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�i4T� ��'�r�i. ",'S". <br /> � :;._... _ ' .''"_ <br /> �ti� _ :Y:;' __" '1l.� <br /> - ��� _�.�id1Yw- - tiJ�-.:." _ <br /> . ,d�i�.�. .. " . _ . . ...�.._._.__"' ___ ' <br /> . ��� <br /> �ri....ti. <br /> , �„ :�,G <br /> _ /_^! <br /> r�e ww+M l.±ac�f2'�i?"�"`'�fr .. . . —- <br />_;'v�t�t!� <br />=;���-.� � • Bortower rr�y curo suah R dM�uft md rek►atata, ae pr�vided in psr�pnph 18. by c+ivalnp ihe aotlon or proce�dhp to bs <br /> �� ••;,Y... dlamles�d wfth a rulinp th�t,In Lendx's yood 1�kh determinetion, predud�a toA�iture of the 8orrower's Intanat In th� Property a <br /> �''° '��4'�', othx m�terkl knp�kma�t of the N�n crMted by thb 3ecurtty Inapum�nt or Lenda'a necudty Intereet. Bonow�r eh`71 allo bs in <br /> •r def�uft H 8orrower. durkiy ths lan appHcntlon process,pwe rt�teriaNy talse or Innccur�te Informatlon or statamente to Lender(or _ <br /> • „ � IaNed to provide Lender wfth �ny matedal Inlormctlan) In eonneatlun wBh the losn evidaued by the Note, includinq, but not� �___ <br /> �, Nmited to, reprea�nUtions concsming 8ortowa'a occup�noy ol the Property a ■ princip� reold�r►ce. II thls Securltyy ` <br /> . � Inatrument la o� � lan�hold, BoROwar eh�M comply w8h �fl the provlalona o1 ihe leaae. il BoROwa acqukes lee title to th�t <br />�Iwa�hold�nd the tse tRla ahaW not merge unleaa Lander�prees to the merper In w�lh9• • _-" <br /> . .� ` 7. P�ot�atlon W L.�nd��'s RIphU in th� Propaty.II eortowar talla to palorm the covenrnta end eqreemaAiY3• �__ <br /> ' � conidn�d In thls S�curHy Instrument, or there ta a leg�l proceedinp that may sipnl8c�nty allect Lender's rlghta in the Property�� _ <br /> � (such es� procoeding In banlwptcy,probate,for condemnatlon or fortetturo or to eniorce lawa or requl�tlona), then Lender may f <br /> do�nd p�y for wh�tovar is neceaa�ry to protect the value ol lhe Property ond Lender's righis fn the PropMy. Lenderb eotlone F. :� <br />_,-�;�� may Include p�yMy �ny sums aecured by a Iien which hea priority over thls 3ecurlry Instrument, appearing In couA, p�yhq -- <br /> re�eombk attomsya'tees �nd mtering on the PropeAY to n�ake repnlro.Although Lender m�y teke actton under thia p�ragraph �� <br />:,,,, ' 7, lender doea not hws to do ao. _ <br /> '"'"'°" " qny �mounta disbursaf by Lender under 6Far�c,y�'aDh 7 ahall become addiUonal de�bt of Bortowet aecured by thls 3ecudry <br /> � InatNmen4 Unlesa Borrower md Lender agree to ether tertna ot payTnent, these amounta shap bear interest hom the date of <br /> disburoement�t the NII1fuMf1C�s1lf Lendera raequlr�+1 mortgage innurenceicns a co d�iont of�meking the lo nn secu�red by this __ <br /> e. MoK�a� — <br /> • 3ecurfty Inatrument, BoROwer ehaN pey the premtums required to malntaln the mortgage Insurance In ettect. If,tor any renson,the <br /> ` mortgaye Insumnco covsnpe required bY Lender Iepses o� ceases to be In etlect, Borrower ah�pay the pron�fums requked to <br /> obt�k� coveraye subsUntfaNy equNalent to the mortga9e k►sur�nce prevlousy In efleat, at a costSU�����thif <br /> cost to Borrower of the mort�9e fnsurance previousy In ettect, from m akemate mortg�gs Y <br /> • subsUnti�Ny equhr+Jent morty�Qe inaurance covenye Is not svaii�ble. Bortower shaM pay to Lender each mor►th � sum aqual to <br /> • onatwelflh of ths yeuty mott9�9e Insurance premium bdr►9 Paid bY BortoW�r When lhe k►surance coveraga lapsed or ceased to <br /> be q� etfect. Lendar riiA accept, uee end retak� these Psyments as a loss roserva In qeu of matgnge insunnce. Loaa reservs <br /> � paymenta may no lonqer be roquired�nt the opUon cf I.ender.R mort9e9e insurance coverage (h the amount and lor lhe pedod <br /> ' � th�t Lender requkes)provlded by an insurer aAPro�ed by Lende►e9aln becomes avaNable and Is obteNied. Bortower ehaN pay <br /> the prerr�{uma required to maintaM mortgs9e hg�M�„ �°� or to provide s loss reserve, unUl the requkement tor moAgnge - <br /> � insurance ends In�ccordance wfth any wrftteo a9rea"�^i belwe°^ 3onower and Lender or eppNable kw. <br /> " ��;". , 9. Ini�HRtlon. Lender or ke agent may m►ke ro�sonabb entrles upon�nd Inapectlona of the PropeRy. 4e►eder ehaM give - <br /> Borrower notice at the tlme ot or prtor to an inspectfion specHyhg roasonabie cause tor the inspectlon. <br /> " ` ��'� . 10. C011dit11t1�tlOn.The proceeds of any awud or daim for dart�s9es• dKect or conaeqw+nUal, in cem�a�idon with any <br /> ^°•.�'• condeim�Uon or other Ukinp of any part of the Propaly. or tor conveyance in Neu of condemnaUon, aro hormby aasipned and _ <br /> : .,<< shW be pald to Lender. <br />�'�z�._�.. In the avent ot � total takiny oi the PropMy. the proceeds sheN ba eWpYed to the euma secured bp this 8ecu�ily <br /> f• Inslrument,whethx or not then due,wkh�ny excess Wid to Borrower. In the event of a partW taWng of the Prmperty In which <br />�r;t�"";t . the hk rrwdcet value ot the PropeKy fnwnediatdY b�tore the takir►g is equal to or gree�ter thnn the amount of the sums secured �`: <br />-_;=:t:-��',gt" by this Securlty �nauumeni e�xne�i:��pr :�''�' =�� �`�S, '-'ni�cs 9orrower and Lender otheiwlse agree (n writing, the sums <br /> --•;.;�"," aecumd by thla 3ecuMY lnsUument sha9 be red��bhe hWckig.udivided by (b) t�fak ma�Cet vn!uo oi theProp�`ediatdy <br />-_�;-'-�.. toUl amount of tho sums securcd imme�tdf► <br />.-�'��j;� beforo the Lkiny. AeY b�lsns°ah�ll be paid to 9ors�wer• In the event of s partlal takfng of the Roperly in whic�the tak muket <br /> �-''_•�- betoro the taking 6s kss than the amount of the aums aecured immedistely tndl�re the taklny, <br /> __��,��� v�lue of the PropMy imtt►cdiatdY <br />,��;�� unleas Borrower and 4ende► othmvlse agree in vvr+Cng or unless appNcabb law othenvise provides, the proaeeda sheli be <br /> --__-- applied to the euma secured by thts Security Instrumenl whether or not the sums aro then due. <br /> ------ �}�e propsrty Is abandoned by Borrower, or if,aRer noUce by Lender to Bortower that the �ondenx►cr ottera to m�ke�n <br /> � award or aattle a dtlm tor d�meges. Borrowet fails to reepond to Lender wfthfn 90 d�ya �Rx the dats ths noUcs ta piv�n, <br /> —_-°� Lendu is authorited to caM2�M and appy the proceed�. at ib optlon, elther to restonUon or rcpa{r of the Property or to the <br /> - aums aecursd by th�s Seenit�:�natrument,whether or n�t then due, <br /> � Uniess Lertder an� U"arrower othervviae agree In w�ith9, any appNcaUon of proceoda to prindpN eh�Y not extend or <br />� postpone the due date of the montMy payma�ts reterrod to h panyraphs t �nd 2 or chanqe the srtaunt ot such payrnents. <br /> 11. Bwrow�r Not Rd�ased; Fab�aranc� By L�nd�r Not a Waiv�r.�nens�on ot tns�ne to►payrnent or <br /> - - modillpUon of amorttra�on of the eums secured by tNs Security Instrument granted by Lender to �ny successor In intersat of <br /> Borrowet sh�Y no1 opente to relesse the Nebility o1 the odginal Borcowa or BoROwer'a successors h htuest Lenda ahdl not <br /> ---�---- be requked ta eommence proceedfngs agsinst a�y s�Yeesaor In Intereat or retuse to extend tkne for payn►ent or oth�wlee <br /> - modiy a�;e�tltition¢+9 The sums secured by this S�p.ri^I InsUument by re�son o}any detn�nd made by the original Borrower or <br /> t <br /> v� Borro�rtis successora ln interest. My fotbearance by l.ender In exerdsing eny right or�emed�► eheN not be n weMer of or <br /> ^'�h;"� preclude 31,a exercae of eny ripht or romedy. <br />-- -- -- 12. Saccssxor� ��d Assi��s Bound; Joint and Ssveral U�bHity; Co-siqn�rs•The covenants end <br /> --- agreements of thes Sacurriy Instrumer►t ahail bind and benefrt the successors�nd ase�ns of Lendx and Borrower, subjeat to the <br /> provtalona of pasa�raph 17. Borrower's covenants and ngreementa shaY be joim an�l several. My Borrower who co-s{pna thls <br /> �;.y_ 3ecurfty Instrumsnt but doea not execute the Note: (�) Is casignh9 thfs SawriRy FnsUUment only to mortyaye,g�ant�nd convey <br /> ;;� that Borrower'a interost in the Properry under lhe terms ot this Security InaWment; (b) Is not peroonaly ubM�ated to pey the <br /> ____�z_�� suma securod by this Securfty IneVument: and (c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrorer msy agree to extend, modty, <br /> �-- forbe�r ar meke �ny accommod�dons wRh regerd to the terms of thia Securky InsUument or the Note wHhout thet Bortower'e <br />