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<br /> 'r'OCifiTHB[t WITH wll the improvemenu now or herea�fter erected on t1�a property. and aU easementr, appurtenancea, and
<br /> tixtures now or hereafter a pare of the propercy.AU replacementa and addido�u stu�ll also be covered by�th Security lnsuur►xnt• `
<br /> All of the[ore�oin�ia refened ta ia thia Security Iiutcument as the'Pr°P�n7'.' �
<br /> BORROWER COVBNANTS thatBono ner�is��t ed,iexcept1for encumbca�►cea of record�Aorcower�wurante and w 11
<br /> co a v e y i h e P r o P e rt y a n d t h a t t h e P r o p e r c y
<br /> dafepd generally the tttle w the PropertY a8ainst aU claims tu3d demaads'eu b ject to any e n c u m b r a n c e a o f r e c o r d.
<br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMBNT combinea uatform covenants for nadonal use and non-uniform covenanta wlth limited
<br /> variadons by jurisdicdon w conedmu a udform aecurlty instromenc covering r�al Qroperty
<br /> UNIPORM COVENANTS.BoriQwer s�d Lender coveaant end aBree ag followa: __„
<br /> nt�d Lste Char�ea• Borrower sltall pron►PUY PaY When due die �
<br /> 1.Payment of Pr�ncipAl and interesti�PpY� r� pi�late chargos due under che Note.
<br /> principal of aael inurest on the debt eviAonced by the Note and any p PaY�'�
<br /> 2.Funds fur Taxes an8 Inguraaca S�abject to applicable!aw or to a wrltten waiver by I�e F 01�, �forW(a)yearlY ataxes
<br /> i.�nder on the day monthly paYm�nts���u�u�er the Note.undl the Note is paid in fu11.a suu►�� �1 leasehold a n�s
<br /> and eaaeastnents w�ich may aaain prtority over thia Secudry Instrument as a llen on the Properiy; N)Y y ��if
<br /> • or ground renca oa the Progerty,if any: (c)YeaT1Y ha�a�d or propertY insuranc�Premiums;(d)yearly flood insurat�ce P
<br /> " an ; (e)yearly mongage in+urance Pnmiumg.if�nY:��fl �Y e�Payable by�9rsower to Lender.in accordu�ce wlth the
<br /> y h 8, in Ueu of the payra�nt of mortgage iasuranao premlu�s. Tbe�e iun�ns are called "Escrow Iteuis.'
<br /> praviaiona of�nragrap ra� _.
<br /> C,�cnder Ynay,et anY c�me.�°u���d hold Funds in an a�mLtat not to excced the maximun►amoun�A��n�1er for a fedetally rela
<br /> re far Borrower'a eacrow accou�nt under the feder�l Real Esiace Settlement Procedwes Act of 1974 as �.;;;
<br /> morigage loan may requi
<br /> �nended from tlme to dme, 12 U.S.C. Secdon 2601 er ser�. ("RESPA"),ualeas another law that applies w the FU�+ela seta a lesser J:
<br /> at an dmc,caUect and hald Funds in aa auwunt ppt to exceed the lesser amount. I.ender tmy �k.:;
<br /> ' amonat. If ao. Lender may. Y
<br /> :, eydmau the�wt oi Fwads due oa the ba�is of curr�nt data aad reasanable eatlmates of eapenditures of ft�ture Escrow Iums or
<br /> ' otherwIae ia accordance with applicable lAw.
<br /> '1Le FutxU ei�ll be held iu an insutup°n Whose daposits are insured by a federal agency,ina�mec F�t�na���crow ro:-
<br /> J,,�nder,if Lender is auch an institu6on)or ia any Federal Ho�F�,����r�y�g���crow accoum yor vedfylug =
<br /> itemm�. Lencler maY not�ha*A�Banower for holding and aPP Y�S M� ,,, lc taw oermiu I-.ender to mnks auch a chnrge.
<br /> �, the Eacrow Iums,unless Lrender paya Bonower in�ereat ou tY�a'uanw a^�'aggli-..b eut teal eamte tax rcpordng aervice usal by
<br /> ! However, I.ender ruay require Borroa+er�o Wy a one-dme cbarge for an indeyead
<br /> � LeMer in connecdon c�itL this loan,uniless applicable law grovi�ower�uny in e est�r aea�n��oa the Funds. Borrower�aad
<br /> � requirea inureat to be paid. �.ender ahall not be required to pay
<br /> T,eader may agree ia wrltin8,however,tUat Iuurest ehall be paid on the Funda.I.ender sha11 Bw�e�h�h debit to the Funds was
<br /> annual accountin8 of the Fupds.ahowin8 credlta and debits to iLe Ftmds and the Putpo
<br /> - �.�F�,,,rt,��re piedaed as addidonal aeciulty for aU aum�aecnred by this S�b ry�.�c+s�Y��tQ����er for
<br /> U tM Funds beld by I.ender excecd the amounta permitted W be held bY nPP
<br /> - the excess Funds in accordu►cs with the re �e ��er may obnodPy Borrower�in�wrTtinB ca�d�uchbcase Bonower e�Y
<br /> not sutficieat to pay tix Escrow Iums wlkn ,
<br /> to Lender the araount nece+aary co mnke up the deficiency. Aorrower ahall make uP the d�ficiency in no more than twelve
<br /> ` montiily paymenta,at LendePe aole discredon.
<br /> ` lJpon paymecu ia tutl of ail sums secured by this Secur[ty Insuvment.Lender ehall prorapdy rettu�d w Bonower any Fuads
<br /> ' held by Lendar.If, under parAgraph 21,L.ender ehall acquire or seII the PrnpertY,under. prlor to tbe acquisidoa or exle of the
<br /> • pcopeny. et�all apply any Funda held by Lender at the dme of acquisidon or sale As a cr�dit agaiaqt the aums secured by this
<br /> Securlry Iiuuumnt. nta received by I.e�er under paragraplu
<br /> 3.Appllcxtion ot psYmeMs. Unleaa applicable law provides othetwlse.all paYme
<br /> � 1 a�l 2 s�ll be appiied: fust. to aay prepayment charges due und�r the Note: second.to amounta payable under paragraph 2;
<br /> third.ro intereat due:fourth,to prlciciPal due;and last,to any late chargea due under the Note.
<br /> 4.Ch�r6esi Lte�. Bonower ah�ll pay all twces. assessraenta, chug�an,������i if any.Bonower shall pay theae
<br /> which may attain priodty over tWe Securlty Iastrument•aud leassholA payme �em on dme dincd to the
<br /> obligadons ia t1x manne�Provided ia pua8nph 2.or If not p1id in that manner.Borrower shall paY Y
<br /> pereon owed p�ymont. Borrower ahall prompdy furnish co I.ender all nodces of amounts to b�pa�d under this paragrapb.If
<br /> Botrower makes these paymeata directly,Bon°wer shal]promptly furnish to Lender receipts evidaucinB the p�Ytaents.
<br /> Borrowet shall promptly discharge any lien which t�as prlortry over thia Secutlry Insuvment unla�Borrower:(a) agrees in
<br /> writing ca the payment of the obligatton secured by the lien in a manner acceptabie to Lender;(b)concests in 600d faith the lien
<br /> by. or deftnds againtt enforc�ment of the lien in. legal proce�din8
<br /> s wtuch in the 1-eader�s oPinion operate to prevent the
<br /> eufo:cement of the lien;or(c) sceurea fmm the holder of the lien an agre;�u���o a 1�entwUich`maY a�tain P�tY°er this
<br /> thia Secudry In+trument. if Le�er deurminea that any part of the Propeiry J
<br /> Secudry Instrument.Lender may give Bonower a nodce ideadfying the l ien.B orrower shall satis f y the lien or take one or more
<br /> of the actions set forth above within 10 day�of the givin8 of nodce. Fo�� 9�
<br />-—- Idcw�: _ . _.
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