� � �
<br /> . �� '' �.,�;� � ... ,�. ��?�41:trwtt'P' ��.5'!!%''•�,'�i'N���i�;�r�'r��` ,`i'!�' _ �la-,�,Li�i�dF_•
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<br /> ti,�'h .-�_ .
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<br /> ,..�,,, ;;•Y . ' �„ ,. ._.,. .������? .. .. ,�, ' - - .__.
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<br /> . •..� . .
<br /> ,., ;� ; 97, T��not�r of th� Prop�rty or � B�n�flaial Inbnst in Borrow�r. It su or any part of the Propaly or �
<br /> �ny Intaest In tt Is aold or troneferred (ar fl� benellclal Inlereet In Bonower Is sold or tr�nate�Ted end Bortower Is not N n�tunl
<br /> `. � p�rson)wNhout UndK'e pdor w►itten cmnamt, Undrr m�y.at fts optlon, reqults Immsdkte p�yment In tuH of aN aums aecured by
<br /> thls SkurNy Instrument. HowmrK, thla optlon aheN not be exurclsed by Lender II exercise la prohl6lted by faderal law �a o1 the �=`
<br /> ,. � date ol Ihla 8�cudry Instrument. �Y.
<br /> 11 le�der exxclaes thls option, Lender aht►U phre Borrower notice ot�ccelecutlon. The notice ahNl provlde a period o} not� �:
<br /> leae th�n 30 daya hom tt�e dats ths natice la delivered or m�Ned withln whlch Borrower munt pry ell auma secured by thls y
<br /> ' 3ecuriry Inetrument. fl Bortower falla to pey these sums prlor to ihe oxpkatlon o1 thle perlad, Lender mey Invoke �ny �emedlea �
<br />-� ', permmb by thln Secudry Inetrument without tuAher notic�or demand on BorrowK. �•
<br /> � .. . n-
<br /> •� 1A. 80►/OW�1�f Rl�h! to R�Iflliht�. II Borrown meete certeln conditlone, Bonower ahall heva the nght to haver�'' ' �-
<br /> erdoreement o1 thl� :ecudty Instrumsnl disconilnued at any tfmo pdor la lhe earlior o9: (a) S dnyc (or cuch othtr pedod as�
<br /> ,"� • �.� �pppc�ble I�w m�y apeeHy for relnefetement) betore eale of the Property purouant to any power ot n�le contalned In thle Securiry �i.
<br /> � Inetrumant; or (b) entry of n Judgment entorclnp this Securtty Inatrument.Those conditlona ire that Bortower: (e) paya Lender aN ��
<br /> `��� auma whieh then wouid be due under this SRCUriry Instrument and the Note sa If no aecderntlon h�d occurced; (by curea any �
<br />"',,�'�"'""`�; defaufl of any other covenant or �greemente; (o) pays all expenees Incurred I►r entorclnq thie Securiry Instrument, InGuding. but
<br /> ,, ' not Ifmlted to, reenonable�ttorneya'tees; and (d) tnkea auah aotlon as Lender may reasoneby requlro to asaure thet the Iien o1 _
<br /> ' �� thls Security Inetrument, Lende►'s dghts In the Property end Borrower'e oblipatlon to pay the suma securxd by this 3ecuriry
<br /> � Inatrument ehnll continue unchanped. Upon relnstatoment by Bortower, thfs 3ecurity Inetrument and thn obtlgatlons secured
<br /> � hereby sheN remeln tuky efleative es if no acceleretion had occurred. Howevor,this r1{�ht to relnatate shall not apply In the case
<br /> . of aceele►sUon under paragraph 17.
<br /> � 19. S�I� of Noto; Change of Lwn S�rvic�r. The Note or a a panlal intereat in the Note (together wilh thls
<br /> 3ecuttry Inatrument) tnay be aold one or more tknes wkhout prior noUca to Borrower.A aele may resull In n chenge In the enUry
<br /> s � (known aa the 'Loen ServM:a')that coMecta monthty p�yments due under the Note end this 3ecurfly Inatn�manl There also may
<br /> be one or more chanpes of the Loan �ervicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there is a change of lhe LoAn Servicer,
<br /> , Borrower wl be ghrea wriKen notice ol the ehenge In accordance with paragraph 14 above and appBcable kw, The noUae wlq -
<br /> state ihe nwme and addros�of ihe nnw Lwn Servicer and the eddress to which payments shouid be made. The noUae wIA alsa -
<br /> , contab any othor IntortnaUon requlred by applicable lew.
<br /> � 20. H�za►doue Substances. BoROwer shall not cauae or pertnit the presence, use, disposal, stonge, or releaso of —
<br /> any Huardous 3ubatances on or In the Property. Bortower ahaN not do, nor aaow enyone eise to do, anylhing afteaUng the
<br /> Propedy that is In vlolation of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not appty to the presence, uso, or
<br /> storage on the Property of smell quantRfes of Hazardous Substnnces that are genertGy recognized to be appmptiate to nortntl
<br /> • • residenllal uses and to matntenance of the Property.
<br />- BoROwer sha8 promptly give Lender written noUce of any InvesUgatlon, claim, demand, lawsuft or other actlon by any
<br />- govemmental or regulatory agenay or private party InvoNing the Property and any Hazerdous Substence or Envkonmental Law of
<br /> :, which Bortower has aatuat knowledge. If Bortower leams, or Is notifled by any govemmental or regulatory�uthority, th�t any
<br /> removtl or other remediaUon of any Haznrdous 3ubatance atteating Property Is necessary. 9orrower ahaY prompUy teke aN
<br />= , necesauy remediat actlona In accortlance wlth Environmental Law.
<br />�;y��, ,,; . + As used in this paragreph 20, 'Hazardous 3ubatances' are those substances deflned as toxla or hazardous nubsunces by
<br />?'::s�� � � � Enviramental L�w and the toliowing substances: gesoline, kerosene, other Aammable or toxlc petroleum produda, towo
<br />-����;"i'r;i•'.': esUddes end herb(cides,vmtalilo sobents,materials contatning asbestos or fottnatdehyde,and redloacdve mataials. Aa ueed in
<br />�n���`:f�d.��?•� P ,
<br />-�<<<< y�- , peragnph 20, Envlronmenia9 lsw' means federal laws and iaws of the Jurisdictlon whore the Properry ts loated thet rdate to
<br /> j' t' '�'�' heetRh,satety or environmental proteoUon.
<br />_ �... � 'ri.
<br /> `"•.y:"v�111."�
<br />;rr::?'�;yr�, NON-UtVI�'QRM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender turther covenant and sgree ao followa:
<br />�=�`������ 21. AaeNoatlon; R�me�3�a. Lend�r shall givs nottce to Borrow�r prior to acc�l�ratlon
<br />_�.;;,..�
<br /> �_�_.-•••: .
<br />-- followinq Borrow�r s bnach of any covon�nt or agreomont In thts S�curity Instrumont (but not
<br />-"'�'-"��#�'t'_ prlot to accdsntlon und�r paragraph 17 unl�ss applic�bls law provtd�s oth�rwis�). Th� nottc�
<br />�-��'=':...� shall sp�cHy: (a) th� d�faulh (b) th� �ctton r�quir�d to curs th� d�huR; (c) a dat�, not I�ss tt��n
<br /> � ----- 30 dtys from th� dat� th� �otic� is �Ivsn to Bor�ow�r, by which th� d�fauR must b� cur�d; and
<br /> -�='��%°��� (d) that falluro to cur� th� d�fauR on or b�fon the d�to spocifisd in tho noRic� may r�suR in
<br /> "�"`'�°��'�' accd��allon of tho sums s�curod by thla S�curity lnat�um�nt and sale oi th� Proporty. The aotic�
<br />��,�� Bhail furth�r Inform 6ara�owsr of th� right to rotnstat� �it�r pccslaration and th� rtpht to brinp a
<br /> --�- court aation to ass�rt th� non-exist�nce of • d�fauk o� any oth�r d�fensw of Borrow�� to
<br />�"�''�;s ' , accd�ratton snd sais. if tho defauR fa �at curod on or beforo th� d�t� speaffiod In th� notic�,
<br />_ =���� l.�nd�r at its option may nquir� Imm�diata paym�nt in tull of all sums socur�d b y this S�cuN t y
<br /> y-����� Instrum�nt wkhout furth�r d�mand and may invok� the power of s�ls ind �ny oth�r r�m�dl�s
<br /> _ �=-=' �permittod by spplicabla law. Londor shall be ontittod to ootloct alt exponaoa Incurnd in gursuing
<br />= '..r:.o'�'�"°�� th� nm�di�s provid�d In thls p�ragr�ph 21, including, but not Iimited to� roason�bi� �ttornsys'
<br />--��-"���- f�ot�nd cosM of tttl� �vid�nce.
<br />—;-=r:,t�,;�i
<br />__-.,��.�-- If ths g�awsr of salo is tnvokod, Trustso shall reco�d a noNas of dsfault in ach county in
<br /> �='�;�'��'�,.,., . whtch �ny part of th� Property is locat�d �nd shdl mail coptes of auch notic� in th� m�nn�r
<br />__-�'�:�.;;�;�_: pr��crib�d by applic�ble law to Borrower and to th� other porsons presaribod by applicabl� I�w.
<br /> _`','� '• . � ;{ ARar th�tims raquired by �pplicable law, Truatos shall give publfc notiao of aalo to the psraons -
<br /> - � � '� -� and(n th� mann�r prescrib�d by applicable law. Trustee. without dsmand on Borrower� shall sell
<br /> �� ths Prop�rty et public auation to the highsst bldder at ths tlme and place end under td�e terms _
<br />�': dosipnatad in th� notiao of s�lo in ono or moro parcota and in nny o►dor Tr�uat�o dat�minos. -
<br />� Truaoe may postpone sato of atl or any paraol of th� P�operty by public announceann�ret at tlw
<br /> - tim� and piaco of �ny prevloualy sahsduled sale. L�nder or tts dosigno� may purchaso th� _
<br />�_ Prop�rty at any s�lo.
<br />� - _��� Upon rocotpt of paymant of tho prlae bid� Trustoo shall daliv�r to tho purch�sor Truat�o's =
<br /> = .w , �;� de�d convoying the Prop�rty. The recttala tn the Trustee's deed shall be prima facie evidsncs of �
<br /> -- _;��� inv iruin vi ino siaiem�nis mado in�roin. t rusioo snaii aPPry �nv procoeds oi in� sai� in ins -
<br />' •; following ordor. (a) to all costs and oxpensoe of exerclaing tho powor of aAlo, and th� sale.
<br /> _ ', tncluding th� paymtnt of th�Trust��'s f�es aatually tncurred, not to exceod thr�e . -
<br /> � � _ _ 96 of the principal amount of ths
<br /> + not�at th� tim� of th� d�claration of d�feuit, and roasonabl• attorney'a fe�s as p�rmittesJ by law;
<br /> ! (b) to �II sums aoaursd by this S�curity Inatrumsnt; and (c) any excesa to the penon or p�rsons
<br />� " ! I�g�lly �ntitl�d to it.
<br /> - � � F1316.LM0 11N� Pagr 4 af 5 �� �/L� .
<br /> ' �
<br /> . �
<br /> s � 97t35
<br /> I
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