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<br /> ,� , . . .. . _ _ .
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<br /> �� � t- - ��'�: . . ---- ._ __ _
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<br /> 7. P�oiectMn of L�nd�r'a RlphU In th� P�operty ir eorcowK i.�s �o pertorm �n• cownu,n and �qre«rnncs -
<br /> con}�In�J In thh S�ourNy Intitrum�nt,or thw k a fpa�procMdhp th�t may SlpnHicantly�Hsct Lc+nders ripht� �th�Aropsrty(�uc��s —
<br /> • a proc�dhq In bank�uptcy�probat�,for cond�mnttbn or forhkun ot to sntorce taws or r�ul�tb�s���4��^bne may hc M p yhp �
<br /> wh�tMwr fs �wcos��ry to prot�ol th�v�lw ol th� Propwty md L�nd�r'� rpht� h th� Prop�+ty. � reasonabN attorn� s hes�nd -
<br /> �ny sumt Naund by� Ike whbh h�� prbrMy ovw lhb SscurHy Instrum�nt, appearhy In couR, pay p Y� -�
<br /> �ntKlnp on th�P�OpMty to m�1k�r�P�YS• ANhouph LMU1K m11Y uk��otbn under thls partprtph 7,LendN doos no!h�w to do so.
<br /> My amounts disbursld by I.�ndK u�dK thk pua0reph 7 th11M b�COrrN addNbn�i d�bt o} Bortow�r s�cund by thb S�CUrity
<br /> Instrum�nt. Unwss Bonow�► �nd len� AprM to othM hrme ol paymw�t, thsss �mounts shaQ bw ht�r�st hom th� dat� of
<br /> dbbunMnmt at th� Not� n1� and ah�M W p�Y�bM�WKh inMnat,upon notl��kom L�nder to Borrow�r rpwsthp ptym�nt.
<br /> a. Manys�e IniUt�nCe. If Und�►roqulrod mpAp�►pe hsunnc��a a condkbn ot makinp th� lom s�cund by thb S�curily LQ
<br /> Inswmmf, HoRaw�r shaN p�y lhe prwntums �squ��d ro ma4�s;ah tho mort3nfln �nsurence h eHect. u, tor any roason, th� moAy�� � _
<br /> insurancr cown0� nquind bY L�►d� rP� �p�������t a aost suba�ntbYry equN�lent�mo th�i oost to Borroww of ths `
<br /> scbit�ntkNy�qut+�Nnt to th� mwtp�ps
<br /> mc►tyap� haunnc� p�wiou+N In �fMct� kom an aRum�la mpRgd� „surer�pproved by Lender. II aubstmtlaNy �quMabnt moRp�p�
<br /> hsuana aownp� b not evalkbM, BoROwsr ahaY paY ta L4ndar enah manth a sum equai to on♦twaNth of th� y�uly
<br /> Inaurana prrmtum b�Hp p11d by BorrowK whpn tha Inaurnnae cov�pp Mptrd or ceasad to be In eHOCt. Lender wiN acc�pt,ua�and
<br /> ratah thaso payments as� bss ns�rve in ��eu of martgeya hsurnncu, loss roserve payments may no bnper ba raquirod, at the
<br /> ppUon of Lender, M moRy�Q� hsunnce cov�r�pa {h lho ampunt end tor tha perbd Ihot Lender requlres) provided by nn heuror
<br /> �pprpwd by L�ndK �qah pecortNS eval�ebk and Is obtnhad. BoROwer shall pay lhe premlums requtred to maintah mortpwa iP
<br /> fnaunna In �M�at, ot to pravids o bss resarve, until the nequf�[�rnent tor mortgopa tnaurance ends h eccordtnC� wRh any wr'ltM
<br /> �pr�rnnt l�twion Barowa and Lender or appUaebb k+v.
<br /> 9. Intpeotlon. Lendw or Rs epent rtw�Y mrlce ressomble entries upon and inspecttons ot the Propsrty. Lender ahaY pka
<br /> Bortow�r notfc�at th�tirtM of or prbr to an inspeetbn specMyinO reasonabk causa for the hspectbn.
<br /> 10. Co�damn�tion. The proceeds of any award or cletm for damapes, direct or consequenli�l, in oonneotbn with any
<br /> cond�nnatbn or othK takYp of any part of the Proporty, or for con•�eyance in Iteu of Condemnatbn,are heraby sssipnsd nnd shtM be
<br /> patd to Undn.
<br /> I� th� wsnt ot� tottl tekiny Of the PropertY� the prxeeds Shall be applfed to the Sums secured by „���t e'fa mt�et
<br /> wh�th�r or not than due.wkh any excess paid to Bortower. In the event of a partial takhp of the Property
<br /> valw of th� Prop�rty hxiwdhtey before the tukhp Is equal to or prenter than the amount of the sums securad by this Security
<br /> Inat�ummt Im►rbdiatey beiore the tekhg, unless 8ortower and le�der otherwise agree h writfng, the sums secured by thb Security
<br /> Instrum�nt shall b� r�duc�d by the nmount o} the proceeds muklplied by the tolbwhp �mediateBJ beforetthe takhp.�MY bale ce
<br /> sYCUnd imnwdiat�ly befon the takinp, dHided by (b) the fair market value of ihe Praperty ' Y
<br /> shaN bs pafd to 9ortower. in the event of� partlai takinp of the Property in whbh the ta'r market vaiue of tho Property iim�dYtay
<br /> bNoro th� takiny is Nss Ihan lhe amount of tAe sums secured knmedittey hefore the takinp, unless Bortowar and Lendsr otharwise
<br /> eyrea In writinp or unlss!appNaabN law otheNvise provides, Ihe proceeds shall be �pplbd to the suma Secund by this SacurNy
<br /> Inswm�nt wh�th�r or not lhe sums aro then due.
<br /> ii in:FivywT�r �:b�dasux! b;9orraw°'•^r U;efter notice by Lender to Borrower that ihe condemnor oftera to rt►aka an awud or
<br /> sNtla a aMlm for du�0�,Borcow�faits to respond to Lender wkhin 30 days after the date the not�s is pivan,Londa►Is wthaiasd
<br /> to coMCt�nd lippy the proCesds.ai ks optbn,eRher ta restontbn or repaM of the PropeRy ot to thv sums secured by thb SeCUrity
<br /> Inatrummt,whsthsr or not then due.
<br /> Uniess l.�nd�r and Bor►ower olherwise aqree in writinp, any sppl'�catbn of proceeds to princpal shall not extend or postpane the
<br /> du�dtta of tha monlhy payments referted to in paraflrophs 1 and 2 or ch¢nyo the amount of such payments.
<br /> 11. Borrower Not Relcaaed: Forbearance By Lende► Not e Weiver. Extensbn or cne �rne tor payment or
<br /> modifiwtbn of amorttratlan of tne sums secured by thls Securiry Instrument grantad by Lendor to any successor h hterest uf Bortower
<br /> shaN not opYnt�to rule�se the Il�biiity o}the or{pinal Borrower or Bortawer5 SuCCessors Yt interest. Lender 6hoA not be nquM�d t0
<br /> comrrnncs p►x�edin0a �►�st eny successor h interest or �eNse to extend tlme for payment or otherwise modiry amoRizatkvi of th�
<br /> 6ums secund by thfs Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by the orfpinal Borrower ar Bortowers auccesaors h
<br /> interast. My torbeannce by Lender In exerctshg any ripht or remedy shall not be e waNer of or prealude the exsroiss of any rqht or
<br /> romesy.
<br /> 12. Succesaors end Asalgna Bound; Joint snd Several Liabitity;Co-aigners. Tn. cov.n.nn and
<br /> _ �pn�n�r►ts ot this 8�curity Instrum�nt ShaN bad and benefit the BuCCessore nnd assipna of Lender and BorrowK. subJ�ct t0 tt»
<br /> provisbns of p�rapnph 17. BorrowK's covenants end aprsements shalt bs Joht and sewral. My Borrovwr who casipn�thk S�curily
<br /> Instn�ma�t but do�s not�x�cute the Not�: (a) fs co-spniny this Securky Instrument oniy tc :r.art�a„a, qront, ��u conwy that
<br /> Bomowe�'s htsnst h th�PropKty under the terms ot th�s SeCUrity Instrum�nt; (b)Is not pxsonaly oblfpat�d to pay ths sumf s�cund
<br /> by thlt SoCUrity InsWment; dnd (o) agrees that Lender and eny other Borrowar nwy agrcu to extend, madKy, farbor,r or make eny
<br /> accommodatbns wUh rsqud to terms o}thts Securfty Instrument or tAe Note wRhout that Borcower's cans6nt.
<br /> 13. �oan Char�e�. R the loan secured by this SeCUrity Instrurt�t fs subjeCt to a law whiCh sets mexMnum ban Chupsa,
<br /> md ihat kw Is finay htlrprotad so that the interest or other ban charpes collected or to be coliected h connectlon wkh th�ban
<br /> �xcead tho permkt�d timis, thon; (a) any suoh ban Charges shnll be reducod by the emount necessary to reducv tho aharpa to tha
<br /> pKmkt�d NmiC, and (b) any sums already coitected hom Boamwu whV�h exeeeded permittad limits wiN bs rolundsd to BorcowK. l.eedK
<br /> may ohoos� to mako thb refund by reduchg the principal owed under ths Note or by mekhg a dlrect payment to Borrower. If�
<br /> relund reducss princpal,ihe roduotbn wAI be treated es a partial prepayment wkhout any prepayment aharpe under th� Note.
<br /> 14. NoUaes. Any noti�o to Borrower provided for h this Security Instrument shall be qNen by d�Nvorinp k or by mtNhp k by
<br /> first okat mtN unNaa appNcabte kw requkes uae of another method. The notfce sh411 be dkected to the PropeAy Addnss or any
<br /> other addross Bonower dasignaies by not{ce to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by ikst olass mn8 to Lender's address
<br /> etatsd hwsin or any ather address Lendar desi�nates by natice to Bonower. Any not�ce provided tor tn this Security Instrument ehaA
<br /> be deemed to hava heen qMen to Bonower or Lender when glven as provided h this parayraph.
<br /> , 15. Governing Lew;Severability. This SeCUrity Instrument Shall be govemed by tederal taw and the Inw ol the
<br /> JurisdiCtbn in whiCh the PrppeRy IS loCeted. In the event that eny provisbn or clause o} this Security InsUument or the Note Conliicts
<br /> with eppiioable taw,suCh confl'�ot Sh811 not aMeCt other provisions ot thls SeCUrity Instrument or the Nnte whfCh can be qlven eHeCt
<br /> wkhout tha ConfliCtinp prOvision. To this end the provisions of ihis Security Instrume�t and tAe Note are declared to be severabk.
<br /> 16. eorrower'a Copy. Bortower shall be gNen o�e conlortned copy of the Nota and ot thls Securiry I�strument.
<br /> _�.�.� n�����.. ..r . R.n.fintai Intarw:t in BO�fOWlf. If 811 of G�IV D8R Of 1hB PtOplRy Of atly
<br /> 1%. Tian"sici v� u�c r�vpo.y ... .. --•'_"-'-' ...------ �. - - . - _ .
<br /> ht6rest h k IS sold or Umsfen'ed (or M a benefiCial hterest h Borrower Is sold or transterted and Borrower is not a natural pe�eon)
<br />