
<br /> Iasuumeat.
<br /> 16. H�wrdous Substances. Bormwer ahaU not canse or pemnt the pnsence,use.dtaposal.storage,or alase
<br /> of any Hu.ardous Subata�ces on or ia the Property. Bormwer shall not do,aor allow anyone else to do, aaything
<br /> �acttng the Property that is in violuion of�ay Bnviromnent�l Laa. The precedtnR two senunxs shAU mt apply to
<br /> she prrsence, use, or storage on the Prnperty of small quanddes of Hazamdoua Substences ttu�t an generally
<br /> mogniud to be appnoprlate w noim�l residendal nsas snd to maintenance of the Pmperty. -
<br /> gurmvver atWl promptly give I.ender wlitten notice of any investiguioa,c1�Im,dem�nd,lawauit or olher�ction
<br /> by any govemment�l or nguluory igen�y or private pury involvlag the Property aad aay HazardQUS 55�bstance or
<br /> Favironment�l I.�w of which Borcower has aanal Imowledge. If Horrower leasns.or ia notified by Any government�l
<br /> or regWuory iuthodty.that u►y ramoval or aher remediatioa of any Hu$rdoua Substances affect[ng the Pc+�perty ia
<br /> Aecesaary,Bomower anaii pn,iu�ity t�ii��12 r,a�aiy r^m�i:l�dass°.iu°�or�sac::�Fth Ea:�ir�..�!�!I.s�.
<br /> As used ia thia p�ragr�ph 16. "Hazardous Substancea' are thou aubst�r.a defiaed as toxic or haxu�dous
<br /> substanees by Envimnmental I.Rw and the foUow�►g substances: ga+oliae, kemsene. other ilemmable or wxic
<br /> pamlcum pmducts,to�ie pestieldes�nd herbkides.volaWe solvents.muer3�is contdning�sbestos or formalddiyde.
<br /> and r�dioactive materi�is. As used ia tl�iia puagr�ph 16, "BavlmnnAental Lw"�nda� feder�l lawa�nd]tws of the
<br /> juriadiction where the Propetty ia located that relate ta bealth.aafety or envimnmrat�l prntectioa. -
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANT5.Bormwer�nd Lender further coven�at a�d agcx as follows:
<br /> f7.Aed�oment ot Itmts.Borrower unoondidonally assIgns end aansfera to I.ender aU the reats�nd nveuues
<br /> of the Pcepetty. Boaower suthorIzes L,ender or Lender's agenta to collect the renu and nveaues�nd hereby Cirects
<br /> each ten�nt of the Property to pay the rcnta tv Lender or Lender'a�gena. Howaver, pdor to I.ei►dor's nodoe to
<br /> Bormwer of Borrower'e bre�ch of any covewnt or agrame�u ln the Socuriry Instrument,Borrower ahaU colloct�nd
<br /> • rocetve all rcnts and revenues of the Pmperty as tnuue for the bencflt of Leader aad Borrower. ThIs assignmeat of
<br /> • reau conni�utes an absoluu zssigamtnt and aot an asaignment for nddiHonal aocudry only.
<br />: If T�ender givea nodoe of bceach to F3ocrower: (a)all reats received by Bonrower shall be held by Borrower as
<br /> uustee for beaefnt of L�wder only,to be�pplfed to the sums aecura!by the Savdty Instcumeat; (b)I.eflder ehall be
<br /> eatidal to oollxt end roceive all of the tente af the Prnperty;and(c)wch tenant of the Pmperty ahW pry all nats
<br /> due md napaid to Lender or Lender's ageat on Lender's wrltten demand to the tenant.
<br /> Bomnwer h�not executod�ny prlor a�sigament of the rents and lw aot and will not perfoim�ay act that waild
<br /> pt�wcnt Leader from eaercistng its rlghts under this patagraph 17.
<br /> Lrnder shall not be requirod to enur upon,take wntrol of or mainuun the Property befon or atter gtving notice
<br /> of bnach to Borrowcr.However.I.eader or i judicially eppointed raxtver uuy do eo at�ny Hme th�re is a bc�e�ch.
<br /> My�ppUcaatiloa oi reata etull not cure or wilve�ny default or Imalidue my other right or nmedy of Imder. T6is
<br /> assi6nma►t of renta of the Pmperty ahall terminate when the debt socured by the;ecudty Iastzument ia p�id in tUll.
<br /> �4RINE)tMON.o� r.o.s a a ��_�7.�
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