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<br /> Borrowu'6 acrow pCCOUnt undK tho IW�nI Rwl Est�ta S�itMm�nt ProcWuras Act ol 1874 as amendad Irom tims to tirtN,1�U.S.C.
<br /> � 2601 et��q.("RBSPA"),unMas snothqr law Ih�t�ppli�e to th�Funda aots�kasor wmounl. If so,L�ndw rtwy,1�t�ny tkn�,eolNel and
<br /> hald Funds N an amount nol to oxCaid th�Mssa nmount. 4�ndtr m�y aslfm�t�th�emount of tunds du� on th�bafb of curt�nt d11b
<br /> �nd r�a�pn�bM Klknat�s o}�xp�ndRur�e of Ntun Eecrow It�rns ar oth�rwk� In�ccerd�nc�with �ppliabf�kw.
<br /> 7M Funds thaM b� hNd In �n httkutbn who�� d�posR� ar� hsurrd by a I�d�r�l �ponay, h�IrummtaNty, ot Mttk}�(k:AUdinp
<br /> L�ndK, M Land�r k aoh an hatRutlon)or M �ny F�d�nl HortN Lo�n B��ik. LlisdM �h�ll�pply Ih� Fund�t to p�y lM Escrow II�m1.
<br /> L�nda rrwy not eharp� 8orrow�r lor �oldinp and�ppylnp th� Funds,onnuaty vn�yzlnp th�escrow �caount, a wriyfnp tM E�crow
<br /> Il�n�,unNst L�nda pays 9orcow�lr �nt��at on tAI Funds tnd appl��bb 4sw p�rmNs L�nd�r to mlik� euah �ohup�. How�wr, I.�nder
<br /> tnay rCqulro BoRO+�:et to pay a on�tGn� charp� lor An Indopenttcnt ra11 estnto tax reportmp 5crvfco u�^_d hy I.r,nQe► M Ca��e�tWn wkh � �
<br /> thb loan,unNcs�pPlk�bN I�w prav►d�s oth�rwta�. Unps�an�prMm�nt b mad�or�ppACabM kw r�quk�s IntKrtf to b� pUd. Und�r �
<br /> ahaM not bo r�quir�d to pay 9ortoww my Ydu�st or arnhys on ths Funds. BortOw�r and LMd�r tn�y�prM fn wrNinq, how�wr,th�� '
<br /> intsnat aheM b�pald on th� Funda. Lsnd�r ehtll ph» to Borcower, wkhout ahup�, �n �nnu�l�cCOUnthp of th� Fundt, showinp
<br /> crodits tnd d�bR�to tha Funda�nd th� purpose lor wh�h wch debR to tha Funds was mad�. Ths Funde�n pwdp�d ���ddlbnU �
<br /> a�curky for�N sums s�cund by thb S�ourity InsWm�nt. �
<br /> If the Funds hatd by Lender exceed ths�mounts permitted to he hotd by eppucable Iaw,Lend�r shtll acoount to BortowK la tM
<br /> vxc�ac Funds In accordana wdh t��raqufrMnentO o1�pplfcabN Vw. I} th� �mount of th� Funds h�ld by L�nd�r at�ny Iim�M nOt
<br /> suHbbnt to pay lh� E�crow Ibm=whw�du�,LondK may to notNy Borrow�r In writhy,and,in suoh a�ta BoROwK sh�N pay to lmd�r
<br /> M�amount nac�cwy to mWce up the dstbNney.Bortow�r oheN mak�up th� defbiency In no more th�n lwsNe monthy p�ym�nis. �t
<br /> Lend�s aoN dkcntion.
<br /> Upnn ptymmt in 1uW oI aN sums socured by lhis Sscurity Instrurtwnt,LMder shaN prompty refund to BoROw�r�ny Funds h11d by
<br /> L�nd�r. If, und�r panpnph 21, Lender shaY acqufre or sell the Propwty,Lander,prbr to the acqulsitbn or saM o} th� PropKty,shal
<br /> appy any Funds hstd by l.ender at the time of acquisition or saie as a cred�ayahst lhe sums securQd by thls Sacurky Instrumad.
<br /> 3. Appltc�tion of Paymente. Unbss applkabW law piovides othwwise,all psymer:ts rocehwd by L�ndsr undw puapaphs
<br /> 1 and 2 ahaN ba applied: ftrst, to any prepayment chargas due under tha Note; second,to amounts p�yabM under plrapr�ph Y;third
<br /> to hterast due;lourth,to princtpal dua;and I�st,to any ate eharpes due under the Note.
<br /> 4. Ch1f�0i; Liens. Borrower sheN pay all texas, assessments, aharpas, finas and knposkbns atd'�utabN to tM Prop�ty
<br /> which may tttah priorky owr this S�curky Instmment, and leasahold paymants or qround rsnts, if uiy. Bortow�r shaM pay Ih�
<br /> obYpation� h th�manner provid�d h pafpnpA 2,Or N not pNd k►th�t mnnna,8orrower shaN pay thwn on tMN dlncty to th�pKSOe
<br /> ow�d payment. Barrowsr SMN prompty tumish to Under�M not�es of amounts to be p4id under thb panpraph. if BorrowM�mnlca
<br /> thase payrt»nb d(rocty,Borrower ShaM prompty lumish to Lender raceipls avtdencinp the payments.
<br /> Borrowar shlN prompty diachsrpe any Nen whiah has prtorky over this Security Instrument unless Bortower.(�)�praas h wriin�to
<br /> the psyment ot tlw obNpstion sscured by the lien In o manner aCCeptaDla to Le�da: (b)contests in qood tekh the Nen by,a d�ds
<br /> �jj.'�t'.!^..C!lCtC:i';CS! C!:ltII!w s h,�^'.,,�t(3sCC��'..i'�f. �h�ti h ih�L..^tid�s C�JftslCts ,.Y...�,°:o Fl�:^G!! !h!L`!1!C!Z°.m�ft^t th8 pon;n� (rl ,
<br /> sacuna hom th�hoider ot the lien an ayrMrt�ent satisfactory to Lender subordinating tne lien to this Securityr Inswment. If UndK
<br /> debrmin�s that�ny pirt of the Property Is eubJect to e lien whk:h may ettain priority over this Securilyr Instrum�nt, LendM m�p pive
<br /> Borrow�r� notb�Identflyiny the Ikn. BoROwer ehnll satisly tho Iten or take one or more of the actbns set toAh abow wkht� 10 daYs
<br /> of tM pt�hq o!notic�.
<br /> 6. Ha=ard ar Property Inaurance. Bortowar sheli keop tha Improvements now ezistinQ or h�rMRar �r�ahd On tM
<br /> Propwty insund pahst bts by tiro.h�urda fncUd�d wkhin tha tarm"extended covero�a"and any othsr h�urd�, includirp fbods a
<br /> fbodin9, lor whbh Lend�r nqut�s hsunncs. Thts hsurance shaY he mahtnined h the amounts and tor tM pKbds th�t Unda
<br /> nquWe. Tt� Nwrana eartNr providhp tIH insurance shall be ohosan by 8orrower SubJect to Undws approvai whiah shaM not b�
<br /> unn�sontby wNhh�ld. If Bor►ower talls to maMlah coveraye descrbed above,Lender may, et Lenders aptbn, obtain covorp�to
<br /> probCt Und�s rlphts h t�6 PtOperty in eCCOrdenCe with p8r8qreph 7.
<br /> Ap Nsuru�C�poNCias Gnd renewals sAaA be acceptaDt6 to Lender and shall k�clude a standard monpape ckuso. LendK ahal haw
<br /> th�ripht to hold thr poifctas and renewals. if Lender requlres, Bortower shaH promptty give to londor ail r�c�tpts ot paW pranfums
<br /> • and n��wal notk�s. In the event ot bss,8nnower sha11 gMe prompt not�s to the Insurence canier and Lsnd�r. Undw may m�k�
<br /> proof ot bss M not made prampty by Bonows►.
<br /> UnNss L�nd�r�nd Borrowar otherwtso�yrea in wrR�g,insurance proceeds ah�ll be applkd to restoratbn ar rnp+�t of tM PropMty
<br /> d.n►�d, M ths nstontbn or noalr Is�eonomktlly hasibp end Lenda�s a�curity Is not kss�►od. It tho nstoation ot npair Ia �ot
<br /> �conomfcaNy fMSbM or Und�r's s�curky would be Nsssned, tha insurence proaeds shatl bs appllM to tho sums ssaund 4y this
<br /> S�curky Msqrummt. whethK or not then due. wth any excasa paid to Borrowar. Ii Bortower ebandons thv PropKty. or das not
<br /> �nawK withh 30 days � notfce trom lander thit the insurance ceirler has oNered to settla e e6eiYn, th�n Lsnd�r may eoMkt tM
<br /> haunna procNds. Len�r mey use the proceeds to repaY or restore the Properiy or to pay sums secured by thb Sfcurky
<br /> ' IntttumM�t. wh�tMr C�not tMn du�. T1io 34day parbd wNl bYpin whan the not�e fs yivw�.
<br /> � Unkss L�nd�r and Borrower otherwise egre�in wrkinp,any applicatbn of prxeeds to princlpal shall not ext�nd or postpan� th�
<br /> dw dab of th�monthy payments rebrred to In paregraphs 1 and 2 or chanpe the umount of the payments. If undM pu��nph 21
<br /> . th�Proparty IS�Cquirod by Lender, Borrowers ripht to any insu�anCe policles and proceeds resuftinq hom damape t0 ths Properq pHor
<br /> to th� �oquiskkn shaN pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security Instrumant knrrwdiet�y �br lo the
<br /> � acqul�kWn.
<br /> 6. Occup�ncy, Preservatlon, Me(ntenance end P�otectlon oi the Propertyr; Bo�rower's Loan
<br /> AppI1CAt10p; Leaseholda. BortowK shall occupy, astablfsh, and use the Property es Bonowet's prholpal tesldenCe within siMy _
<br /> . days atter tha �utbn of thVS Securky Instrument and shall conthue to occupy the Property es Bnrrowers pnc�lpel residmce for et
<br /> � Nast on� yMr attK th� data of oecupancy, unless Lender otherwise aqrees in writinq, whkh Consent sha8 not he u�u�asaisby
<br /> wkhlwld,Or unM1s ext�nuatir►p CrCUn�slenCes exist whl�h ere bey0nd Bottowet'S Control. BOrtower sh�Y not deSVoy,damap�or h4ptP
<br /> tIN PropMty,Qlbw th�Property t0 deterbrate, or oommR waste on the Property. Bortower shall be ki deteuk M any torfekuro aClbn or
<br /> proceadhp,whelher cNil or criminal, Is begun thei ii Lenders good fakh Judgmont could resuk in Icrfeaure of the Property or otherwke
<br /> matsrfairy fmpair the Ibn created by thts Security Instrument or LendePS security Interest. Bortower may cure sucn a aetauR tna
<br /> rohst�ta,as provided In p�raqreph 18,by Ceusing the actfon or proceedhg to be di5mi55ed with a rulnq that, fn Lender'S pood faNh
<br /> drtwminitfon, pr�ludes torteiture of the Bortower's interest in the Property or other materiel impakment of the Ifen croatld by thb
<br /> Sacurity Inswment or Lenders seCUrity interest. 6orcower shell also be h detauft if Borrower, during the ban appliCation proCess, -_
<br /> pavs materiaky lalse or Inaccurete inlormatlen or statements to Lender (or fatled to provide lender with any materlal htomutbn) h "
<br /> conn�ctbn wRh th� ban evldencad by the Note,hcludhp, but not linited to, representatbns concemh9 Borrower's xcupmcy of tho -
<br /> PrOpaty as a prholpal rssldenCe. If this S�curiry Instrument 19 on a leesehold, BoROwer Shall compy with oll the provfsbns of tM �
<br /> IoaS�. I} BOrrow�r eCqulres tee tRle to the Ptoperty,the leesehold end the 1ee titb Shell not merge unleSS the Lend6r oflrws t0 the
<br /> E-
<br />" merpar In wr�hp. �:
<br /> Fa�m �O:e e/80 f•-..
<br /> F10RY.LMO(!/Y7) Pap�7 0l 6 `
<br />_ �
<br /> 557 I
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