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<br /> 5.Hasrrd or Rropeety ii�u�•��xe. 13c�rruwcr sh�lt kecp ttxc tatprovemente rn►w exindng or hereaRcr erccted on the Properry �
<br /> Insured ajaln�t lost by tira, tuz�rda includeA wlthtn the tcrm "oatepded covera�e" pnd any other haxard�, includin4 fioods or
<br /> tloodina,for whlch Lender requlrci iruurance.Tht�inaurance s1ui1 be maintained in the Amounu and for the pedods that l.ender
<br /> requtrw.The iwur+nce carcler providin�the insurance eholl be cdo:en by Barcawer aubject to Lender'a approval whlch aball noc
<br /> be unrea�onably withheld. It Borrower fs�iU to maiatain coverage deacdbed above, Lender mny, at Lender's opdon, abtain
<br /> coverage to protect Lender's d�hu In th�Proy�erty in accordance wlth p�ruugreph 7.
<br /> AU lasurauce poUclea und reaewala ibalt be acceptabte to I.eader and ehall include n etanderd mongage clauae.Lender ahall
<br /> have the dght to dold the policies aad renewala.If Lender nquires.Bonower ahaU prompdy give to L.ender aU receipta of paid
<br /> pl�mi�as and n�wal notice�.Ia tLe eveni af loa�.Bonower shall give prompt radce to the insurance carrier and Lender.Lender
<br /> mAy rnAlce ptoof of lost if not made promptly by Aoaower.
<br /> Unlesa Lender aid Horcower otherwise agree in wcidag, insuraace proceede shal!be applied to nstoration or repair of the
<br /> Ptoperty daa�aQed,if thc reawradon or repalr is economically feuible and Lender's sccuriry is cat lessened. If tt►e restoration or
<br /> rcpalr i�not economfeaUy feuible or Lender'a aecuriry wcwld be leaaened.the insuru�ce proceeds ahwU be applled to the swns
<br /> axured by this Secuttty Inttmment. whethcr or not thea due.with any excess paid to Borrower. If Borrawer abaadons thc —
<br /> Property. or das tat answer witbin 30 days a notice from Lender that the imnrance carrier has o�r�eyrd to sep eY a claim, then
<br /> L.ender may wAect the insurance Qroceeds. Leader may use che proceede w r�pa3r or re�tore the Pro a.r to suca9 s�ctaed
<br /> by this Securiry Inatrument,whetl�r ar not then due.The 30-day period wW begin when the r.otice is given.
<br /> Unlass Lender and Bonower otheawise agtee in wridng,arny appllcedon of proceeds to p3nincipal sl�all not eatendl or poatpone
<br /> the due dau of the monthly payments rcferrcd to Ln paragcapLs 1 uid 2 or ct�ange the amouat of the paycnenu.IY nndxr paragraph
<br /> Zl the Property is acquired hy Lendor.Borrowca's right to any insurance poAcies and proceeds resuleing from da�nage to tLe
<br /> Property pdor w the acquiaiaoa shall paas to Lender to the eaunt of tlu auans aecurcd by thla SecuriYy lnstn�ment ir�nediately
<br /> prfor w the acquiaidon.
<br /> 6.Occupac�cy,Preservation,Matutenance And Protectton o?'the Prolx�Yi Borrower'a Loan Appllcatlon;LEASB�IOItLI.
<br /> Borrower shall occopy,eatablish.wid uae the Properry as Borirower's principal naidence witLin aixty days after thc execudan ot
<br /> this Sea�riry Insmuuent and shall continue to occupy�ix rroperiy us 8oriu�e�'s painc:g�t rt>3dt:xt fc:s:lr.�t Qat yr.�s afLr�t,n
<br /> date of occupancy. ualeaa Lender otherwise agreee in�►ridII36. w�ich conseat ahall not be unreaaonably withheld. or uNeas
<br /> extcnuatiqg circumstancea exist wtuch ue bcyond Botrower's control.Bormwer s6a11 not dostroy,damagc or 6npair the Property,
<br /> allow t�e ptopetty to deuriorate, or conimtt waau on tho Property. Bonowcr shaU bc in default if any fotfeiturc acdoa or
<br /> proceeding,wt►eWer civit or criminal.Is begun tbat tn Lender'a good faith judgmeat couid result in forfeiture af the Property or
<br /> otlstrwlte materlaUy itu�it the llea crrated by thia Securtty Iiutwnent or Lender't�ecuriry {aterest. Boaower a�ay cure�uch a
<br /> default u�d reinsuu. u omvlded in Duslua�h 18.bY G►using►he ocdon or proceeding to be diam[saed with a nilinQ ti�t. Ia
<br /> Leuder'r �ood fnith determinadoa,precluda forfdwre of the Borrower'�inureat in tt�ee Propetry or ocher waur�at impairmenc ui °
<br /> the lirn crated by tW�Soctuiry Uuuument or Lender't seeurlty interest.8ortower ab�U also be in default if Bonower.dozin�tUe
<br /> loan appliculon pro�as.�ve mat�rimlly falas or imccurau infocmadon or statemema to Le�er(or failed to provide Lender with
<br /> aay rmterial inforroadon) ia wnaecdon with the low evidenced by the Nae. includin�. but not limitod w. nprcuautio�u
<br /> coacemin�Bonower'�oceupu�cy of the Property�s a pri�cipal residence.If�s Security Insaument ir.on a leaulwld,Borcower
<br /> ahxU comply wlth all the pmvislon�of tbe lease.V Boaower acquirea fee dtle to the Pcopercy,the leasehold and the fa dQe stnll
<br /> . not mergc unle�a Lender agra�w thc merger in wrltin�.
<br /> 7.I�roOection ot Lender's Right�in the Property. If Sorrower faila to perform the covonanu and agreemeata contained in
<br /> thi� Securicy Inat�ument. or[hen is a legal pmceedin8 that nuy sjgniRcandy affect Lender'a rlghu ia the PmpercY (euch n�s a
<br /> proceeding�n banlQUptcy.probate,for condemnatioa or forfdture or to enforce law�s or tegul�don�).then Lender may do aad pny
<br /> for wtiauver ie�cesaary c4 pmuct the value of tlu Pmperty and L.ender'a rights in the Property. Lender'a acdons tnay{nclude
<br /> paying any sums secured by a lien which has prioriry over this Securlry Instniaunt,appearing in court. paytn� nasonable
<br /> atWtueys'feea aad eaurinY on tbe Property w m�ice rcpairs. Although Lender may take acdon undcr this paragraph 7, Lender
<br /> �� dne�nat have to do eo.
<br /> /U�}r nmounts dieburaed by Leader undet this puagraph 7 ahall become addidoaal debt of Borrower secured by this Sxurity
<br /> ' Instcument. Unleas Bonower and Lender agra to other temu of payment. these amwmts ehall bear intereat from tho date of
<br /> dIsbureemat nt tl�e Note rau and ahall be piyabte.with incereat,upon notia from Lender tv Bonower requeating payment.
<br /> � 8.Mortgpge Imuraace. 8 Lender required mongage inaurance as a condidon of m�idng the loan secured by thia 3ecuriry
<br /> Imuvment. Borrower ah�ll pay the premiums requircd to maintaii► the mongage insurance In effect. 1f, for any rtaaon, tLe
<br /> mortgage;naurance coverage requtred by Lender l�pses or cea�es to be In effect. Bonower shall pay tha premiums required w
<br /> ` obtain covcrage subatandally equival�nc to the mortgage in�uru�ce pravioualy in effect,at a cost aubatanda!!y equivalent to the
<br /> cost w Horrower of the mortgage insurance pnviousty in effect. from aa alternate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. if
<br /> aubstantially equivalent mongago inaurance coverage is not avatlable. Borrower ahall pay m L.ender each aanth a aum equal to
<br /> o�-twelfth of tLe yeuly mortgage inaurance premium being p�id by Borrower when the lnsurance coverage lapsed or ceased to
<br /> be in effect. Lender will accept, uae and retain thcae paymenta as a loss nscrve in lfeu of mortgage iiunrance. I.o�s reserve
<br /> Form 302E 9190
<br /> ^..,6R(NE) in�:�.o� Rjt70(6 •�•.•. .----
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