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<br /> — () P ��
<br /> or atherwise transfernd(other thoa by devtse or descent),wd _
<br /> (il)The Property is uot accuPied by che pucchaser or pjcaata as l�is or her principal restdence. or tbe _
<br /> p�uchaser or grantee does so occupy the Property but his or her crrdIt has aot been approved in _
<br />'.;�t� accordance with the nquirements of the Secretary. t in full,but -
<br />-=''� (c)No W�iver.If ctrcumscances oocur that would pernilt I.ender co require immediete paYm� __
<br />•_-`�. Lender does not require such payments,l.eader does not waive iu rights wlth nspxt to subsequent e�n�t
<br /> `r� (� Re�ul�tbm of HUD 3ecrNary. ln maay clrcumstances regulations issued by the SecntatY
<br />- LeadePs dghts,in t1HI ca�e of payment defaults,to requlre inunediate paymenc ia tWl and foreclose if�oc
<br /> �� p�id.Thia Secudty Insuvment does not authoriu acceleration or foreclosure if n�t permitted by nguladon�
<br /> � of the Secretary. �
<br /> L"s5:� (e)Morti�e Not Imwced.Borrower agrees that if this Secur�ry Instrument and the Nou ue uot determfiacd =
<br /> '-�}'`-� to be eligible for iauuaaoe under the National Housing Act withia 60 d�ys ftom tt►e due hereof, Leadet
<br /> �. Insttumeat. A
<br /> w�� may,at ita opdon. require immedlace pa3+ment in full of all sums secttred by this Sccudty
<br /> wcitten st�temiau of iny�uthorized ageat of the Sacretary d�ted subsequent to 60 days from the due hereof,
<br />=:-�• declining to iawra this Se�urIty Insmxuknt a�►d the Nou, sLall be dxmed conclusive proof of anch _
<br /> — ��g�biliry. Hotwithsqndiag the fongoing, this opdon may not be eaerclsod by I.ender when the
<br /> , unsv�il�iliry of inaurxnce i a ao le ly due to i.e n der'a f a i l u r e t o n m i t a m ort g�ge insurance pnmlum to the
<br /> -.N� ��Y• i��iue paymeut In i'idl
<br /> -= 10.Rd�tdement. Borrower has a rlght to te ninstated if Leader has required
<br /> becauae of Borrower'a t�ilure to pay aa amounc due under the Nou or this SecurIty Insm�a►eat.T6is rl8ht�PPlia
<br /> -- even after foreclosure D�nBa are insdtuted. To relnstate th� Securiry Iustrumeat� Bormwer shffi tcader in�
<br /> lump aum all amoun�s�uind to bring Bormwer's acoount current including,to cue oxicat iYey�a�Zigatiaas of
<br />-_�*��: Borrower under this Socurity Insaument.foreclosun costs and rawnible and cuswcuuy attomryi'faa a�xi eapensa
<br /> -=— proparly assoctated with the foroclosure praxeding.Upon reinstatement by Eormwer,this Secudty Insaume�at�
<br /> the obligulons Wat it aocures shall remaia in affxt as if Leader had not req��irrd immediate PiY�en
<br /> However, Leader is not roquired to permit reiast�tement if: (i) L�enctet 1�as acaPted�m��f �
<br /> commenooment of fo�losure pr000edinBs witbin two years immediue]y praxding tl�ee co
<br /> foroclosure procading, tiiy r�instaument will pnclude fomlosun on diffenent grounds ia the f�ture. or (iii)
<br /> reiwtsucmeat will advetsely affect the prlorlty of the lien created by this Securlty Ta+tn�ment•
<br /> 11.Boirowa'Nat Rdcased; Forbarance By Lender Not •Waiver. Sxtension of the timeme of ptyment a
<br /> � modIfic�don of amortiudon of the aums aecurod by thia Secur(ty Insuumeut g�anted by Larder to�ny�uca,s�or in
<br /> inunst of Bornowcr sh�ll mt op�rate to nlease the ltabiltty of the or�ginal Bon'ower or Borrower'a auoasaor in
<br /> ' interest.Lender�11 not be roquirod to commence proceedings�g�lnat�ny succesaor in intenest or nfuse to ea[�ead
<br /> dme for payment or otherwise modlfY amortizadon of the sums aecured by this Securlty Instrumait bY nt�on of any
<br /> � dem�nd msde by the adgin�l Borrower or Borrower'a successors in lnterest.Aay forbeuance by Leader in warcising
<br /> �ny rIght or nmody sbtll not be a w�iver of or precluda the esercisu of mry rlght or remedy.
<br /> 12.Suceeasora and Aselgus 1lo�ndi Joint snd Se�eral UAbiltty,Co+Si�crs.The covenmts aad igreemenu
<br /> of thia Secudry Insuunxnt shtll bind aad benefit the succsssors and essigns of Iandet uad Borrower.aubject to thc
<br /> proviaions of Puagraph 9(�). Borrower'a covenauta and a$reem�nts shall be joint �nd scveral.�Y�t only t�o
<br /> co-sigas th�+�Sa�tdty Iuauument but duos not�accute the Note: (�) is w-signing this Sca�riry
<br /> mortgage. �+nt�nd convey that Borrower's intenu in the Property under the terms of thia Savrity Insttument: @)
<br /> is not person�llY obligued to pay tbe auma secured by this Security Inatruaxnt;aad(c)agtees that Lender wd any
<br /> - otber Bomower may agree to extend,anodify,forlxar or make my accommodations with ngard to the terms of thls
<br /> Security Insttument or the Note without that Bomower's consent.
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